This is a list of all sex offenders in your area
I found a hit-list for Jow Forums members
how else am i supposed to practice my love on women
Jow Forums members?
You keep saying that on every thread made.
You know what's messed up about this weapon for me? I unironically have that at my work for people to throw. It's actually a little harder than longer versions.
I think you only have to notify your neighbours
not the whole internet
Where the fuck do you work and why do you need javelins.
At night at an axe throwing range as a trainer for pretty much everything including a shovel.
>including a shovel
You throw.... shovels?
>a trainer at an axe throwing range
That's the coolest job I have ever heard of, please be serious
Joe Biden
He's serious.
Yeah. We have heads alone that have been sharpened and some with handles but they're not as easy as just the heads.
Yeah the axehole on Fremont in Vegas. Here I'll upload a video of a dude throwing Tiny. I had to train him on it but he killed it after a while. I also train knives, stars, cards and javelin.
What's the most unconventional weapon you've ever thrown?
how about flip flops (we call them thongs but that confuses the American)
Folding knife. It's not weighted properly so you have to dial in the stick zones before you throw.
The combat cards are kinda out there.
Tomahawk is God tier for throwing.
One is just a round tapered 1.5ft steel rod that's sharpened on the ends. Flies beautifully though.
That's what my mom calls them.
I'm not too up to date on El Salvadorian special ops combat throwing techniques but I could throw a metal chankla.
>tfw you call gas petrol in the upside down
>Folding knife
I've got one tbdesu!
>The combat cards are kinda out there.
Like what TF in LoL throws?
Yeah, I like the Tomahawk as well, good axe all-around.
>One is just a round tapered 1.5ft steel rod that's sharpened on the ends. Flies beautifully though.
your mum knows about combat footware?
thong tossing has saved me from many a spider and seagull on a chip rampage
>I'm not too up to date on El Salvadorian special ops combat throwing techniques
To tell you the truth it's mostly psychological punishment. For example: if your child is misbehaving, make him go down on his/her knees and lift his/her arm so it's parallel to his chest. Palms up and place a penny on the palm of his hand. Then tell them to hold that position until you say so because if they don't hold it you will spank them.
That Penny got heavy as hell.
putting the El back into the Salvadorian
I remember this one time where me and my cousins had to stand in line for our spanked. We can hear the cries of the one that's being spanked. It's like seeing your family members getting shot down by the Nazis. We feared our turn, we were crying and we haven't been spanked yet.
>can't open it from russia
>will never know how many sex offenders are in my area
>sex offenders probably blocked it
its getting real scary to live here
Using a hatchet on a sex offender you can send the remains back their home village in doggie bags