Faggots everywhere

Is there tech that can cure these "people" yet?

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Stop spamming this and go suck Ben Shapiro's dick.

This isn't technology related. Go back to Jow Forums

Jow Forums is Jow Forums

daily reminder

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It isn't. Now go back there

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You will never pass

>anyone who doesn't want retarded offtopic political trannyspam must be a tranny!
10/10 logic

Known fact that Jow Forums(nel) is under raid by them. Good try tho

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hes afraid of trans women hahaha
now hes name calling oh shitt someone screen cap
thinking this bruh

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>guy who keeps reposting exact same thread over and over is complaining about people raiding

>there are documented instances of trannies raiding Jow Forums
>therefore everyone who wants me to stop offtopic posting is a tranny
Hope you didn't pay too much for whatever STEM degree you have, if you even have one, because you can't into logic for shit.

Islam is the cure.

>faggots everywhere
stop going to reddit

they're under age

i thought the euphoria guy was a retard
but after the second one i like him

how is it a ”cure”?
there are trans muslims

Ahkshiyually it's about ethics in vidya journalism reeeeeeeeeeeee

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Because apparently we should ignore elephants in the room and pretend wealthy influential individuals never collude with each other to fuck over regular people.

Also, we should ignore the existence of ethnic despotism that results in a handful of people of a certain group of self-proclaimed "chosen ones" according to their so called "one true god" narrative.

Oh and for the image I included, I would add "they hated being exempt from Church doctrines banning public literacy including Futhark, banning herbalism, and banning public bathing."

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>Is there tech that can cure these "people" yet?
Immortal loli android bodies, financed by a 50 year slave contract.

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Who are you quoting?

>Because apparently we should ignore elephants in the room and pretend wealthy influential individuals never collude with each other to fuck over regular people.
Nothing to do with technology.

Bretty much this

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I'm a male and I frequently get off to the thought of pretending to be a woman. But once I cum it's completely gone. Gender dysphoria to me just seems like a sexual kink with a heavy role-playing element, with the surgery and hormone supplements showing the individual is getting carried away with it. It's like when men steal women's shoes to cum in them, or try to suck on a stranger's toes in public. It's too much.

They congregate in the tech field, it has a lot to do with the board topic you homo

>it has a lot to do with tech
No, it doesn't. It's offtopic.

Next time you see the programming socks you'll understand.

Celebrating and encouraging mental illness.

What a time to be alive.

>getting triggered by a pair of socks

lmao seething

It's a self curing problem. 40% chance to work

>40% change of a total warp core breach
kek, trannies literally on suicide watch