So, this is the power of reddit

So, this is the power of reddit

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-09_18-48-26.png (931x451, 62K)

>caring what
You have to go back, OP.

>OP admits he uses reddit

Attached: 1417628394202.jpg (236x238, 12K)

I use notepad++ when I'm programming and akelpad when I need to make quick edits...


oh note note note

There is only one answer

Attached: Vimlogo.svg.png (1200x1202, 106K)

>Not using reddit to laugh at basedboys and manchildren

>Oh no guys, I only browse reddit *ironically*
Literal faggot

>had to use this since i am a trekkie
>last comment
Holy shit. How are r*dditors this retarded


It's unclear whether he's talking about VS Code or Code (the code editor from Pantheon DE). The latter one doesn't use Electron/Chromium.
Also, don't you have anything more interesting and/or technology related than Reddit posts, OP?

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based and vimpilled

Why are the user names blocked out?

Don't become a lawyer.

Why is reddit so shit bros?

If I cared about reddit, I would be there.If I were there, I wouldn't be seeing this post. Do see the problem with what you are doing?

Whatever floats your bloat, m8

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Cmon dude...

Literally the whole upvote downvote system and the culture that has evolved from it. If you don't want to be downvoted, you pretty much can't say anything negative about anything that isn't cool to hate; you have to be a yes man for other, more influential yes men.
Honestly most quantitative feedback on websites is cancer. Conversations with real people don't involve that so there's just no instinct for handling it, so people tend to place WAY more importance on it than they really should given how little effort it takes to actually leave an upvote or downvote.
There's only one website I know of that has something even approximating a functional quantitative feedback system, and thats the encyclopedia dramatica forums of all things. And that's just because they have feedback OTHER than a simple plus or minus one score.

God, I'd fuck Satania so hard.

Wow that last post is a textbook example of the sunk cost fallacy. Did you seriously censor reddit usernames before posting a screenshot on Jow Forums, btw?

Sublime on Windows, VIM on *nix.

Visual Studio IntelliCode

Now go trim your hair and your greasy beard and take a bath

get on my level
>do all my actual work on PhpStorm
>use cherry tree for autistically jotting down shit in a categorized fashion
>use vs code to view code snippets and a reference on a second monitor
>have all my shitposting pasta on sublimetext
>use google drive to save important shit that i can use on both my work and home pc

Not him, but I stirred up the tranny hive there just with one comment: "please, see a psychiatrist".
I got downvoted into oblivion and banned by a tranny mod lmao

Sure, just as soon as you clean your shit-wiping hand Rajeesh.

okay, this is epic

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Once you go Vim you never go back.

Literally. You're never going to Ctrl-C your way out of that fuck box. Esc? Nope. Alt-anything? Nope. Oh wait lets just pull up the man page, oh wait you can't because you're fucking stuck in Vim.

Hell I'm posting from Vim right now. I never got out. Just said fuck it and started writing a script to parse HTML. That was six years ago.

>I intentionally do inefficient things to feel like I'm getting value out of my new system

Why did he buy it then? Evidently he didn't need the power. I feel like the average user would be happy with an ivy bridge i5, adequate RAM, and an SSD.

So, is the power of reddit.