what's everyone getting for Christmas?
What's everyone getting for Christmas?
the flu
Extreme depression as usual
Hopefully a brain aneurysm
Not the most optimistic thread we have here
why is everyone depressed in this thread
Christmas is the yearly reminder that I've failed on making a meaningful change in my life.
A new dildo
Nothing for multiple reasons.
Books and a bottle of nice whisky
woah, people who don't wanna die
nothing because i have no money
I never said I want to die.
It's a strange sight, isn't it?
Probably getting the Slag (Karen) to fuck my dick while I pin and choker her!
As is tradition I will buy a bunch of alcohol get drunk and watch anime all night
Since we don't have the tradition to celebrate Christmas here, I think I will have to celebrate it by myself. Considering buying myself a bottle of champagne and order some pizza. Then enjoying them while watching anime.
I huge bottle of wine to soothe my loneliness
Hopefully I can get the new smash geimu for Christmas and some other stuff. My grandpa is coming over so we're having lunch with him. Also gonna watch some sports and anime as usual. Also I've never seen a Guernsey flag before desu
who knows. im fucking broke rn. im hoping to get a bit of cash from my job at home to get my family some presents. but its like i always said. why spend money on food and items when you could be buying rum
Nothing like every year