Take the Debian pill
>One of the first linux distros to come to existance. Contributed to open source and free software projects since day 1 and is used on both the professional world and home desktop
>No corporation behind them so no money interests going over quality of the product
>Many distros just copy Debian and put on some bloat(ubuntu, mint, mx, etc). None of these are ever as stable or fast as Debian
>Cool logo, yes I care about logos
>Even though Ubuntu is viewed as the main linux distro, it's actually a fork of Debian with training wheels and should be ditched after 6 months tops.
>You can use stable or rolling release, the choice is yours
>You can get rid of systemd if you wish
>If there's a program, there's a .deb file for it
Other urls found in this thread:
ngl transferring to debian soon, unironically agree with the ubuntu > debian transfer model
I would user, I would do it only for you, but my Ubuntu is already set up and I have no time for a change right now. When I finally decide to switch I'll think about you while doing it.
I'm not a lesbian
You have a point. IMO, if you are planning to use a debian based distro, use debian instead.
That priciple applies to every other distro too. So use Arch instead of Manjaro/Antegros, Gentoo instead if ChromeOS and Fedora instead of Centos/Mandrake/...
I don't like cults.
>he still uses ubuntu
come home white man
uninstalling now
>patches the shit out of every package they touch because why not
>even packages in unstable are several versions behind upstream, which is far from """"""cutting edge"""""" as debian shills said
>.debs on internet are usually built for ubuntu but not debian
>does not include non free firmware in official isos because muh philosophy
Just because of that, no.
running kubuntu until buster comes out, had too many bugs on testing and debian 9 comes with like a 4 year old version of mesa.
On my Mint install it recognize everything, including my joystick. I can play almost everything I have on Steam, plus retroarch, Dolphin, PCSx2 and older games via Wine. Mesa drivers constantly updated.
With the arrival of Debian 10 was thinking of giving a new chance. Can I do all that works on Mint running on it? My last experience with Debian was 10 years ago, in Etch's time, and I wasn't lucky messing with video drives.
Or I can just install Ubuntu and have everything set up for me while having even more community and software support.
nice non-reasons for me to switch from Ubuntu.
I'm sorry, I prefer FreeBSD. All desktop Linux distros are shit.
However I still use OpenWrt and LineageOS.
You’ll spend days configuring it to do what Mint already does for you, meanwhile fucking up the system by doing stuff you shouldn’t do to Debian, because you’ll probably follow some random guide on the internet, and not do it the strict autistic way that you should do according to the wiki. Don’t bother if Mint works for you, it’s a waste of time with no real benefit.
you forgot net iso op
No thanks, I’m happy with my Arch install.
>No corporation behind them so no money interests going over quality of the product
Wrong. Guess why Red Hat's product systemd was shilled so hard?
>Many distros just copy Debian
And that's a bad thing. Debian package management is a mess.
>You can use stable or rolling release, the choice is yours
Wrong. Unstable is only for development. Only stable is managed by the security team.
>You can get rid of systemd if you wish
The single reason I never recommend Debian to people is because you NEED an Ethernet connection in order to add the non-free branch to get your wifi card to work.
If you're on a new-ish laptop with no Ethernet, you now need an Ethernet to USB adapter to install Debian.
This is the first result for "remove SystemD Debian" on google.com without-systemd.org
I'm this guy Debian 9 worked great, xbox wireless dongle automatically worked, mesa automatically installed and worked with steamplay with no setup, tried out dolphin which had no problems. Only reason I temporarily switched was for updated MESA since I couldn't get the test build working right, but ill probably switch back once buster is released.
It will probably work just as well for you as mint, but that in itself isn't necessarily a reason for you to switch. your choice.
Doesn’t it literally give you the option to load the driver from removable media? Just download it along with the iso.
Debian has been my first love. I used RedHat and Debian, loved Debian. But nowadays I use Ubuntu because of better support overall :-/
>but that in itself isn't necessarily a reason for you to switch. your choice.
I know that, but there's still that itch, that urge to try something different that plagues 90% of Linux users.
And, if shit happens, I still can come back to Mint. So, why not try :3
>I need a second computer and 2 flash drives to install Debian
And you retards still ask why Linux will never go above 1% market share
Just put it on the flash drive the iso is on after you write the iso?
Where do you even download this firmware?
There's no links to it on Debians site and it can't be a .deb either, it wants the binary blobs.
Are you supposed to extract it yourself?
How is a beginner supposed to know this?
I found the BSD fag, fuck you and your copyright license
under small cd or usb stick you click amd64 and download the iso, then if your on windows, use a tool like rufus to burn the iso onto your usb stick.
proceed to boot from usb and it installs.
> Tranian
Fucking bloated, systemcucked, profaggots distro.
what's this, the 90s? Where's OpenRC, runit or s6?
>Configure the nosystemd repo: echo -e 'deb angband.pl
so you have to rely on some random pajeet's outdated repo? Nice frankendebian
Just face it frens. Debian is now just another distro as defined by Red Hat and freedesktop cianiggers, just with a different package manager and with slightly more supported arches. The devs have long since given up
Beginners will use Ubuntu or mint. Debian is for the more experienced so your le epic market share opinion is shit. Popularity isn't a good indicator that an OS is good. Not like I want more brainlets and retarded anime posters to get in the community. I'll be happy with a small, niche community filled with smart people.
you have to download the ISO that already comes with the firmware, it just works after that, i've never had to plug ethernet into any of my laptops for anything
i'm sorry user I am about to take the Arch pill
I've been using Debian stable for six years, maximum comfy.
What do you mean more community and software support? I thought Debian was bigger than Ubuntu
t. winblow fag
CentOS isnt based on fedora.
>sudo update-grub instead of grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Literal bloat. Kys
how is debian for gaming?
>Please remove XScreenSaver from Debian.
>Peter Nowee, please take your sanctimony and go fuck yourself with it.
I believe steamOS is based on Debian. So pretty good i'd say but maybe outdated for new games.
Debian had a custom sysvinit with dependency based parallelism. You only need to pin to avoid systemd unless you want to install KDE.
>shit package manager. this alone is reason enough to not use debian
>dependency hell for basic operations such as installing multiple versions of the same package
>autistically complains about firmware even with the nonfree iso, so much for the universal operating system
>full of trannies and sociopaths who didn't even do anything when ian was suicided by cians
>systemd by default, why bother with removing it when i can use a distribution without it in the first place?
>seemingly contradictory ideology, in that they denounce the "shiny new thing" syndrome to justify ancient packages, yet they had no problem hopping on systemd when it first came out
>its stability is pretty much a myth these days. a well maintained slackware or gentoo installation is way more reliable than debian nowadays
Ubuntu is based on Debian, so whatever works on Debian will work on Ubuntu, but not neccesarily the other way around.
you'll distrohop soon you cuck
Debian stable is a server distro and anyone who uses unstable/sid instead of a proper rolling-release is a fluoride drinker.
Can you use this distro even if you are not a purple haired tranny?
This might be new information for you but Debian was born and used by people many years before burgers came with their sjw cancerous ideologies. Don't blame Debian for that shit, blame SJWs that have invaded linux.
>two worst girls
>shit opinion about Debian
like pottery
>tranny BDSM distro
You're free to elaborate. Otherwise, your post is just a pointless dismissal, and can be safely ignored.
>two worst girls
not sakura or rider
Will debian support my wifi card ootb?
It's the universal operating system (TM), it should.
If it doesn't, oh well...
i would; using a distro without the aur anymore is obnoxious as fuck
yes, if you get the nonfree iso
Buster with Gnome 3.30 is unironically the comfiest distro ever.
I love Debian only thing that annoys me is theres tonnes of packages not in the buster and sid repos so I end up having to use a combination of stable and unstable packages I'm sure it will cause issues eventually
I's based on RHEL, which is in turn based on fedora.
it's actually the opposite
>cool logo
Okay, pedo
> Try to install it
> want to use it in English
> when you use it in English you can't pick Spanish keyboard during installation
> when you want to change languages post installation you can't just do it through a menu but actually need to edit shit through terminal
> this is also not guaranteed to work properly
I really want to get into Debian, but there's a lot of shit like this that makes me drop it each time I give it a genuine try.
Debian Xfce is the height of Linux.
Meanwhile I am on Xubuntu.
>open source
it's FREE SOFTWARE motherfucker
do you speak it?
RHEL isnt based on Fedora, it's the other way around.
like what? i didn't even know they removed packages
>> when you use it in English you can't pick Spanish keyboard during installation
Not true.
I installed Debian in english, using a ptbr (huehue) keyboard. The only problem was that I couldn't select the Lenovo/IBM Thinkpad layout during setup (it's a little different).
Yes it has some locale setup problems during installation, in the sense that if you choose to install it in english you can't change the formats (dates, currency) during the installation, but you can select a different keyboard layout than english-based ones, there is a step for that.
And there was no problem at all changing the keyboard layout and formats settings after installation, at least on Gnome and KDE, not sure how it goes on Xfce.
No. These days Fedora is where they test stuff that then goes on to RHEL.
>These days Fedora is where they test stuff that then goes on to RHEL
Exactly so fedora is RHEL+unstable things
>Exactly so fedora is RHEL+unstable things
I see it the other way around.
If Fedora is the one that gets stuff first, than RHEL is based on it.
RHEL is just Fedora with stable packages. Fedora is not build upon a RHEL base.
Either way using fedora as centos replacement is not a good idea
Debian doesn't include all the GNU documentation out of box. It gives GNU a bad impression and makes people think its undocumented.
Which distro does include of all it?
Iy literally is on the Debian website with guides. you can move these binary drivers to the dedicated folder in the iso you wrote to the USB, and the installer will ask you wether you want to use the binary drivers during the installation.
>what are you still doing on linux.
I tried using debian on my ThinkPad x220 and the installer didn't wanna work because of the WiFi card
Give me one (1) reason to use Linux. I dont game either
>having a laptop with no ethernet port
Install gentoo
shit OP, even though I like using debian. being non corporate is not a reason why it would have better quality, in fact it's just the opposite, red hat cares about quality since they have clients that will complain and call them.
And no, Debian doesn't contribute that much to free software.
they help themselves with bug fixes which they backport from upstream.
Those fixes are mostly often submitted by red hat, fedora, or people sponsored by red hat. Debian gets money from free software, Red Hat gives money to free software.
exactly, he didn't list anything relevant.
In his place I can tell you an actual reason.
the official packages of ubuntu are way less than those of debian.
those outside of the main repo often have old security bugs.
the software support thing is bullshit, read above
>Take the Debian pill
>>One of the first linux distros to come to existance. Contributed to open source and free software projects since day 1 and is used on both the professional world and home desktop
First =/= best
>>No corporation behind them so no money interests going over quality of the product
Good point
>>Many distros just copy Debian and put on some bloat(ubuntu, mint, mx, etc). None of these are ever as stable or fast as Debian
Perhaps, but does this affect the usability of it?
>>Cool logo, yes I care about logos
>>Even though Ubuntu is viewed as the main linux distro, it's actually a fork of Debian with training wheels and should be ditched after 6 months tops.
Can't you do pretty much do 90-95% of things you can do on debian on Ubuntu? It's literally made to be debian that just werks. It's not like they deleted all of debian when making it more accessible.
>>You can use stable or rolling release, the choice is yours
Good point
>>You can get rid of systemd if you wish
Good point
>>If there's a program, there's a .deb file for it
Also valid for all of those debian forks
It's nice and comfy. Thats two reasons already.
Can you read?
You should try it. Really helps sometimes.
If you don't game, then no reason to NOT use Linux. You can use a free and open source OS, learn something about *nix if you want, god tier programming environment if you want to dabble in that, and mpv is better on Linux so you can watch anime like a pro
I am kinda pissed at my Win 10 throttling the fuck out of my laptop. Can you elaborate on the programming? Does it run matlab?
It can run Matlab. By programming, I mean that it's good for learning Java, python, JS, etc because of the terminal and how all that shit is in official repos. Everything just integrates well for programming.
nimfy is just one reason, try again
Debian is nice but what about Fedora? I’m thinking of trying it out since it has hardening enabled by default.
Some days ago my trash can disappeared of my Debian stable for no reason whatsoever. Some minutes later it appeared again. Very annoying.
Must be a problem with your DE
>>No corporation behind them so no money interests going over quality of the product
I use Debian at work and it's great. Reliable and easy to customize. I used a minimal live CD so it's not bloated in the slightest.
Debian is good for ricing?
When I think Debian, I think antiquated GCC and outdated tools.
>Be me
>Really retarded with brain damage
>Install debian buster with xfce
>Do the 5 minute wifi driver install routine
>Do the additional 5 minute nvidia install
>Spend a lot of time configuring xfce
>Install xubuntu
>It sets up wifi and nvidia during install
>Xfce looks great out of the box
Until xubuntu does something really wrong I'm sticking with the retard proof version where I spend more time doing the stuff I want