Desktop thread

Attached: blue.png (1920x1080, 351K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Someone give me some neato terminal doodads to add.

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have at it

bless your soul user.

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Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-09 17-48-40.png (1600x900, 596K)

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10/10 fedora friend + t440* comrade

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Attached: w10.png (1600x900, 1.79M)

Fedora is top-comfy, desu.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-10 03-00-48.png (1366x768, 597K)

noob here, how do I get 4channel to look like yours OP?

Install Gentoo

i like 4k monitors

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Attached: it just werks.gif (1920x1080, 658K)

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>people unironically program like this
I feel tired just by looking at it.

cute cat

should start to add animated gif support soon...

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Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-09_04-43-25.png (1600x900, 1.3M)

that's just how YouCompleteMe formats code

is there a distro like slackware thats actually still active?

yes, slackware current

still active and not broken

is this your own window manager??
looks cool

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Waiting for that guy to call my desktop generic again...

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so awwwwwweeeesome!! ~

Attached: 2019-05-09-201435_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 250K)

rate. also artix is best

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Good night, lads.

Attached: neofetch-2019-04-19-21-46-16.jpg (3000x1920, 3.2M)

>scriptkiddie starterkit

Virgin weeb/10

>desktop generic
son, your whole OS is consumer-grade shovelware.


Attached: 2019-04-19-085911_3000x2000_scrot.png (3000x2000, 2.91M)

ben-niichan, i knew you were a ninofag. my brother.


Am I the only pokefag here?

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Attached: Desktop May.png (1920x1080, 1.79M)

wtf is a nino

How do I delete someone else's post?

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looks comfy, user. good work.

>800mb idle ram

sick fuck. get the fuck off of artix.

gnome's alright

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-09 22-02-54.png (3360x1080, 1.27M)

Attached: rice-2019-05-09.png (1920x1080, 2.67M)


Attached: 2019-05-10_03:57.png (1600x900, 734K)

Open wide because here comes the spoon. Try with 4chanX and Oneechan for a starters.

Attached: desktop2019-05-09.png (1600x900, 1.43M)

this makes smile!! thank you!~

Yeah, I decided to try and it's not that bad.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-09 23-08-40.png (1280x800, 359K)


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That new adwaita theme is pretty competitive in desktop threads despite being a default theme on a DE

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>800mb/16gb is bad
um okay retard


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i have not slept and i have an upcoming shroom trip later in the day

Attached: Screenshot_20190226_094115.png (1920x1080, 1.1M)

crime is rising and teh police is nowhere to be seen

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-09_19-18-46.png (1366x768, 234K)

snitches get stitches~

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hitler needs to raise from the dead and kill degenerates like you

>September 2018

is that chorme?

i just got a laptop running windows 10 from my job. What am I supposed to use as a WM? Every option I've seen looks like shit. I'm trying to have some fun in Powershell and it's also proving to be a real bore.

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is this the new desktop thread

Attached: Bowsette is a qt.png (1920x1080, 1.62M)

amazing!!! made me pick up my geetar for the first time in a while.

hi again lol

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congrats on your 120th post

Hi user, are you using Ubuntu as your main Desktop?

Attached: 2019-05-09_200317_090513636.png (1366x768, 1.28M)

Is there a GTK icon set that looks like this?

thx friend
Hi, yes I'm using Ubuntu at this time. And you?

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I want to use it but the software is holding me back, + I have a drawing tablet which only releasing drivers for Mac and Windows

wheres the generic police guy so i can post after him thus winning this thread and btfoing every1 itt

It's unfortunate that your tablet doesn't have drivers for Linux. Have you tried running a GNU/Linux, though? Sounds like you didn't find a download link for drivers/install scripts, but the kernel may support it out of the box.

thinking about illyas legs

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who gained custody of illya after the illyaposter died

I'm the only one who bothered to file the paperwork in time so me

Just looked it up, there is a workaround for my tablet, what to with stuff like PS and MS Office suite?

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me wall jumping and bhopijg in ut out of thr way of my nlvosses attemors to make me play war2 with him

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hows the jobsearch bem

moshi moshi, suicide desu

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I'm not close to giving up bc in still being selective where I apply but I'm bust doing interviews and not getting a job yet

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>Just looked it up, there is a workaround for my tablet
That's good to hear. Hopefully it works well.
>what to with stuff like PS and MS Office suite?
It depends on what you work with.
LibreOffice works well for my needs (I use mostly Writer and Impress). Compatibility with .docx has been fine for a few years. I actually like Writer's interface more than Word's. Ribbon UI was a mistake. However, I hear Calc is no match for Excel. If you handle big spreadsheets, that might be an issue.
For Photoshop, GIMP worked pretty fine after using a setup from DeviantArt that made the interface very similar to PhotoShop, so it was easy to find things. But it might be different for you, since your use case involves a tablet. Your best bet is to try it yourself or look up artists who use GNU/Linux. I hear Krita is the most common used program for digital painting.
If you have anything else you want to know, just ask.

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not rly in a rush though or desperate so I don't mind
feel like if I can get all these level 2 and 3 interfvies it's just a matter of time before I get a job

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im posting other desktops because mine is shit

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3rd best rated distro because the first best distro is imouto

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