Is Australia a 1st world tech country?

Can Australia call themselves leaders in technology with internet speeds like this ?

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Honestly, not really.

It is 100% stifling your tech industry, and it would be a massive return on investment to your economy if you just ponied up for a full fiber deployment.

Why is the internet infrastructure in australia so bad?

because they refuse to pay up for a proper fiber to the home deployment. Instead relying on copper last mile connections.

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christ. i get 8 Mb/s down with my shitty att dsl

LOL that's literally four times better than the best internet I can get here, and I live in a medium-sized city in the midwest

well there's your problem.

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78/36 for me in Aus

Don't' really care to be honest, that's multiple 4k Netflix/YT streams

Can still download a full stupidly large game in 40min to 1 hour something

People with a HFC connection can get 100/2 speeds, best fiber can give you 100/40 and adsl is anywhere from 25/1 to 0

>fiber can give you 100/40

250/100 been available for a while

> this also means when upgrades are complete we will be able to offer your nbn™ POI with the opportunity to connect at both the 150/100Mbps and 250/100Mbps speed tiers*

>best fiber can give you 100/40
see the difference is with fiber you just have to add more capacity at the local node with a better OLT and suddenly you can give each client 1gbps.

My ISP started with 50mbps back in 2009.

In 2011 I got 150mbps, in 2017 I got 1gbps. This was all delivered using the SAME ONT at my home, the SAME fiber cable.

Just required the ISP to upgrade their own gear.

now try to do it over globe

Got a destination in mind?

try europe

the only reason we've got to where we are now is because people revolted over data caps and everyone watches online videos or netflix now, otherwise we would still be on 12/1 connections lul

I still remember when netflix started in AUS, a 30 minute show took about 2 hours to watch because internet was so slow.

Pretty much everything in this nation is done on a shoestring budget.
It's pathetic.

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>I still remember when netflix started in AUS, a 30 minute show took about 2 hours to watch because internet was so slow.

lol fuck off cunt not everyone had such shit net. you only need 4mbps for netflix HD

If you're net was that shit you wouldn't have watched any videos online or even loaded myspace pages

lol trash

don't wanna pay that $ for international links

Lol what $?

It's under $100/month and includes TV and Internet.

It's a residential internet plan in the US.

The biggest limiting factor is the undersea cables to europe, really doesn't matter what ISP you have.

>really doesn't matter what ISP you have
Except it does

you think people spend tens of millions running a cable across the fucking ocean for free? and then repair them constantly

No, they're a tier 1 isp and your isp pays them

>No, they're a tier 1 isp and your isp pays them
Verizon IS a tier 1 ISP...

It's just limited capacity on those links you moron.

they're regional, hence why you get gigabit in the US

>In a single second, its six fiber-optic pairs, stretching roughly 13,000 kilometers (8,000 miles) between Hong Kong and Los Angeles, will be able to send some 144 terabits in both directions.
>The cable, which has the fitting name “FASTER,” can transmit 60 terabytes of data per second,

>dozens of cables just out of LA alone
>it's bandwidth not my ips paying less

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>live in a house built during the first development of NBN
>fibre-to-the-premise with no copper
can't wait to get gigabit in 100 years time...

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No they're not.

Verizon Enterprise partially owns a good number of those undersea cables.

Verizon FiOS is Verizon's residential fiber which IS regional.

BUT they use the same infrastructure and peering, and their traffic is routed along the same routes with the same agreements as the enterprise.

Literally tied for the 2nd largest fiber route of any tier 1 ISP. 500,000 miles of fiber.

And just a year or two ago they placed an order with Corning for over 1B for a few million miles of fiber cables to be delivered by 2020.

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lmao that's all fibre including REGIONAL

what don't you fucking get

>Verizon Business, the No. 2 U.S. phone company’s unit in charge of corporate clients, said it joined a consortium of 16 companies to build a 9,000 mile optical cable system linking the three continents.

>16 companies


Lmao you're a retard if you don't think Verizon is Tier 1 because they ALSO operate a regional ISP.

Imagine living in shithole Australia when there is a country that is so much better close by.

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Verizon leases or partially owns around 80 undersea cables, they're 100% considered a tier 1 ISP.

>Can Australia call themselves leaders in technology with internet speeds like this ?

Those guys are just "First World-ish" at best

No i'm arguing they don't own as many cables as you think and you think it's capacity lmao

tier 1 doesn't just mean undersea cables

why are you justifying your trash internet so fucking hard?

All the internet traffic that has to go through Sydney to reach 15 million people and their devices

fug me

What is better for less? Go ahead, i'll wait.

1-3ms ping to valve servers at dulles
5-10ms ping to pretty much anything hosted in new york.
15-20ms ping to chicago


kek, i get better internet in Australia from almost 10,000 miles away than most Australians do domestically.

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Hfc is 115/5 with Telstra. Upload sucks but I've had 0 issues with peak hour slowdowns at all, downloads sit at 14.5MB/s on steam all day every day, and no data caps either. Have downloaded over 250GB in one sitting with speed not dropping once in the 6 or so hours it took.

Forgot to post test.

Attached: Screenshot_20190510-130954_Speedtest.jpg (1080x1920, 294K)

Here is some results from a local ISP
The link is 500mbps

Attached: speedtest.png (893x222, 22K)

>246 vs 242

>174 vs 148

and they weren't to the same servers, so the testing is already not identical in that regard.

It was just for comparison really
I honestly expected it to be worse really as despite having 500mbps, I never see it outside of fringe cases

Here is mine to the telestra server

Attached: 2019-05-09 23_31_16.png (350x202, 14K)

>so much better
at least we haven't submitted to Sharia Law unlike New-Zealistan.

No, China is not a 1st world country.

Conservative government was lobbied by Rupert Murdoch because streaming is a threat to paid television services, and hence their control over the media

Our online communication service industry is fucked thanks to forced decryption spying compliance

>a superior technology is a threat to an obsolete technology
who woulda thunk

Contrarian Jew politics

They have recently passed a law that blatantly allows thr government to force devs to secretly add backdoors on demand (noncompliance is a jail tine for you, chumly).
So no, they are fucking not.