Jelly Jow Forums?

Jelly Jow Forums?

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Nice filename, LARPer.

all I feel is pity

>No overclock on CPU or GPU


Not really, I don't really do much gaming these days besides older games.

9700k is more than enough.

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Disgusting poorfag

lmao,I ave enough in hard drives alone to pay for a 9900k.

Obviously I just didn't care.

amd is for poorfags

Spotted the poorfag

Yeah we all know poorfags have 21TB in HDDs and a 9700k.

Maybe, just MAYYYBE, not everyone cares about gaming performance.

Spotted the ITV computer
Its not urs

Why do people buy K series CPUs but don't overclock them? Why do people buy OC model GPUs with improved power delivery but never overclock them?

Talk about waste of money and pure stupidity.

lmao? It's 100% mine.

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Because K series CPUs have higher turbos, also, there may not be a non-K alternative.

See 9700k and 9900k. There are no NON-k variants to purchase.

Reminder that only brown people use Intel and Nvidia products.

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Reported to the fbi

ITT seething corelet coping poorfags

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AMD is indian

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Is this cope?

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I mean, it's all massive MKVs cause they're bluray remuxes in most cases, but hey, project all you want i guess.

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I imagine most poo-shitters are buying used hardware from local shops, the only ones rich enough to order from amazon of course would buy intel.



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>he posts from his poozen desktop
sure thing

ya boil?

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Local man buys parts that cost three times as much as the competition and has less than 10% of the performance gain, gets bullied.

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not really, I've grown out of personal computer specs

now post your nose

I see the Amerilards are awake.



I'm first generation in the US from england, and I can trace my english ancestry back to the late 1400s.

how can intel users be indian if they know what a toilet is?

Because he bought AMD and therefore intel MUST be worse. and everyone knows indians buy horrible shit, ergo, indians MUST buy intel.

It's just logic.

>late 1400
yeah you are probably a norman brown cuck

Why should I be jelly? Because you can play your video games on higher resolutions and with better fps? Grow the fuck up.

I was actually respecting that you don't play anymore and then you showed 8TB HDD filled with anime so you are definitely worse than most.

The Movie & TV drive has an anime III folder, and the 4TB media drive has an anime IV folder.

It's more than 8TB.

Even more disgusting and your trips prove that.

No need to be jelly user

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Why don't you just delete your anime after you watch it? Unless you're seeding from those drives, I don't see the point.

I seed all my content.

>build a high-end computer
>post on Jow Forums all day
For what reason


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>this was accepted by /v/ Jow Forums /b/ Jow Forums and Jow Forums after weeks of voting

Why the fuck would /v/ /b/ Jow Forums or Jow Forums have ANY indication of the actual technical aspects?

Further, no one voted on shit, i've been here pretty much daily for a decade and no one asked me.

Its the real list
Stay salty

lmao, neck yourself you shitter, it's pretty obviously a bait list, I was humoring you just by replying.

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You got memed.

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very, it's really chilly in my apartment.

what's that shade of shit called?

not this retard again that still can't into xmp.

Northern european

Some people say i'm so pale I'm almost clear.

That's beautiful

>northern european
so muslim, okay now i understand.

nah, I'm just happy I could finally afford a lappy with a 1050ti :3

What is xmp?

Normaniggers FUCK OFF were full

lmao, even going back 10 generations, I doubt you'd find anything but pure white.

Not really.
Think back on how your PC is the price of an entry level car, at this point.

Lmao, i'm northern english decent, so likely scandi blood if anything.

Normans are south of england.

this is literally why people laugh at white supremacists for wanting to protect "white" culture.

It's only THEIR flavor of white they care about, any whites they don't like are suddenly sub-human.

It's a joke, as is your ideology.

>Why the fuck would /v/ /b/ Jow Forums or Jow Forums have ANY indication of the actual technical aspects?

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Minecraft rig

I was joking buddy. Take it easy. I don't actually hate anybody especially not some arcane European ethnicity nobody even identifies with anymore.

Not really. I hope you have insurance coverage for structure fires.

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Nice seething cope build pajeet.

you're brown

>posting his work computer

this is a richfag

these are poorfags

>his work didn't fall for the xeon meme

>what are albanians

>implying a computer is to be used for anything aside from work
Are you guys even worth saving anymore?

>Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

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I built this out of my personal budget, but it is used exclusively for work. The WX3100 is an intentional ploy to make the workstation ineffective at gaming even if I was tempted, but it still provides plenty of power to run 4K displays all day.


paired with a 4k monitor and a 1440p 144hz monitor

why are you bragging about something you didn't pay for is my point.

I have nothing against using a work computer for work, but you're retarded if you think any one is "jealous" of a work machine.

>Tfw your poorly-timed post contrasts sharply with the facts stated moments before.

>posting on Jow Forums about how you got fucked in the ass and mouth by a Jew and a Chink

What do you want you fag, a medal?

Racist piece of shit detected

Ahh so you like wasting money

Or you have a shit job

I have a work computer at home too, I didn't pay a fucking dime for it because im not an idiot.

Or, I get paid well enough to not worry about a $2300 workstation which can be used for any professional task I deem appropriate. No man owns this box except me. Take ownership of your destiny and stop letting the jew tell you what kind of machine you have to use to do your job.

Doesn't matter how much you're paid.

If you're spending ANY money out of pocket for your job, you're being cucked.

Based 9900K 2080 Ti poster


2080 / i7-9700k here
poor richfag or rich poorfag?

There doesn't even exist 8TB of anime worth keeping

>1TB ssd, even phones have more internal memory now
>CR: 2T
Look at this dood

Do you know what it means to have equity in your company? The capability of my tools and corresponding efficiency directly contribute to my bottom line. I am not a normie wage slave like some of you kids. Try some new perspectives.

What is this, 2007?

I have the exact same CPU and GPU. Guess what, I'm an Indian

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>non ti