I C# good for making Android apps ?

I C# good for making Android apps ?

Attached: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.png (836x215, 27K)

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Nothing is good for making Android apps. It's a garbage platform. Same with iOS. Phones are shit deployment targets.

Youre moms a garabage

C# is a dying language that only neckbeard boomer-larpers will tell you is still useful. You want some career advice? Stay the fuck away from C#, and be fucking careful before you take what out-of-touch boomer retards on Jow Forums recommend for programming languages.

what's a good alternative then?

for Android apps, Java and C++ (Java also being the most in-demand language in terms of employment opportunities)

Whoa, I smell some serious neet up in this thread.

>Dying language
It's #6 on the TIOBE index. It's ahead of JavaScript. Sonarr/Radarr, and Emby/Jellyfin are written in it. Dotnet core 3 just entered preview 5.
It's hardly dead.

If you don't like the idea of learning Java/Kotlin, look up React Native or Flutter.

Finding work in Java is easy, but finding work that won't make you want to kill yourself because all your coworkers are clueless pajeets is nontrivial.

just stick to the platform native tools.. will save you lots of headaches
this goes for any platform

Right now I'm looking up how to make the most basic APK (unsigned is fine) possible.
I mean no IDE to build it, no gradle, etc..

Just create a single java class file with only empty main method and make it into the most basic APK that I can install on an Android device.

(Or C# file, whatever)

Basically even if it makes jack shit I dont mind. I just dont want to press a magic button in an IDE that starts 50 different processes and then an .apk file shows up out of thin air.
Seems like its doable so far though. Just by using the Android SDK build tools myself.

>I just dont want to press a magic button in an IDE that starts 50 different processes and then an .apk file shows up out of thin air.
Then you're just a fucking retard. Why not go all the way then? Use a hex editor to write your app byte by byte and rename it app.apk.


based autistic over-the-top poster

>It's ahead of JavaScript.
that's exactly why that list is shit. js is shilled and used by everyone i know. also, frontend is loaded with that shit.

It's only good if you either already know C# very well, have some .net library you'd really like to use or if you'd like to share code between your Android and iOS App and possibly other platforms as well.

If you want to make an Android App and don't give a shit about other platforms, Kotlin is currently the best thing by far.

Nah I totally buy it. Frontend is pretty much the popsci of programming. It's skin deep bullshit. All the real work is happening in billing, reporting, systems integration, business automation, and the like. Glamorous? No. It pays well though, and it's fulfilling. This is where most of those Java and C# jobs are. Once you're good at it, you can contract for $70-100/hr fixing disasters resulting from a company "saving money" by building some important system off shore. Some of the best moments in my career were walking into a meeting with people who were shitting their pants, and telling then it would be more economical to scrap the entire 2 years of "work" and start over.

>billing, reporting, systems integration, business automation
All of those are shitshows with further advancements in tech stopped 20 years ago.
Front-end and devops is the only area with constant new development and the need to constantly improve your skills.

Actual Android dev here. It was a mess when I tried it a few years back. Forced you to use Xamarin Studio as the IDE which was a horrible, constantly crashing fork of Mono Develop. I guess they would let you use Visual Studio now, since Microshit bought Xamarin, but I'd still stay away from it. The MonoDroid API is just a 1:1 mapping of the Java Android SDK anyway.

No real reason to use it unless:
- You have an existing C# codebase/library that you want to reuse
- Want to share business logic code between Android and iOS, but there are many better ways of doing that now - Multi OS Engine, RoboVM, React Native, Flutter

Just use Kotlin.

This. Trying to build an iOS app is the largest source of super aids I have ever encountered. I haven't fucked with android, but i imagine with the segmented-as-fuck platform, it is just as bad or worse. Apple is a special kind of hell because of all their certificate bullshit, and you have to log in like 10 times with 7 different factors to gain access to their app store API, just to be told you need to provide some other information and
>oh wait none of it is working now wtf is this 503 shit
>what fucking domain am I even on now
>did apple get hacked again?
>checks calendar
>*wwdc2019 started 3 minutes ago*
>i guess ill try to build our iOS hotfix next week???

Sure. Which is why it pays.
>No further advancements
Hold the fuck up. Companies could just use what they have if that was true. Nope. Companies are always trying to one up each other and do more, new things, but hiring people to run books and processes is expensive. Software makes them competitive. You'll have to learn new problem domains all the time.
>Front end
>Dev ops
>Constant new development
You're fucking joking, right? What these "fields" are doing is reinventing the wheel with more and more bloat seemingly for no goddamn reason. You'll be "improving your skills" by learning some abstract garbage someone invented to make web page widgets harder to build, but it's flashier! The basic concepts of computer science were nailed down 50 years ago. Understanding them is a prerequisite for doing work. You code camp retards pretend it's all new, but it isn't. You believe component isolation, single direction binding, and central state storage are new concepts? Pal, they were used to make UNIX in 1970, in C.
I'm actually learning new things all the time. No, not cs concepts. I've had those licked for years. What I'm doing is walking into some company, being told "this engineer makes 120k a year and he spends 10 hours a week playing with this spreadsheet to determine which areas of our distribution system need maintenance the most". I sit down with the guy and learn everything he does in the process. I take notes and start designing. I ask questions about why he does x, y, z, and if he can do q instead. After maybe a week I'll have all the information I need, and I'll seriously start building. A couple dozen hours later I deliver a C# application that turns his 10 hours of weekly effort into 20 minutes. I charge $8,000, and move on to some manufacturing company who wants to know what's stopping their lines and how often it happens.

C# is a boomer language? Maybe in burgerland, but it's popular in europe. Java is better for Android since it's native, or better yet stay ahead of the curve and learn Kotlin.

C# is the language that will build the Bladerunner cyberpunk future you guys seem to want around here. I am personally working on some .NET Core technologies that will fundamentally change how virtually any business system can be implemented in a secure, reliable and performant fashion. The rate of expansion around the language and .Net Core specifically, is the most incredible thing I have ever seen in the software engineering industry. Just read the .Net Core 3.0 change log to get an idea for how much shit they've been adding per major version

Well said. If anyone itt knows nothing about C# and dotnet, but uses VS Code, just know that C# and dotnet are actually being worked on FASTER than VS Code is. It's a mind blowing level of high quality effort.

You can use C# for everything ... that isn't iOS or Android development. Just write Java/Kotlin or go with JavaScript and write a React App.

Yeah just check out the activity on the corefx repository:
Its pretty fucking ridiculous.

You can use C# too with Xamarin. It's apparently okay, but not phenomenal or anything. If you're a C# nut and you don't want to use Java, it's certainly an option.

Kotlin is simply better.

Also, don't be shy if you know your way around C#/.Net. Grab a shovel and help build the future. Anyone can contribute.

>x language is a dying language

Attached: managers.jpg (1145x934, 175K)

React Native is unironically the only good way to make android apps. Or unity for games.

I make $80K as a Xamarin developer.
C#/Xamarin is better to develop android apps imho.

Android is still a shit platform desu sempai.
Mobile was a mistake.

Language itself is pretty good, but trying to program an android app through visual studio will make you want to commit sudoku.

what's AOC doing in a stock photo?

if the future is made on the microsoft stack, I don't want to live in that future

Right now everything is made on the Google, Amazon and Facebook stack. Are we truly better off now than we were in 2005? The hardware got faster, but the software got so much slower. And laugh or cry, but we have way less privacy using their shit than we ever did using Microsoft shit. People bitch about Windows 10 telemetry, but they don't literally sell your information to advertisers.