GTK vs Qt

Why is GTK so much more popular for desktop environments than Qt?

Attached: difference-between-gtk-and-qt-770x385.jpg (770x385, 56K)

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I don't really care. Almost all DE's are either laggy, or have way more crap than I need. I just settle with Xfce(so gtk) but I have nothing against qt. I just think Xfce is the least shitty of all the DEs for linux.

because of GNOME and various developerss which just fucking suck GNOME's cock and completely rely on GNOME for their own DE to exist (almost literally every fucking GTK DE in existence except for Xfce)

Qt is proprietary garbage, if you want yo contribute to Qt you are obligated to sign an abusive CLA where they can take all the code you contribute, make changes to it and not being obligated to return those changes back to the community. Fuck them, GTK Is not perfect but is free from that crap.

Qt has a shit license
GTK has shit devs

Qt had a custom non-gpl loicense like two decades ago. Stallmanists still hate it for that.

Qt: C++

You can't use C++ with GTK?

seriously how are DEs so bad in 2018? bloat has taken over everything

Why use C++ when you can use python?

you can't not use C++ with Qt

qt was proprietary

this is the reason

Because GNOME was the main DE.
Qt is more popular in everything else though.

Gnome literally originated as a kde knockoff. Because of ‘muh gpl’.

LGPL is good.

>2012 + 7
>Still thinking Qt is not fully FOSS

I'm glad I switched to .net core
Freetards are retarded

py is slow as shit
even java/c# are fater

Qt was proprietary back then though.
It is proprietary now, but at least desktop shit is LGPL

>.net core
That isn't a GUI framework.

>Freetards are retarded
Proprietards are worse, they don't even know what GUI frameworks are, they also think using Windows is acceptable.

What is proprietary now?
Embedded and shit, which is proprietary in all cases, due to (((certification)))

Which doesn't mean you can't use the GPL version on embedded, only that you can't use their additional tools without paying for a license.

Attached: file.png (546x344, 44K)

They make sign an abusive CLA, read all my statement, Qt Is proprietary garbage.

Xfce is being ported to GTK3

Care to give any link? It really isn't different from the FSFs policy of giving them full copyright of your work.

Its completly diferent, this one Is anti freedom, via the CLA the contributor is obligated to give them the right to take the code, make changes to it and not contribute the changes back, is in the CLA, read it.

electron will conquer the world

Link it then.

>not writing a custom gui in OpenGL

The entirety of the GPL'd Qt will always be free, which is the portion you'd supposedly would contribute to. If you contribute to the non GPL parts that's your problem.

Every contribution to the GPL is condiciones by the CLA, you nerd to understand that.

Im you can find a link to the CLA by your self.

Qt's licensing was ass ages ago.
This has changed, but GTK's inertia remained.

Deja el teléfono
I know the point I failed to make is that this
>make changes to it and not contribute the changes back
doesn't happen and is unlikely to ever happen.

It is in the CLA, so, it may happen.

And I'm sure you can make serious claims while citing your sources correctly. Point to me where in the CLA it allows the Qt project to do what you say.

The only reason there's so many GTK DEs is that Gnome 3 is dogshit so a bunch of forks popped up.

nice FUD

We Jow Forums autists should start a desktop encironment based on Dear ImGui

>Glorious MIT license
>Glorious immediate mode
>Glorious C++


enjoy no games cucked loser :D

Because while C++ is garbage it is superior.

>What is pyqt?

The source id the CLA, read it.
No FUD at all, Is there.

Qt licensing.
It's always been the technically sound choice, but from a licensing PoV it wasn't all there.
Sure it's pretty decent now, but GTK is also entrenched now.

I have only written interfaces in Qt, it is pretty decent to write in.
I have looked at the gtk api and it looks like a ton of work for no reason and the applications usually looks worse than the Qt counterparts.

Because GNOME used to be good and GTK was lighter than Qt and fairly sane, so people made applications for it for decades. Things changed only relatively recently.

Your guess is right. GTK feels like absolute shit to work in compared to Qt.

Almost two decades and FSFaggots still can't shut up about Qt licensing.

That doesn't really matter, fast and slow matters and qt and gtk applications are both fast.
I think a lot of people confuse qt with kde and those are not the same thing.
the kde graphical toolkit is based on qt, but if you compare say kate with qtcreator, it is clear that qt isn't perfect.

Use flutter

What about that post would suggest I'm salty about Qt?
I use it on a daily basis.
As for the OP's question on why it's so popular - that becuase it's the entrenched FOSS graphical toolkit that works most everywhere.
Qt is better for that purpose and is FOSS now, but during both Qt and GTK's infancy, GTK was far more free, so it got adopted then.
The use now is just people continuing to develop for where the most users are, becuase there was more GTK software, because, yes, 20 years ago, it was more free (but no longer is).

Consider how the software your using right now and how old the first version of it is...

I'm a gnome
And GTK's been /GNOME/ed !!!

Just use Motif.