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What happened to Chris Prillo?

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He had some kids and no reviews toys.

he was never relevant

literally who?

Is the child his though?

wife cucked him, then they got back together and he went low profile


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He is the intel graphics chief community advocate and probably makes a fuckton of money now

He tried to switch from tech reviews to vlogs and failed terribly.

Became a left-wing virtue signaler. Even the libs who follow him got sick of the banter after a while.

Literally the last time I saw a video of his was an unboxing of a Nexus 4 at launch. At the end of 2012, he was fading into the background and I even remember thinking to myself how I stopped watching his videos then.

Choked and died while he was sucking CC_Mike's dick.

he ate a chocolate bar called Crispy Rillo and died

He became irrelevant like most tech evangelist of the 2000s

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he was always a gay bugman

Life priorities, namely, kids.

>He named his daughter Jedi

I remember making him mad and getting banned by him. It was years ago I think it was cos I said tablets are fucking useless.

What happened to Leo laporte (?) The twitTV dude?

didn't he create a mutt?

this is why rule 1: never fall in love

He went mad.

Quick rundown?

Still makes podcasts