Webpage doesn't even load without javascript enabled

>webpage doesn't even load without javascript enabled
Why is this legal?

Attached: 1454364907773.jpg (405x540, 77K)

Because your schizophrenic paranoia is not a protected class in web design law

Because 99.999% of people have javascript enabled

if a website isn't working for you just send an angry email to the webmaster mentioning something about the americans with disabilities act

cause you not the user, you are the product

This is why websites in 2019 load slower than they did in the 1990s. Fuck the bells and whistles, why can't we have simple websites anymore? If your website didn't have to load so much fucking data, maybe you wouldn't have to whine about bandwidth costs or people blocking your shitty ads which only serve to slow your site down even more.

>schizophrenic paranoia
ah yes, that's what we call giving up after the third autoplaying popup video on the same page and blocking everything

doggo please no dont get stuck on the wall doggo NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

This, all websites should be just HTML, and put js only, ONLY when it's absolutely necessary, like a site where you play chess or something. CSS and JS should be just left to users.

But user that doesn't matter.. as long as the advertiser's we trust don't steal our passwords using the default password manager in most modern web based browser's it won't matter haha

Close tab, there's probably nothing unique or useful on that website.

>Why is this legal?
web developers that insist on using tonnes of javascripts are fucking morons, worse than iTODDLERS and AMDrones.

I work at Webdev and I have worked for many clients, none have yet asked me to do anything shady or to get information that is not needed by the signup process

>t. Intcel
Have sex

cuz those webpages are facebook

AMDrones don't know what sex is.

Well yes and no. Untill webassembly cannot access the DOM and other Browser API's correctly.

Your stuck with Javascript. Deal with it moron. Or help with webassembly to get webassembly to that level.

Wrong. The ratio between website size and internet speed has gotten better than when i was on the internet with 56k modem. I thought these nerds on Jow Forums like facts insteaf of emotions? What is this? A drama website?

Tell them that you are blind and your text only web browser can't access their website and fuck them. It if won't work, shit on them for not treating accessibility seriosly and for being racist towards disabled people ;)

Attached: tumblr_nrv5oqTFR11qzo3c9o1_400.gif (400x225, 1.72M)

>Delete msvcrt.dll
>Windows programs no longer work

Then don't use that website. Fucking simple as that

That's what they always say, hurr don't use this phone if you don't like it, durr don't use that if you don't like it, and then everything follows suit and everything becomes shit.