So Linux is obsolete now or what?

So Linux is obsolete now or what?

Attached: linux-on-windows-100722961-large.jpg (700x458, 48K)

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it wasn't ever solete

No, because you're still running closed source botnet which is the whole reason people pick loonix in the first place


they still have better file systems and os image management

windows is kind of a mess for development. i only really install it for my friends or relatives. some were fine with trying out mint and those that did haven't switched since all they do is browse web. also, no ads.

>sudo screenfetch

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Top kek

I have no further questions.

Why would it be? Firstly, Linux powers more than 80% of phones globally. Secondly, Microsoft has just accepted the superiority of Linux and is packing it with their inferior OS. Linux has never been in a better position, not even mentioning its dominance of the world wide web.

you must mean insolete or insolent. That is the oposite of obsolete

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More like windows has surrendered.
>Linux is a kernel btw.

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I installed the wsl with Debian and some x server for Windows but neither gparted or testdisk can see any disk. If there is no fix to that I will just install Debian...

This is basically aids, with a posix layer on top of it. It's still aids.

You retard. Torvalds is literally working for Microsoft now.

Congratulations for the MS faggots, their fucking shit is unable to provide a fucking capable terminal emulator, so they need to ship someone else's kernel in to provide one.

Linux is a kernel.

And? He's asking if it's obsolete.

are people really this retarded. how could i be obsolete if windows is using linux

What he worked so hard on was taken over so now he fights with the enemy to take it back.

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It just means both have a common enemy.

An enemy that uses Unix and close the source code.

You can probably guess who is so retarded that instead of using proprietary or FOSS, they yse FOSS WHILE being proprietary.

GNU/Linux virtual machines for retards.

Unix has always been the real enemy.

Windows isn’t using Linux, Linux is just running alongside of it

Brainlet question here, how do you get your terminal to look like that?

Windows still lacks the 4 essential freedoms that the users of software should always have

Lurk more.

>like that
define "like that"

>Shill powers! Activate!

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>all that shilling
holy fuck, microsoft get a fucking hobby.

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>look guys its a vm linux is over lol


MS is actually clearly giving up on Windows.

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Obviously not.
It's just that the new Microsoft is a cloud company. In the cloud, the dominant OS is Linux.
Microsoft doesn't want developer to leave Windows, which is why they are turning Windows into the best OS for Linux development. They started with clang and Linux target integration for Visual Studio, followed up with WSL and Linux support on Hyper-V and now with WSL 2.
Soon, no developer (I mean paid professional, not sweaty unemployed Jow Forums tard who thinks he's the smartest programmer because he copied a solution for fizzbuzz and babbies first linked list once) will want to run a fucking Linux distro.
Why would they? Windows offers better performance, better drivers, a good desktop experience, a consistent and stable UI toolkit, decades of ABI compatibility, support by every application you could want, perfect muh games compatibility, all the developer tools you could want, and soon also the superior Linux development experience.

poo in the loo, rakesh. get your grubby mitts out of my linux

I can understand that you're upset. The truth tends to be cruel to loonix tards.
But you cannot stop this. We're going to stage 3: extinguish. Extension is nearly over.
Linux distros will die in our lifetime. Not all of them, thankfully. Some of the server focused ones will remain. The lean ones that can actually run in the cloud / docker. Also I guess a few of the hundreds of desktop-attempt-distros will remain for the paranoid people who think that the embedded minix in their CPUs management engine won't spy on them anyway, no matter which OS they use.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

15 cents have been deposited into your account for sucking MS dick

Then you don't have an argument, just don't respond. Go ahead. Tell me how I'm wrong.
At least make an attempt, you failure.

WSL owns man. now you can use linux but still install microsoft's spyware operating system that barely even boots. its gonna be a big hit with linux users for sure.

You don't get it, do you. There is no money in Windows. There hasn't been in a good while.
Devs won't migrate to Windows to develop for Linux to abandon Linux because they develop Linux stuff on Windows. What kind of convoluted nonsense is this?
It's simpler. They make mad dosh with office products. They make money with shiny UIs. They make money with software-as-a-service.
This is not a simple embrace-extend-extinguish, they are outsourcing development of components that just dont make money.
Windows is on it's way to become a loonix distro. They port their own fucking dev tools to linux nowadays.

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Literally this.

Botnet users missing the entire point why I use Linux.


Linux' Desktop market would not be worth pumping those amounts of money into it. Linux is clearly no competition. Being literally the only non-*nix OS on the market however costs money. Shittons of money. For a product they give. Away. For. Free.
Do you understand the long-term-benefits of just chucking their old infrastructure into the trash, under the hood?

>Devs won't migrate to Windows to develop for Linux to abandon Linux because they develop Linux stuff on Windows. What kind of convoluted nonsense is this?

Migrate? You're saying that as if professional developers used Linux as their main OS. They don't. It's either macOS or Windows with Linux VMs. However, the software market has changed. Companies love their newest memes - scalable container-based microservices in the cloud. The leading container platform is Docker (and the orchestration tools that build on it).
That's why having great Linux development and native support for Docker is a strong new focus for developers.
If Microsoft truly didn't depend on having a great development experience for Linux, they wouldn't spend millions of man hours on WSL.

Office, shiny UIs... those are all just fucking pennies compared to what they're making with Azure right now and will be a fucking joke in the future if the trend continues. If you want to know what's making a company money, watch their conferences. Do you hear them talk forever and ever about Office and "shiny UIs"? It's Azure, cloud here, cloud there, cloud functions, Machine learning in the cloud, cloud SDKs, cloud security, cloud authentication, cloud scaling,

And with Linux and docker being THE technologies dominating the cloud, it's no wonder Microsoft suddenly has such a large interest in making development for Linux and native support for Docker for Linux such high priorities right now.

Oh my god, you're argument is literally that they're trying to destroy Windows? imagine being that retarded.

>But you cannot stop this. We're going to stage 3: extinguish. Extension is nearly over.

So this what they call a LARP

they are not "destroying" windows you absolute mong. Windows, unlike Linux, is not a kernel. It is a user experience.

And none of what you said suggests MS has (or should have) any interest in taking over or extinguishing anything Linux related.
On the contrary, if they want to keep up, they will build their infrastructure around what is wanted. And people want *nix infrastructure.
If you think they want to get people off *nix then you are insane. There is no "extinguish" in this equation, because that would mean they'd have to replace Linux by *becoming* a Linux.

>On the contrary, if they want to keep up, they will build their infrastructure around what is wanted. And people want *nix infrastructure.
Yes. That's exactly what I said. And they want Windows to be the OS of choice to develop for this new infrastructure.

The part of Linux that will be extinguished by this move will be the Linux desktop movement: Desktop distros, DEs, pulseaudio, display servers, GTK... Developers will have no use for them anymore.
It's currently going strong because actual developers depend on it.
When that's no longer the case - when Microsoft has made Windows THE OS to build their cloudshit on - professional developers will start to abandon (desktop) Linux and it will be left with the kind of manchildren that have made Linux development stagnate for decades before the real developers came due to their inability to communicate and decide on standards.

>Desktop distros, DEs, pulseaudio, display servers, GTK

I run Debian with X11, pulseaudio, Openbox. You really think I won't be able to use this stack for the next 15 years? Enlighten me.

OP is really damn stupid.

>uses something
>calls it obsolete

What do you need pulseaudio for

The absolute state of wincucks

Playing audio

I have no loyalty to that pulseaudio, I just use it since it is the default install.

I won't give up X11 or Openbox personally.

Yep. Destroyed by being directionless and pushing shit solutions. Also Valve fucking up an insanely easy win for GNU/Linux gaming so hard that game devs will never take it seriously again.

You will. I said that autistic manchildren will stick to these tools.
But their development will stagnate because autistic manchildren can't actually develop shit. It took companies like red hat to come in and actually invent an audio system, init system, service manager, display server, desktop environment GUI toolkit and standards, interfaces and protocols for how these applications communicate with each other and force it on everyone, no matter how much the manchildren screeched in terror, for Linux to become a viable OS for professionals.

But when Linux will no longer be viable for developers because Windows is better in all regards, all this development will eventually cease and we're back to shitty software written in C that leaks memory, has hundreds of critical security bugs in it, doesn't work properly and doesn't work with anything else because the developers are autistics and are too ashamed to talk to the other projects to define interfaces / protocols so these applications can actually cooperate.

you're legit retarded lmao

>autistic autistic autistic

I don't see how this changes the utility of the existing stable software. At most I only require security bugfix. The last update to Openbox was 3 years ago.

Sure you may be right that new DE may not get attention, but many already exist are are stable.

For the record I don't agree with your premise.


>muh valve
They'd push people into Linux simply because Proton exists. Epic existing is an actual roadblock as well as valve having shit public relations and marketing. Also, if Google stadia succeeds devs will be forced into making games in Vulkan and for Linux.

Stop being overdamatic. Less than a dozen people worked on cinnamon and xfce. DEs will continue to exist and therefore desktop Linux will. Developers as desktop users are irrelevant because the only DE that's shilled to them is GNOME, which is utter shit, and they make less than 10% of the users.
>we're back to shitty software
You're still on shitty software. GNOME, Pulseaudio, systemd, every web browser in existence. Even if everything stops being developed, a normal user will still be able to use linux as an OS fine because you don't need anything other than the basic apps like Firefox, office, text/image editor, image viewer and media player.

Weird, even base arch linux has audio

>For the record I don't agree with your premise.

That's fair. I did exaggerate, desktop Linux will clearly not die. But Microsoft is going to dig into it and get developers back. That's what all the investment in improving the Linux developer experience in Windows are for.
Or at the very least, this is what Microsoft is hoping. Nobody can predict the future.

>you don't need anything other than the basic apps like Firefox, office, text/image editor, image viewer and media player
this is why most people just use their ipad now

The point was Valve fucked up big. They could have easily made GNU/Linux fucking huge by making the right decisions. Instead they bet it all on a fucking consolelike box that no one wanted and didn't push for GNU/Linux gaming at all, and now they're like "oh, sorry GNU/Linux users, we'll make your OS a Windows emulator by copypasting other people's work into our bloated store".

>google stadia
It won't. And even if by some insane miracle it sort of does, it won't mean anyone will care about GNU/Linux, that shit won't force anyone into it.

Install neofetch retard

did you have to register your os when you installed it, user? agreed to some bullshit tos?
then linux is still extremely relevant.

Windows is extremely bloated though, specially stock Windows

Most Linux distro's aren't even posix compliant, what makes you think this is?