Arch Linux user here

Arch Linux user here
Decided to try Void Linux
Holy shit is it niggerlicious
Idk why u guys shill for void when arch is the distro for whites
Arch has a noob filter, any nigger monkey can install and use Void

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Arch uses systemd, some people don't like systemd because it strays a bit from adherence to UNIX philosophy. Personally I enjoy systemd because script based init systems have a lot of inherent problems. When it comes down to it, it's personal preference.

I still think what i said

kill yourselves retards

Buttmad void nigger over here
Why dont u use arch, its only 300 megabytes

because i use gentoo


>he fell for the void meme
>he fell for the "systemd bad" meme

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Imagine being so upset that someone doesn't prefer your distro you tell them to commit suicide.
That's fine, you can think whatever you want, as bigoted as those thoughts are.

>calling someone a biggot
Ok tranny

>Imagine being so upset that someone doesn't prefer your distro you tell them to commit suicide.
no, i'm merely upset over retarded "muh distro is better than ur distro cuz $minor_X_feature!!!" elitism

also, i don't use or prefer either of the aforementioned ones

I never said Arch was better than Void or vice versa, stating right out that it comes down to personal preference. If you're actually angry for that particular reason you shouldn't have targeted my post. You're either an idiot or you're clearly angry over something other than what you're stating.

Thinking someone's opinions are bigoted has nothing to do with being transexual or an SJW, the idea that you'd generalize it in that way shows how much of an idiot you are.

i'm merely exercising myself in telling people to kill themselves

>i-it's about elitism
>i-i'm doing it because I can

archfag gtfo

vodifag btfo

at no point have i told anyone that one thing is better than the other, so kys retard

arch has a noob filter
>can be installed from the normal installer iso with four commands
mount -o remount,size=2G /run/archiso/cowspace
pacman -Sy git
git clone git://
cd into the directory it was saved to

than you follow the prompts and it installs pretty easily anyone can do it

Tranny are you ok, tranny are you ok, are you ok, tranny

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Void literally has a gui and preinstalled window managers

ok? your point?

Already wrote it in the op
Its for dumb niggers

> Void is worse than Arch because it's easier to install
You just make the arch neckbeard meme even more real

i still dont get your point here

Thats because youre a dumb nigger

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That's only if you choose the images that comes with DEs, everybody uses the base image...
It only shows how worthless your time is that you actually believe that something that takes more time to achieve similar results is better. Enjoy getting systemdicked, but I guess not for too long because the only thing you do is reinstall everyday to inflate your ego.
>Mom, I installed it again!

i installed arch like this
you are just being racist

>everyone uses the base image
>arch users waste their time
Wouldnt you be wasting your time too if you are running the base image

Neither have I, retard, but you claimed it was about elitism, then said you were doing it for no reason. So what is it? Never mind, I already know the answer, you're a seething autist.
Another dumb frogposter being a dumb frogposter.

Frogposting is the best posters on Jow Forums

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>blahblahblah biggot blah blah blah wrongthink

It has nothing to do with wrongthink, you can have bigoted opinions and they might be perfectly reasonable.

We already established the fact that you are a tranny
Now go be a tranny somewhere else


Go back to your containment board, incel.

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>unironic wojak posting