Recommend me a Linux for at home

>daily driver
>torrenting/watching 4k media
>light web development
>general usage
Do I just go for Mint, or?

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Fedora xfce

Your needs are trivial. Any distro can do this. As a result, everyone in this thread will end up posting their favorites.

If you choose Mint, stick with Mint 18 "Sarah". Mint 19 keeps crashing and freezing, whether or not you're using Cinnamon or xfce.

Use PIXEL x86

Elementary OS

Opensuse. You are stupid if you don't use it.

Tails since your torrenting.

You want to set up a VPN so your ISP doesn't rat you out and you get sued.

I'm going to recommend Debian so you think Linux sucks and go back to Windows.

Windows 7

The only distro you'll ever need.

Lubuntu. But not the latest version. They ditched lxde for some retarded janky bloated desktop environment that really sucks up a lot of system resources.

This is a new record Jow Forums

Noone has said "Install Gentoo" yet.

Attached: 2019-05-06_14-02-15.png (1600x900, 694K)

Install Gentoo

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i'm too much of a brainlet. even my arch install didn't work

can you post that pape please

also just install ubuntu with kde desktop environment all you really need. fuck the rest just make sure you uninstall the amazon bullshit

I would but you just said some dumb shit

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once again my autism has betrayed me

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lol wtf is this?
>you are stupid if you don't use what I use
fuck you and go back to instagram you fucking egocentric linux noob

Solus. Really man, just use Solus, that's the best advice you'll get itt.

Lubuntu is literally for this.

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 1809 (x86)

Whew lad you might as well just give up on life if you don’t even know how to copy and paste from a wiki.

for polished desktops:
bodhi linux
q4os or exe gnu/linux
mx linux
kde neon
linux mint cinnamon

for best general distro:

literally any of them can do what u want. if you want simplicity albeit a bit bloat then go for elementary

Call me a faggot but I use Arch w/ i3 gaps for everything.

Mint 19.1 cinnamon rocks on my core duo, 4gb ram

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fuck that guy, here you go: this is from the photographer's flickr. also op, just use ubuntu lts, the standard desktop version or xubuntu. it will be stable and ready to go with codecs and everything yout need.

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