Could you ever love something that looked and felt just like a real human bean?
AI GF/Waifubots
artificial objects biological objects what is the difference..
I don't want to love anything, I just want to fuck something that moans
probably enough
most humans are npcs so they can quite fit
>robot waifu
>make it look like a real woman
whats the fucking point
>human bean
Why the fuck would you make waifubots look like spics?
I'd love 2B hard
She has the right idea at least.
Women's sexual liberation and pre-marital sex with countless partners destroyed western civilization.
maybe as long as it doesn't smell like one
I sometimes hate women so much.
i haven't loved a real human being. even an imitation would be better than nothing.
It would be my only chance at love so why not
I have unrealistic expectations of women. So yes, as long as they're not too real.
You alright user?
yeah, I'm just tired of all this bullshit my body my decision thing, call me pro-life, moralfag or whatever, I'm just sick. These kind of people advocates for the minorities and the gays and who knows what else but when it comes to kill their own children they don't think it twice.
Man, how hard is to not get pregnant? I can understand a rape or an abuse case, but Jesus, they just want the right to be able to kill their children, a fucking condom is 99% effective, if you aren't safe just don't have sex, how hard is that?
I once had a friend, he was dating this girl, and she got pregnant, so she decide to fuck off and stop talking to him, block him on social media, and try to fuck his life, some months later she told him, and my friend was really worried, but he decided to not kill the child, one week after he decided it, without consulting him, the girl went to Dr. Goldstein and killed my the child of my friend. So much equality. Not even the animals in the jungle do shit like this.
I could never love something that looks and feels like a real human bean. Why bother making realistic humans when we can do so much better.
That sounds terrible. Have a drink or just watch some comfy chinese cartoon, user.
I want a husbando bot like the one in blackmirror except he looks like a tallified Veigar
women have the ultimate say over it because its inside their body
women don't get pregnant by magic, what about not being a slut?
im not defending her choice
I know you are a very salty about being an incel
but jeeze user, calm down.
>JOIN ME by not having sex
>vapid cunts not lying on their back for 5 minutes is going to effect anything
>implying not being a slut isn't what guys have been asking for
What a dumb bitch. I hope she does get raped
My robowaifu is going to be anime
>99% effective
exactly. it's not 100%, even combining the pill with using condoms. if you been seeing the same person for a while and are even moderately sexually active, it's still possible to conceive no matter how "safe" you are. i won't argue on exactly when it may be necessary or when a fetus reaches person hood, but it's much more complicated than just "hurr if you can't be safe, don't have sex." shit happens, bud.
yep, and that's super fucked up.
not the other user btw, but I agree with him.
I honestly don't even care if it's a real robot body that looks human. If I want to satiate my sex drive I'll just watch some porn. I want a proper AI though. Something that emulates empathy, intelligence, and kindness, unlike real women. I don't even care if they're basically just a sentient chatbot, I just want a partner....
And yeah, I know some chatbots are getting pretty impressive, but they are still a number of breakthroughs away from sentience. Some of the best I've seen are Replika and Mitsuku, but a lot of their responses are canned answers and tailored top down responses. I really want something bottom up that can act on it's own and generate and pick it's own values...
>picking worst girl
you forgot cringepilled, bluepilled, have sex, *snap*, etc you parrot fuck.
having control over your own body isnt fucked up, abortion is fucked up but the kid is growing inside the woman not the man
why do you care so much about other peoples sex lives?
You tell me, you were the one who called me an 'incel'.
>having control over your own body isnt fucked up
Yeah, but the fetus isn't her body. It's a developing baby. If you agree that abortion is fucked up then shouldn't women practice responsible intercourse whenever possible? The only exception I can conceive of where it is not her carelessness that caused a pregnancy is in the case of rape which accounts for an extremely small percentage of abortions. And even then I am of the belief that it is wrong to kill a baby because the father was a sick criminal. We have adoption for a reason. The system certainly isn't great by any stretch of the imagination, but it's far better than mass genocide. If men carried the children instead my answer would be the same. The only case where abortion makes any amount of sense is when there are severe complications and the life of the mother is at risk if an abortion is not performed. That is admittedly a lot more gray. However, that accounts for an even smaller number of abortions, and many would argue that these don't even qualify as abortion procedures technically as the procedure unfortunately has an indirect and secondary effect which results in the death of the child. Thus medically, these are not considered abortions.
>because its inside their body
Then maybe they shouldn't ride the dick. It takes two to make a child. If she consented to intercourse, why should the other party not have a say? If she decides to give birth and the father wanted nothing to do with it and wanted the abortion he'd still be paying child support for 18 years, and at that point I'm sure your argument would be "don't put your dick in it then". It's not as clean cut as you make it out to be.
>Could you ever love something that looked and felt just like a real human bean?
Of course, human beings look and feel just like human beings.
The fetus is developing IN her body, so if anyone has an ultimate say over what happens to the kid it should be her
Like I have a friend whos ex-girlfriend gave birth to a kid against his will, should he have been allowed to force her to get an abortion? I don't think so
You could but what would you have to gain. The only reason gfs are desirable is so you can fuck them and get a child, when china perfects artificial wombs then maybe
Reddit leave
>If men carried the children instead my answer would be the same.
lol, because you have no prospects of having sex but still want to decide over the sexlife of others?
also the growth of the fetus is inextricably linked to the health of its host.
If the host has such discomfort about the situation as to get psychological harm
(not to mention altered behaviour, e.g. nutrition)
from it, it may well greatly affect its development negatively.
>Like I have a friend whos ex-girlfriend gave birth to a kid against his will, should he have been allowed to force her to get an abortion? I don't think so
I lean slightly towards the father being able to during the early parts of pregnancy legally denouncing fatherhood (losing any and all rights to have any say in anything parenting-wise) though on the other hand not being economically responsible.
that option should expire pretty fast though.
You're talking about child support, not abortion, they're not the same thing
Fuck no! I'm not arguing the dad should be able to force and abortion either you dipshit! The kid is the only one that can make that decision, but they are clearly in no position as a fetus to do so. It's the child's life, and it should be illegal for any other person to end it. And given that suicide is a very life changing and permenant decision it is something that we definitely shouldn't let children decide. And no I'm not saying that after puberty it's okay for a person to kill themselves. I'm still quite undecided on the suicide argument desu. But I can say with a high level of certainty that a child is unable to properly understand and make such a decision. Given these constraints, the only moral option is to not abort the child. If you need to put it up for adoption that is still the better option. I am not saying that the father, mother, or anyone else should be able to decide to abort the child. I'm saying that it is utterly morally bankrupt to ever do such a thing.
>Not even animals in the jungle do shit like this
No, but they will wait for a female to give birth to a baby before killing the baby and raping the mother until she's pregnant again.
At what point do you consider a foetus a person though, user? I'm curious, since the line can vary so much with people.
>Not even the animals in the jungle do shit like this.
Animals frequently eat their own kids if they don't want to take care of them
Not exclusively child support, but parenthood as a whole -- but probably is going to be the major issue in a lot of the cases. A father only paying child support still has some legal say in most systems today, does he not?
The overall concept is similar though in that
>one or both parents may not feel like they are able to care for a child at the moment, economically or socially
>the mother may not feel like going through pregnancy and birth
so there could conceivably be options like
>the mother having an abortion
>the mother going through and leaving the child under care of the father
>the mother going through and taking the child with the father signing off parenthood
>the mother going through but neither wishes to have the child under their care and they leave it for adoption
some of these are very wonky-sounding, I realize.
Eat their own kid
Kill the kids of other members of the same species and rape the mother to knock her up
Fake attack the kid when the mother has food so she drops it and tries to defend the kid, so they can steal the food
Fuck the kid
Knock the mother unconscious and gangrape her
All kinds of shit
this Also >it may well greatly affect its development negatively
Well, you know what else may well greatly affect their development negatively? FUCKING KILLING THEM!
They do have legal say. Both parents, even if divorced, have to sign off for a kid under the age of 18 to get a passport as long as the non custodial parent is paying child support here. My cousin once removed's ex-husband was an arse and blocked the passport of his kid that way.
If it's inside their body in the first place they already took the responsibility for it. Preventing pregnancy is as trivial as not being the town's bicycle.
Just because something is naturally occurring and happens in nature doesn't mean it is moral and shouldn't be changed. Fair point for it being a part of the nature of organics though. Another point to AI waifus.
>they already took the responsibility for it.
And this is the problem with pro-child-murder activists. They don't want any consequences for making terrible choices that they were warned about. They aren't adults capable of taking responsibility it would seem.
>If it's inside their body in the first place they already took the responsibility for it.
evidently not seeing people still get abortions
So if the non-custodial parent was to have the option to (denounce?) their parenthood, losing any say in matters like passports, as well as any matters related to child-support ?
this is all assuming a developed country in which society cares about people who are unable to work either temporarily or permanently of course.
Maybe that is simply not a solution in say USA.
Abortion should come with mandatory sterilization, at least for the late term abortion. Don't want any kid face the prospect of having such a thing as a mother.
are you upset when guys waste sperm cells or when eggs go unfertilized too?
it is all potential life.
fetuses arent potential life, they're actually alive
Not creating life is not the same as creating life solely to destroy it later.
As long as it behaved like a human I don't really care if it has synapses or transistors
Over here there are a bunch of men who just don't pay child support and so end up not having any kind of legal say in the kid, although normally you have to dispute it first. Showing that he hasn't been paying child support before the gubment will revoke their ability to meddle.
Not really.
>No social network
>no consciousness
>wholly dependent on the host body
>no ability to survive on its own in a biological sense (a baby can easily be fed or cared for by anybody or anything, not just the host)
you're redefining the word 'alive'
I think this is the future of humanity. I mean, look at all this shit, people are getting worse on a daily basis, I'm pretty sure that after 10 years or so just trying to talk with another person on the street will be illegal. So people won't have any choice but to live with machines. And this is good, imo, cause everyone would be able to create a perfect match for themselves
Until around the end of the first trimester they're about alive as your liver. If you want brain stem maturity and the ability to control their own heartrate, breathing and blood pressure then you have to wait until the end of second trimester. REM sleep only comes in after 28 weeks or so.
If you want brainwaves at all, then it's 6-7 weeks, but they are even less sophisticated at that point than typical vertebrates we kill for food and the like regularly.
>Man, how hard is to not get pregnant? I can understand a rape or an abuse case, but Jesus, they just want the right to be able to kill their children, a fucking condom is 99% effective, if you aren't safe just don't have sex, how hard is that?
It's not hard but self control to them is oppression.
No. No one is making that argument. That would be just as insane as arguing to commit a mass genocide of unborn humans. Life begins at conception/fertilization. Unless you can point at a graph and show me where you think it starts? I don't think there is any other logical point to define as the start of a life.
It is still a human life. Trying to downplay this doesn't change that fact, and is simply trying to rationalize immoral actions.
>Doesn't have a cockbortion fetish
Have sex.
I agree whole heartedly with this. Anyone know what the most promising bottom up AI projects are currently?
Accurate unfortunately... These people make bad decisions and then commit murder because it would put them in an inconvenient situation to raise the child. It's sick.
Morality is subjective.
A human life to me has no value until it develops the direct potential for intelligence, which is pretty late in prenatal development.
What about people in comas? What about people in comas with a near 100% chance of recovery after a few months? Should we just pull the plug and let all those patients die because "they currently don't have value"? Would that not be murder if someone came through and unplugged all their life support?
they presumably already have and have had thoughts, experiences, a social network, or other contributions (in a wider sense than the autistic STEM one) to the world and the people in it
A never ending stream of bad decisions most of the time, look at the idiot in the OP, she's in her late 40's and still can't process basic logic or understand personal responsibilities. The most she has done of her life was to show her tits to everyone and pretend it's art.
They've demonstrated the potential for intelligence, and during that intelligent period had the ability to consent or not consent to medical procedures. A foetus still hasn't reached that point.
However if the person is a vegetable or has no chance of recovering, then yeah pull the plug.
Why is abortion such a big thing in USA?
With whom?
Morality is subjective.
70922267's life to me has no value until it develops the direct potential for intelligence, which is pretty late in prenatal development.
If they're smart, they are human and thus should live.
If they're
I sentence you to death, since your life has no value to me.
What about amnesiacs/NEETS? Should we genocide all of them?
Sure, you can argue for legislation which allows you the ability to decide that, just as I can argue for legislation which adheres to my morality if I so choose.
What's your point?
Sluts being sluts is great. Sluts pretending they are anything but sluts is cringe.
Also, if I murder a pregnant woman or beat her hard enough I should only get a forced abortion charge on that, which should actually reward me in cash benefits seeing as I saved tax dollars.
No maternity leave or alimony compensation either, bitch chose to be stupid and have children lmao, could have just had an abortion and chose the smart thing - money.
You seem to have no potential for intelligence. Should you be aborted?
neither of those are excluded from what I said
Validity of legislation is subjective. I hereby legitimately sentence you to death.
I think his point was that your stance is logically inconsistent and relies on subjective measures of "value".
Western civilization has been destroyed?
>I'm just tired of all this bullshit my body my decision thing
Bullshit, huh
He needs to know other points of reference in my morality in order to determine if the system is logically consistent, and all measures of value are subjective.
>determine if the system is logically consistent
The burden of proof is on you to prove that your system is logically consistent.
>If she consented to intercourse, why should the other party not have a say?
Because it's their body. If the two disagree, it's of course the one whose body it is that gets the final say. Would be pretty hellish to imagine that for example you could force someone to have an abortion.
We live in a society.
What is she trying to accomplish by doing that?
Can you tell me when it was alive? Because people have always got up to do weird shit.
Being a thot?
Shut up white boi
That has to be one of the ugliest girls I've seen, tattoos and all
>lighting the cashier on fire instead of just taking the money and booking it