Watching 60 fps videos on linux

>watching 60 fps videos on linux
>the whole system is lagging

Fucking hell, even chromium-vaapi doesn't help..

Attached: 15574763579052.jpg (589x600, 69K)

welcome to gnoo plus leenucks

Works on my machine.

>plug 4k screen into wayland
>entire computer is completely unusable

Linux is a meme

Get a Mac

lol wtf

Attached: file.png (886x478, 98K)

Don't use the integrated graphics card or a similarly underpowered one.

Works fine on windows tho

Yeah, great explanation. Totally know what piece of shit iGPU you're using now. And it doesn't make sense that performance would be increased on Windows rather than Linux.

Get your graphical drivers sorted out. Install the proprietary ones, the open source ones that come by default in all distros underperform.

listen you little shill

i am using a 10 year old pc with integrated graphics running linux

everything is fucking fine

do you shills recognize each other or are you all part of different divisions and truly swallow the retardation the others of you spit

If you're gonna install proprietary shit, you might as well just use Windows, you stupid fuck.
Software Freedom isn't a spectrum, you either have it or you don't.

What the fuck am I a shill for? What are you so defensive about? You're not even OP.

Works for me on an core i3 with igpu, just get a proper distro

I've seen this happen when playing certain big webms or videos

I have a gt720 with proprietary drivers and on windows it works fine my system never lags when playing big webms. I'd appreciate any help regarding this issue

Sounds like your computer just sucks if you can't even do 60fps pre-rendered video. Even my fucking Raspberry Pi 2 can do that.

you need to inject $$$ into the linux kernel to get it to work

Works on my machine

>install linux on shitty, outdated hardware
>it doesn't support modern hardware decoding

Same. I don't know why OP tries this on a potato.

Never had problem with this
>Using browser to stream videos instead of mpv

i recognize that bulge

Jamal pls go.

Lol osx is even worse then straight bsd. No thx.

You mean OS 10?

youtube change shit atm afaik but last i know i could play 60 fps with mpv on c2d

>use an iMeme
i don't think you know the meaning of meme

that diversity sure has enriched kde

well it's safe to say you don't

Had to try it here.
Just works.

Attached: file_15539004.png (483x512, 169K)

Imagine making a shitty post and spreading fud. You winjeets really need better hobbies