get in the restaurant

> get in the restaurant
> sees qt3.14
> 10/10
> cant control boner
> look at her wrist
> sees pic related
> boner inverts, turns into a vegana

anyone else relates?

Attached: (850x995, 63K)

i relate by having vegana even without seeing anything

Mine would if I saw a girl wearing a knockoff of any watch too.

its not about the brand, i meant smartwatch in general is cringeworthy and my dick goes backwards

you don't like girls who wear jewelry?

i dont like braindead

I wish I could turn into a girl from seeing a smartwatch

>tfw actually a fucking mutant
>tfw every single heartrate monitor uses a wrist monitor
>there's nowhere else sensible for it
>applel are the only ones to figure out a decent HR monitor & wireless charging
>it has the battery life of a peanut if you don't disable wi-fi and every other feature
feels real fucking bad man, despite spending lots of shekels on monitors and fitness bands over the years.
At least I can control my heartrate now without fear of constantly passing out.

Protip of turning into a girl: it's not only the vagene.
t. failed MtF

>find out friend uses apple shit
>immediately loose all respect

Unironically no. Any kind of JEWelry makes me gag. Just something about artificial materials at body temperature that make me queasy for some reason.

This I can accept
This not. Just because you're a no-life retard doesn't mean other people are as well. A smartwatch is extremely efficient.

buying useless crap is a symptom of nolife. you are the retard here fren

What about clothes?

Oh. I guess it's not the material being artificial, but rather solid/hard.
So warm clothes, water, air, food: good
But warm metal, plastic, wood: bad

guise, stop derailing, its meant to be a rant on smartwatches

>why yes, I do have the time

Attached: 91JegIxgwML._SY879_.jpg (471x879, 67K)

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!

Evidently noone cares. They are a toy for children, just like anything Apple makes. Also, 95% of women just don't care about technology in any way other than as a fashion statement. Example:

>see that female friend has taped over the ccamera on her laptop
>see that she hast taped over her phone's front camera
>ask her why
>"I would user, but I haven't found a way to tape over it that would allow me to remove the tabe easily"
>ask her why she needs to remove the tape
>"umm, for selfies, duh"
Why even tape over the laptop camera, if you are going to upload pictures of yourself to the internet anyway?

this here i can work with, even the ugly ones wearing this i get a hard on

The purpose of a wristwatch was its functionality: Tell the time.
Now that any phone can do that, people start wearing fewer wristwatches, because they're no longer functionally useful.
Instead, they're now worn as a fashion item.

What actually does offer new functionality is a smartwatch. So those who want something useful on their wrist, wear smartwatches now.
They're not a fashion item. Those who want fashion, wear mechanical watches.

your argument that watches are useless because of phones can be used against smartwatches aswell

There is no need for either a smartwatch or a mechanical watch, because you can use your phone to get the time or use applications to do other things.
I don't wear either.
But people who want something functional and don't care about fashion would still get a smartwatch any time, because it offers more functionality.
Likewise, those who care more about fashion than usefulness will still get mechanical watches.

Smart watches are not jewelry, they are gadgets

Redpill me on smart watches. All the shit that could be useful on them Vs pulling my phone out a fitness band can do afaik