>ubuntu is bloated
>debian stable has ancient packages
>debian testing has the worst security update speed
>debian sid is... unstable
>arch is for Jow Forumsunixporn numales
>gentoo is for NEET autists
>fedora glows in the dark
>void has slow ass mirrors, so i can't even install it
Ubuntu is bloated
what do you mean by bloated?
>>fedora glows in the dark
What did he mean by this?
Install Gentoo and stop posting my wife.
>complains about ()
>posts like ()
>gentoo is for NEET autists
>>gentoo is for NEET autists
install gentoo
Yes I can read, now go and install Gentoo you autistic NEET.
Install openBSD so
All of those distros work, it's just Jow Forums nitpicking and shitposting most of the time.
Too many /le/dditors taking shit at face level.
>not gnumales
missed opportunity
Comes with things i will never use.
Ayaya is MY wife.
It's GNU+males.
>>debian testing has the worst security update speed
can't be worse than stable honestly, imagine having a debian server
Truly, the only real answer is macOS.
>A is for B
just stop caring about B?
>Comes with things i will never use.
do a netinstall then
The only one that matters now.
Use TempleOS without networking so I don't have to see your shitty posts anymore fag lmao
> >gentoo is for NEET autists
So it's perfect for you, OP.
Or better yet, minimal install.
>Jow Forumsunixporn
I can't find anything on Jow Forums titled "unixporn", what is this?
gr8 b8
*adds networking to TOS*
>adds networking to terms of service
>*adds networking to TOS [terms of service]*
and dropped
CIA nigger detected
I have a debian server :'(
sshing into your ass right now.
nah well aslong as your package is not in the list. check the CVEs
I don't agree with anything you just said, but I like that smug birdy so you get a reply.
>>debian sid is... unstable
If that's the worst you can say about it then I guess that's your best choice.
Install Solus, fast af, non bloated and just works™.
Just uninstall them, you tard.
>make america great again
Never heard about it. Seems interesting.
Installing what you need is easier and quicker.
>only free software
OpenBSD is what you want
You fuckers already stole Momiji, leave my wife alone.
>ubuntu just works
>debian just works
>arch just works
>fedora just works
>gentoo is autism but works too
>void is Jow Forums meme because muh systemd bad but still probably works
>it's another Jow Forumslutant steals a 2hu episode
>ubuntu is bloated
>Windows is bloated
>macOS is bloated
guess what guys, the only OSs worth using are bloated because that makes them usable
But user, gentoo isn't bloated and it works just fine.
>debian stable has ancient packages
who gives a shit? oh that's right Jow Forumsunixporn numales and NEET autists
>xe doesnt have CloverOS installed RIGHT NOW on their personal computer
smdh tbqfh famas
fuck you kevin
its time to join devuan gang
Void is a meme, but it's a comfy and surprisingly stable meme.
>btw i use void
>ubuntu is bloated
That is why you use Xubuntu
>actually falling for the "systemd bad" meme
Still bloated. Lubuntu is better.
Ubuntu minimal install is quite comfy actually.
No Amazon shit, no bloat.
GOAT font rendering.
insatll genoto
All that comes pre-installed.
>Lubuntu is better.
This. I was surprised how nice LXQt looked, though LXDE seemed to be 2ugly4me.
And yet they beat windows/MacOSX by not constantly making the software worse.
Don't you think that's too much of ram usage for DE?
Well yes, but that's Gnome's fault.
Debian sid masterrace. I've been using it for more than a year and I haven't had a problem with it.
Manjaro is unironically best distro for end user.
- You got the rolling release of Arch,
-- which means you get new DE fixes and features fast (which otherwise may last you an entire Ubuntu version
-- which means you get kernel driver support for new hardware like new GPUs fastar
-- which means you get new shit like WireGuard which BTFOs OpenVPN fastar
- Unlike on Arch, you also got some of the safety and comfiness of Ubuntu because
-- they hold back stuff if to mitigate any manual intervention (haven't had any in a year, been running Manjaro KDE on desktop and Manjaro Gnome on lappy)
-- you got great GUI tools to roll back or update kernel and drivers and stuff like Steam is installed by default
Best of both worlds. Manjaro best distro.
>Manjaro is unironically best distro for end user.
>You got the rolling release of Arch,
Install OpenBSD you dummy
AND some of the safety and comfiness of Ubuntu.
Btw, Windows is rolling release. That means it's the model the average user expects. And it is the best one from an average user perspective: stuff breaking is very rare, and point release is a weird server meme unfit for average users who want new hardware support (6 days after VII released, drivers came with the next Manjaro kernel update) and bugs fixed without having to reinstall their OS.
Install Gentoo/BSD
>Manjaro is unironically best distro for end user.
>You got the rolling release of Arch
>Comes with things i will never use.
This is the easiest problem to solve from your list. You can just remove what you don't want.
You could also leave it there, unless you're having a storage problem.
>He can't actually argue point
>He can only out of context greentext with zoomer brain memes
>He doesn't actually understand the benefits and drawbacks of various distros and update modes, just distro names and stereotypes built up around them
>Literally 99.9% of Jow Forums
>Installing what you need is easier and quicker.
So the only thing in between you and the ideal Linux distro is that you're too lazy to do something that's marginally more difficult? Typical NEET, install gentoo.
Manjaro has about -3 mirrors
I don't think you're going to like Jow Forums very much, user.