
I really like surf by suckless, I also like not having ads. Any solution?

Attached: Nice_server.png (500x500, 449K)

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install adblocker
wait... you cant

I did try that actually, but it's not as up to the task as I would like it to be.

post a screenshot user

of what?

of you browsing surf

Something like a pihole maybe? Surf seems nice but I'm really not willing to browse internet without an adblocker.

Attached: screen.png (1919x1079, 309K)

youtube works on surf???

Yeah just recently, isn't that cool?

Attached: screen.png (1919x1079, 914K)

>isn't that cool?
yeah! last time i used it nothing fuckin worked

are you using tabbed btw?

mhm, it's pretty simple
bindsym $mod+s exec tabbed -r2 surf -pe x
to start it up.

what distro are you on? surf uses webkit which needs to be constantly updated to keep up with security patches. There was even a blogpost a while back by webkit developers stating that only a few distros are actually keeping up.

Arch, I also have a machine on Gentoo.
I also have one on pop! but that is just to test things out for my gf.

Different user here. Aye, youtube works on surf.

I liked surf with tabbed quite a bit, except for the parts where cookies and session data didn't match up well with each surf process, or the parts where the elements from the actual webpage started flashing red for some reason, or the parts where absolutely no adblock existed.

So I switched to qutebrowser, and most of that was solved except that its only adblock is subpar (doesn't block youtube ads).

Reason I didn't like qute was the over reliance on vim like hotkeys. I am actually one of those fags that never got into vim.

I see. Anyways to answer your question you could try running a local DNS server using bind. I found a tutorial here:

Or, you could try and run privoxy and use adblocking this way:

Both ways are systemwide adblocking by the way.

What distro are you using? I tried getting tabbed to work on arch, both from the repo and building it myself, but I would just get a "Missing fontset" error everytime. Found no solution anywhere.

well, do you have fontconfig installed?
also, I have like 2gb of fonts installed.

now switch to fuckin dwm asshole

I fell no need to.
i3 is far more "KISS"

Use a proper browser.


is godtier

yeah but they are all CPU and RAM hogs.

I do. I also have a few fonts (adobe source [code |sans | serif] pro, cantarell, gsfonts, carlito, inconsolata and linux-libertine), so I don't know why it isn't working.

If you want better results than just straight up hosts blocking, you would need something like Privoxy but with HTTPS MITM support, since most ads are served via HTTPS now as far as I know.
I don't know if there's anything like that out there, aside from commercial firewalls. I guess you could hack together your own solution out of mitmproxy and some Python scripts, but since you have to ask this question...

Why? I can just stick with

I did learn python some years ago. I would also see if I can't get my own solution going if I don't find a simple one in a couple of days.

I forgot about Squid. Looks like it has HTTPS support. Good luck with the documentation though.

so is surf

not for me.

there isn't one. there is a rift that only gets bigger: the "internet" world of personal computing and the offline. it's moving all towards the former. soon you're gonna have to go all one way or all the other. and choosing the latter makes you an actual honest to god luddite. but the thing is that being a luddite is okay.

shit if it's just webkit anyway why not use qutebrowser

alright gramps time to take your meds.
to be fair I would have the same problems on qute, it's adblock is shit

I've never gotten into vim either outside quick edits. Emacsfag here. I still learned the most common keybinds though, since it seemed more reliable than my trackpad.

surf worked fine on Ubuntu, but when I hopped over to Debian, the red flashes started to flash. If you were talking about qutebrowser, I didn't find a package for it in Ubunut, but the Debian qutebrowser packaged worked out-of-the-box.

nvm, figured it out. I forgit the -w option on st