Why don't we have these threads anymore? Have a bit of fun while fighting for your nation.
We tried this on Jow Forums but didn't get enough players; please note the colors (grey and red) that are already taken as we move the game here
Why don't we have these threads anymore? Have a bit of fun while fighting for your nation.
We tried this on Jow Forums but didn't get enough players; please note the colors (grey and red) that are already taken as we move the game here
The British Empire
Hereditary Monarchy
Christian (Church of England)
I've got you listed
Saw after a posted
I can see we're going to die if we don't get a third player so I'll step in
Cast your rolls, gents
move south
Fill Germany
Whisky Khanganate
Éire, The whole island of Ireland,
Right-Leaning Republic
Include my roll when making the next mupdate
Let's get back our empire, lads
Can't do that, I'm afraid. Joining the game takes a turn in itself
British Empire, waiting on your roll
Last chance for British Empire to roll or forfeit this turn
Potato Republic and Roman Empire have expanded; Eire and the Whiskey Khanganate have been established. British Empire sat dormant.
Cast your rolls
continue south, spills move eastward
Fill Germany and the Netherlands
Forgot name
Move East to Scotland
>we didn't get enough players on Jow Forums
so what?
Take northern michigan then spread into the great plains.
Please use your country name and trip, it saves time
British Empire appears AFK. All other nations have grown, and it seems Eire may soon annex British land.
Moving on
move east
Expand eastwards
The British Empire expands North
(apologies for being afk)
move west
Take more of the great plains, west of the mississippi river
Gotta have a country to make a move, mate. Please check the map for the rules
Continue South through England
Jefferson - Royal: NatSoc, Christianity.
Starting point: somewhere in norcal
Apologies for the wait, busy round...
Fill northern Italy and Austria.
The British Empire marches North
Move East to Norway
move east
Also, waiting on Whiskey Khanganate and Jefferson to roll
Esteemed Emperor,
Together we can achieve great things
I suggest an alliance
What say you?
Last call for Whiskey Khanganate and Jefferson
Take more of great plains
Moroccan Empire
Fellow Potato Brethren, let us forge a mighty alliance
I accept.
God Emperor Trump Empire
New York
The Moroccan Empire has been established in Northern Africa. Eire has begun to flee the wrath of the British Empire by sailing eastward to Norway. Nations around the globe grow and attempt to forge alliances.
Please see the updated map and pick free tiles to start your nation.
Spread across North Africa
Expand into great plains
Brown Anarcho Capitalist Athiest Middle of africa
The British Empire continues the attack on the Irish, marching north
Invade Italy and France
rolling to move north into Canada
I accept. Glory be to the humble spud!
Does your country have a name?
Brown Anarcho Capitalist Athiest Middle of africa
Name - Super Monkeys
March South
In Norway? Or the Isles
Commune of nanjing
the isles
Is the HRE open to come to our aid?
Starting point?
Coastal China, near the city of nanjing
Still updating currently. Jefferson seems AFK
Eire OP here, they have an alliance with the brits
The British Empire has annexed much of Eire despite their best efforts to push back. Some of Eire's troops have landed on the coast of Norway.
Africa has seen many nations crop up, as well as the birth of Nanjing in East Asia.
Jefferson sat dormant.
sail across the Atlantic to Portugal to assist Eire
Reach the Gulf and move further into the great plains
Spread towards the shandong peninsula
Expand southward into the desert
Fill France.
The British Empire continues the onslaught against The Irish
rip Eire
Spill Northwards in Norway
> Vietnam Flashbacks
Where to put spills?
Nvm, only one spot
The British Empire has completely pushed the Irish out of the British Isles! The Irish barely escaped to the Norwegian coast, but the Brits are hot on their tail, chasing them across the sea. Their bounty has lead them to Western European soil as well. The Potato Republic is sailing across the Atlantic to assist, but will they make it in time to save Eire?
Super Monkeys and Jefferson sat idle.
Spread towards beijing
Take the rest of northern Algeria and Tunisia
Surround the great lakes, excess to the northern great plains
Khanganites, shall we form an official non-aggression pact?
The British Empire continues the pursuit of the potato niggers into Scandinavia.
Sure, as long as you only take eastern Canada
Eire continues east into Sweden and Denmark
Sounds good
The old emperor, Charlemagne, has died. He was succeeded by his son, Louis.
In order to truly prove his devotion to God, the new Imperator Romanorum organizes a Crusade against the Moroccans.
Thousands of Christians are flocking under the Holy Roman banner to fight the infidels.
(Declare war on the Moroccan Empire, invade them via Libya)
Eire puts up a noble fight (whilst still keeping a safe distance) with the Brits as they invade their newfound territories. The Potato Republic's militia continues their journey across the Atlantic.
The Brits' ally, the Romans, have declared war on the Muslim Moroccan Empire and taken some of their land, as they were rather blindsided.
It appears the Commune of Nanjing will soon dominate East Asia.
Super Monkeys and Jefferson sat idle.
Strike back against the HRE
The British Empire makes another push against the Irish.
Any spills are to go into Scandinavia.
Take Manchuria
Keep pushing Eastwards
Can new players still enter?
Thousands of peasants and minor nobles have joined the Imperial army in Libya. They are now heading to Morocco.
(Attack the Moroccan Empire)
Push into northern great plains
You didn't give me my total score for the pali, also no nuke was given.
Pali only counts if it is a perfect one (e.g. 7093907). Also, the nuke is an alternative to expansion, not an addition