The WORLD bows to us and our superior civilization and technology

The WORLD bows to us and our superior civilization and technology.

So which one of you cucks is going to be the first to lick our boots?

Attached: 1541899840987.jpg (1024x1536, 494K)

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stfu pindick yellownigger

I'm legit learning Chinese for this exact reason.

Attached: 1557749350939.jpg (839x655, 32K)

Only chinks bow

Stardust is pretty good.

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Chinese ""people"" have no humanity

Attached: 4x67.png (218x244, 71K)

Their technology has more humanity than you.

>superior civilization
Anyone living in those constructed ghost cities yet?

Go away you fat burger-addicted fuck!

I'm Russian :))))), nice try westerncuck

So in denial about being burger-addicted. YOu russians love the USA.

what is this faggot shit

dummy, china loves the usa, too. all i hear when i'm over there is "so developed" "so wealthy" "so advanced" "so educated" etc. chinese people are just americans that eat dog burgers instead of beef. the only problem we ever have with each other is that we want each other's money.

Apparently yes, although they are still seriously underpopulated.


desu I'm looking forward to China reigning supreme, if nothing else it will be funny to watch all my retarded american countrymen get BTFO as weeping over the flag and invading random middle east countries fails to keep the old USA on top

also communism is good and rad even if china hasn't really been communist for a while now

Chinese girls only looks pretty when they try to look American

Ur gonna be waiting a while

Yep. Some of them are becoming used due to increase in living standards and people who want to live in the city but without the overcrowdedness of beijing. The megacities of China will be ~100+ Million people in the coming decades.

you're making me want a dominant Chinese gf

If china is so fucking great, why do so many of them keep trying to immigrate into my country?
Fuck off, we're full.

Attached: 1542859598835.png (538x538, 492K)

>also communism is good and rad even if china hasn't really been communist for a while now
china has been fascist since mao died and everyone quickly dismantled his retarded government. the communist party of china is leading a fascist nation, much like the democratic party of america is leading a republic. party names and national flags are mostly historical baggage.


Attached: china.jpg (1024x1536, 502K)

kek, but i think those are fabric sheets hanging on the building. they look too wavy to be a cheap concrete job. they probably drop the sheets at some ceremony like a grand opening type of event.