Some people dream in code

Some people dream in code...
Others in binary...
I... dream in hexadecimal...

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Dude how can he look in two directions at once he must be high as fuk

install gentoo

>be CS student
>sometimes have nightmares about projects or other school assignments
You could say... heh.... that I dream in code. Nothing personel... kid

As a programmer one thing I can’t fucking stand is how into themselves programmers can be.

if you watch the video the kid seems more or less down to earth, I'm sure he wasn't the one to choose the title

i only have nightmares and i'm not joking it really ruins my sleep and there's nothing i can do about it

This guy is like 20 now and hasn't done anything remarkable :/

I dream in smells

i dream in waffles xD

Yeah he's an adult and people keep spaming him here like he's still a bratty kid.

I dream in cunny


I dream that people are doing dumb stuff and that I'm struggling to fix it. And I'm always screaming with someone I know.

How do I break this? I've been dreaming this for a month now.

>How do I break this?
Reenact it in reality.

Do all Pajeets dream in code?

Attached: dream_in_code.png (1307x956, 552K)

I dream in octal. You know, like the Yuki people.

He's probably the one making these threads to stay relevant. He's youtube famous.

There's a name for this, a bell curve, basically the less you know the more confident you are that you think you're hot shit, but as you get more proficient you realize you're not the next prodigy, finally before becoming a true master and regaining any sort of confidence.
Unfortunately most people can't code the best, so they end up getting stuck on the "not skilled but believe that I am" part of the bell.

I dream in bed.

Attached: Roll Safe Think About It Memes - Imgflip.jpg (702x395, 31K)

It's only natural. Whenever you're learning a new language you will have dreams in said language, that means your brain has accepted it as second nature.

I've had dreams in English and partiture as I've studied both English and music. I had a friend who swears he once had a dream in integrals and matrixes and it made sense. He was an electrical engineering student.

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>there's a name for this
>a bell curve
Perfect example of Dunning–Kruger effect.

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I dream in dreams

>we're going to have problems around here if you don't start merging my pull requests, nothing personal

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Attached: laugh-brit.gif (389x259, 992K)

DreamFactory dreamFactory = new DreamFactory();
Dream dream = dreamFactory.createDream();

The only time I dream about code is when I've been programming right up until I go to bed. Then I get these fucked up anxiety dreams about problems that remain unsolved.

I usually dream of tests that make no sense.

Fuck that autist, I agree with this

I deepdream

>tfw been studying html and css for a week
>last 2 nights wake up at 2 am because I was dreaming how to "fix" something with css and html but I was just going in circles again and again and again
>highly regarded as a full stack software engineer.
>From as early as eight years old, Santiago has honed his craft in software engineering
Is it just me, or is writing like this about yourself considered in poor taste?

Today I dreamt about sharks biting shota's nuts in a large underground lake with Mario 64-like slide to it.

Am I genius too?

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Ye he needs to relearn bell curves. Possibly his analogy makes sense if you stick perf on the X and confidence on the Y

His teeth look are off by one