People you irrationally hate

I hate the Dutch. I hate them so much and I don't know why. I may dislike certain groups but there is no group I feel genuine derision for other than the Dutch. They make me so unfathomably mad.

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Fastest janny in the west

do i count?

Fastest janny in the west

What? Why.......?

OP is Nigel Powers

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I rationally hate the Dutch. Get on my level.

that would be called jealousy

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Russell Brand really flusters my fuckin jimbobs.

I dislike them for a good reason. No era penal.

I hate their language, sounds like they're coughing up flem every 3 syllables.

>shitskin jealous he wasn't the right type of shitskin to get into their country

>doesn't address my point
nice job

well it does sound German
but it's less German than German
all in all I'd say it's a pretty good language

Too tall :(

Mijn vrouw satania is zo leuk!

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i hate wh*tey


Falkland Islands Fags

i hate asians a lot

I hate everyone equally

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>only the Dutch and Turks fell for the tulip crypto-currency meme

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Kot identificatiecode verkregen!

>Get fucked you shitskins and amerifats

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The communist chinese but its not irrational to hate communists

If I get trips quads also anything higher than quads or the numbers 1776, 1973, and 1488 in my ID or post number I'll fuck my brother; another possibility is if I get kot, kitten katten, dog, doggo, or doge, in my ID I'll do the same. If not I'll remain straight for the rest of my life.

the dutch are the only people i don't feel like Goliath around
t. 6'6" (or ~198cm)

soulless faggots


I hate the Dutch for creating this cluster fuck of a '''country'''.

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