YTMND shut down

>On August 29, 2016, Max Goldberg announced that YTMND would likely soon be shutting down, citing ill health and the site's inability to fund its own hosting fees from ad revenue. Goldberg stated "Besides being a time capsule I don’t really see a reason for it to continue to exist... It seems like the internet has moved on...And I’ve moved on too. I don’t have much interest in the site beyond it being good memories."[11] Despite this, the site remains open as of March 2019. On May 12, 2018, the site stopped accepting new user signups as a result of Google shutting down version 1 of its ReCAPTCHA anti-spam mechanism. On May 12, 2019. On May 13th, 2019, the website was permanently shut down; any attempts to connect to the website now results in timeout errors.

It's dead, Jim

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Other urls found in this thread:

hasn't been relevant since youtube became even remotely semi popular

Rest in peace Moonman

Rest in peace. I just wish he would have uploaded an archive torrent of every YTMND



some great posters but the medium had gone as far as it could

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I remember being in computer lab in school and visiting a YTMND page that showed Christina Aguilera with swastikas carved into her head. The proctor remotely viewed my computer and asked what the fuck is wrong with me.

*you are now hearing gay fuel in your head*


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Had a lot of fun with this site. Even made stupid shit that occasionally made it on the front page for extended periods of time. To think we just made content for the sole purpose of getting noticed and laughing rather than trying to make money.


lol, internet

At least he still has up

I already miss it. We should have backed it up.

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F ;_;7

Rest in peace :(

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I would probably not know or care about music from outside the USA if it were not for ytmnd, but thanks to this website my high school years were full of super eurobeat and other amazing music from around the world and the internet

lol internet indeed

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steamsteamlol really summed up early 2000s web culture. Everything was fun and exciting, nobody took shit seriously, and everyone was entertained by simplistic silly shit


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I now know what YTMND stands for. Thanks user. I kept hearing everyone talk about it and i thought it was short for something Youtube related.

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RIP in peace.
It was a relic of a different era. I think it should have stayed around as a time capsule.

Sums it up perfectly.
Internet back then was like hanging out with your friends and cracking open a beer and having a laugh.

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I hope the archive gets saved.

Recently I learned the original Space Jam website is still being maintained by Warner Bros. You can even still watch tiny Quicktime videos of "behind the scenes Michael Jordan" clips if you have a browser that supports it. It's got the stupid fucking background every 90s website had and it had no cohesive layout whatsoever. Stuff like that is so rare today.

Don't even know what this irrelevant boomer tier site is. Clearly it had little to no impact on the world since no one has ever heard of it.



Downloaded the soundtracks again a couple weeks ago. I'll miss the site but I suppose it had it's time.

Nothing will fill the void in my heart. Not even Doom music.

Yeah, before normies and SJWs infested the place.
You the person who makes an ass of themselves at a funeral aren't ya?

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People got so flustered when someone would point out their dumb Japanese cartoons all had the same generic face.

It wasn't even a new meme or anything, it's just that nobody paid attention until it targeted anime.


Punch the keys for god's sake

>sort comments by newest first
>read first twenty comments


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lol Aaron needs a time out.

wtf, he's been posting for weeks, it just keeps going. holy shit.

This guy's crazy, look at his videos.

>lol, internet
>Nigga stole my bike
>Picard song
>Tourettes guy
>Brian Peppers
>Nazi secret montage
>HP7 spoilers
>Moon Man
And there are many other random fads I probably missed.
RIP in piece, YTMND. It was a goldmine of OG content.

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fuck, I remember migrating from ytmnd in 06.


It's just a bot, guys. He's even friends with another guy on youtube that has the same name as hit with one letter changed.

Who cares it was owned by a kike

05 and 06 on ytmnd was basically just /b/ with sound.

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Mememetic hazard

Go back to Jow Forums, cretin. Let the oldfags reminisce of a better time-- a time before the smartphones, before the cancer of identity politics swallowed the internet whole. You may not know of those days, as most Jow Forums scum such as yourself was just beginning to learn the craft of glue sniffing and crayon eating, but you still must show some respect. This was site founded by pedos, weebs, and all around weirdos. Never forget that.

To be fair, I remember frequent mockery back in the day over Mr. Goldberg's flagrant jewery. Even Ebaum's dad made a dig about it.

Thankfully seems to have saved some of the content. I went to the latest archive of the main page and was able to load a fad.

Never heard of it before. I'm not american.

Now I'm sad

I love you for that

darude sandstorm?

that came a bit later than peak ytmnd

And yet it still was better than 99% of YouTube.

>>>HP7 spoilers

Good times. Fuck this has got me down now

Harry Potter 6, user.

By the time the seventh book came out, everyone was ready with completely fake spoilers in order to overload the spoiler feed and prevent real spoilers from being believable.

I remember some vids of people going into shops with megaphones and reading off the spoilers but it never had the same impact as the sixth did.

I'll also miss the "sonic says" ones, they were pretty amusing.

Pure contrarian delusion

Brings back memories, goodbye old friend.


We are of a dying breed. charge up your lazarr

YouTube is filled with retards trying to get e-famous and corporate shills. YTMND was goofy shit.
I will admit that nostalgia goggles are probably a big factor.

Did it? What is love though

goodnight, sweet prince

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no, he's a schizo autist, i run a channel that did nothing but old videogame videos for a while and it attracted this
look at the playlists, it also left similar word salad comments, it has an unknown amount of alts as well

my bad, that's one of his alts
this is the sperg's main acc
also check the absurd amount of channels they're subbed to

youtube had very little oc in the beginning so one could argue ytmnd was better even if it was for a brief period of time

that format was never going to allow for the site to thrive and they did very little to adapt to the times, most likely because they weren't interested

that said, newgrounds is still around so who knows?

Just reminds me 4ch will die the same way one day

Fuck that's depressing.

I don't know what ytmnd is.

But then again I never liked youtube.


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No, you're just a zoomer.

lol I'm almost 40.
ytmd was literally the zoomer shit I ignored.

how dead end is your life that you're tripfagging on Jow Forums at 40

Dead end?
I'm shitposting during the intro to the latest Black Clover while I drink IPA beer laying in bed with no kids or wife to interrupt me.

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I suspect you're being a contrarian faggot then.
I recall most net savvy posters having a negative opinion of YTMND back in the day but they wouldn't be obstinate enough to pretend they weren't even aware of it.

yeah thats exactly my point

Wow I'm half your age and am doing the same thing (minus the weeb shit). You must be proud of your accomplishments.

Unless they intentionally scoffed when people brought it up and only have a vague recollection of some video collage shit.

I literally don't know more than that and if that's all it really was who the fuck cares.

lmaoing at your life

How is life when you're 40? I'm 30 now and feels like time has zipped by.

Honestly it feels the same as when I was 25 only I don't get laid anymore.

>youtube had very little oc in the beginning
nigger what

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I'm with him, don't act like everyone loves your faggy meme sites, I never visited it either

Don't you know? YouTube just showed reruns of TV shows until PewDiePie came along

get screened for early-onset alzheimer's

it was mostly reposted shit in the beginning

you're the man now, dog

I miss the ironic shitposting, and every user just shitting on each other for the heck of it. Fuck post Habbo/Scientology Jow Forums. Normalfags ruin everything.

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Holy fuck I was on ytmnd like two days ago looking at old sites... RIP :,(

>every user just shitting on each other for the heck of it.
Wait I still do this. do other posters think I'm being serious?



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This literally happens more now, there are 24/7 streams of like every big cartoon

Sure, there was plenty of that. I even reposted my friend's repost one time. But we also both made OC. Now it's almost exclusively cookie cutter bullshit with zero originality

>implying I don't miss it dearly too
>in the year 2019
>implying the internet is even fun anymore

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Kirk Douglas outlived it, but still didn't get is sundae.

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You'd be surprised. Most anons who are newfags themselves from Reddit get triggered here.

reminder that every single prominent YTMND meme was just ripped off of Something Awful

lol, I only got laid with one girl when I was 21 and then never again after that.

I'm 22 and what is this?

>But we also both made OC
i didn't say there wasn't but it certainly wasn't the main focus of the platform at that time unlike ytmnd

>Now it's almost exclusively cookie cutter bullshit with zero originality
because faggots found out they could live off it and it's increasingly becoming more depressing

>content gets recycled
this is shocking news user

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