Flat single colour design, what's next after that? Back to depth, shadows and gradients?

Flat single colour design, what's next after that? Back to depth, shadows and gradients?

Attached: windows xp.jpg (1280x736, 143K)

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Black and white.

why is win xp theme so comfy?


Attached: ezgif-4-bc505f5817cb[1].png (640x400, 7K)

Making it look like everything is on different layers.

Depth, probably.

haha ebin:DDD

It was often compared to what Fisher Price were making at the time, which was bright and friendly-looking consumer electronics for kids. MS probably took inspiration from them to make using a computer seem less intimidating. When XP first came out, a lot of people didn't own computers or use them at work, but everyone knew that was going to change. An XP machine would've been the first for a lot of people.

I think it was a breathe of fresh air coming from the classic style. It's very much a product of its time. The early 2000s were a comfy period. A new millennium. The dawn of a new chapter in history, looking to the future with bright optimism.

I always fucking hated it, and I hate Vista/7 as well. 10 is the only Windows since 2000 that I think actually looks good.

the bondi blue tinted plastic aesthetic aoplied to UI

Flat design is already dead. It's been dead for a while. Complaining about flat design in 2019 and not 2012 makes you sound like a fucking boomer. New UI design frameworks like Google's Material Design and Microsoft's Fluent Design have already moved away from completely flat surfaces, partly because of lack of affordances, and are moving towards subtle indications of depth, subtle gradients, large radius blurs, physically-based lighting and shadows, and replicating physical materials like acrylic, frosted glass and aluminium. Replicating physical materials and the behaviour of physical objects means that, by definition, we've already come full circle back to skeuomorphism. We're never going to come back to the gaudy design of Windows XP and iOS 1-6, though.

Attached: fluent design.jpg (787x425, 37K)


Attached: 14-142664_pepe-pepe-listening-to-music[1].png (708x572, 228K)

until September 2001

no. flat scales well given ui devs are not retards.

iOS 1-6 used skeumorphism.

>Then everything changed when the ____ nation attacked

Attached: YES.gif (460x345, 492K)


t. Donald (((Drumpf)))

Attached: 3-700x470.jpg (700x470, 32K)

i miss fischer price OS so much. i have so many fond memories of it from the early 2000s. i met my first gf on msn messenger.

Annnnnd then 2008 happened...

because of C O N S I S T E N C Y
the taskbar, the start menu and the titlebars are the same element
this is OS GUI design 101
why can't linux autists get it right?

Attached: consistent design.png (2051x769, 983K)

rounded, flat, and a lot of gradients
mark my words
two new design languages are coming into play in windows soon and now we will have 14 completely different looking context menus in one system.
it's complete chaos here

Why are you boomers stuck in the past? Get out of your mid-life crisis and get on the level of flat design using chad zoomers.

Yes, when they stop treating non Quadro/FirePro users like trash with 8-bit limitations.

based C O N S I S T E N C Y

Attached: windows-10-menus_.jpg (1024x576, 104K)