I'm safe as long as I disable javascript right?
Fallout & ZombiePozzLoad
Idk bro I'm leaving hyper threading on to btfo amdrones in cinebench
yeah i have hyperthread on too, but how can they abuse it if i disable javascript?
or is there more attack surface than that
just use the patch, the perfomance impact is minimal. intel.com
im using arch linux, i have to wait for the arch gods to patch the kernel
They said the same thing about meltdown, how are idiots still falling for intel's lies?
spectre and meltdown patches were hard in the start but became minimal after a couple weeks bro
Intelfags need to calm the fuck down and take a chill pill. Even if you patched against this shit there's atleast 50 more vulnerabilities sitting there unguarded. You're always fucked. Just accept it.
Richard Stallman said AMD was pozzed too :(
Yes, AMD is also vulnerable, just no one tested it.
HAHAHA i7 bros where you @?
I guess my 2500k aged better after all :^)
>yes goy trust us
Why can't Intel stop being pozzed
Is it just me or does Intel reek of low IQ? Every time I see an Intel build, my first thought is 'you only went with Intel after being fooled by other pozzed fags."
Not everyone is as poor as you.
you guys are aware of how complex and difficult exploiting mds like the researches did is, right? I don't think they even figured out how to exploit it over the internet yet. This is going to turn out like meltdown and spectre. Huge vulnerabilities that won't actually be exploited due to how complex and personalized each attack would have to be. Stop buying into fear mongering.
I spent more money for slightly worse performance to avoid Intel.
am i safe for now amdchads?
Forever pozzed.
If it's not Intel then you're safer by default.
שחררו את פלסטין Free Palestine תקרית_ליברטי The USS Liberty Incident of 1967 עברית Zionism קבאל של בנקאים יהודים Cabal of Jewish Bankers כיבוש המזרח התיכון Occupation of the Middle East ארסנל גרעיני ישראלי Israeli Nuclear Arsenal השדולה הפרו-ישראלית בארה"ב Pro-Israel Lobby in the USA זכויות אדם גוי Gentile Rights פשעי מלחמה של הצבא הישראלי Israeli Army War crimes שואה מזויפת Fake Holocaust חתרנות של האירופים Subversion of Europeans סוחר שמח Happy Merchant
Seems fine to me.
Yeah if you ignore the AIDS everything is fine.
InSpectre is more than a little outdated.
Kek, I do what i want and nobody can stop me!
Nobody in recorded history has ever been affected by any of these vulnerabilities, I'm not a pedo or do anything financial on it anyways so why should i care.
uma delid cia
Disable your life lmao
fuck jewtel
and fuck jewtel shills
True, AMD shills are trying to grasp anything they can to forget how poor and controlled they are. They'll listen to anything you tell them like a group of children pretty much, I dab on them as much as i can for the laughs.
Intel shills with buyer's remorse are the most hilarious, love drinking their tears so much
The cope is incredible.
AMD's eight core right behind threaddripper with 100% more cores kek
A shame nobody buys Intel.
Found the pedophile
based and merchantpilled
I'm glad nobody does, It's nice knowing you have a way faster computer than everyone else.
daily reminder that the jewish community does not care about your computers performance. stay safe everyone! :)
Anyone know where one can find a complete list of hardware exploits that have been announced since Meltdown?
Imagine paying to get pozzed.
jesus fuck
>his PC can't do RTX
lel, how's it feel being inferior?
Kek, Poor as shit.
Now wait for his cope post.
People say jewtel. Is intel actually jewish?
I don't get it, is this a bios update thing? I got a Windows update but there's nothing on MSI for my mobo and I can't find any download link that lists my CPU on Intel's site plis halp
They started and are based in Israel
Started in California by a couple of WASPs and still headquartered in burgerland dude.
Nevermind. (((Andrew Grove)))
Até you trying to hide? This is why amd is preferred brand among rapists and drug dealers
I better not see an anonymous post next month of how your intel pc got hijacked for ransom.