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this is it FUCK INTEL
i buy only amd from now

>He didn't stop right after Sandy
What a cuck.

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Only the core2duo's are good. The rest are nsa backdoored.
Libreboot btw


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>Apparently Intel attempted to play down the issue by trying to award the researchers with the 40,000 dollar tier reward and a separate 80,000 dollar reward as a "gift" (which the researchers kindly denied) instead of the maximum 100,000 reward for finding a critical vulnerability.
>Intel was also planning to wait for at least another 6 months before bringing this to light if it wasn't for the researchers threatening to release the details in May.

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those are pozzed too

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Rest in pieces

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this thread is anti-semitic mods. deal with it or we pull funding

delid nao!


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There's no Metdown on AMD. And Majority of Spectres were either already fixed, or they can't work for jack shit due to very structure of how Zen is built, as well as due to SEV.

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Notice it says Meltdown-BND; it's a specific variant. Also, it only works on AMD CPUs operating in 32-bit legacy mode, whereas it works on Intel CPUs in 32-bit legacy mode or with MPX.


Why you have to be so slow

oyyyyy veeeeeyyyyyyy

I checked 'em, you dumb fuck.

>Another Meltdown
>That works on AMD
Literal FAKE NEWS.

>pozzed corelets

>Inturd CPoos

Shitel cpoos

Adding poo to words isn't creative or amusing, you sound more mentally challenged than a literal child.

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Bump for interest.

OpenBSD doesn't have this problem

>*only on AMD processors

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I just built my first PC last year with a coffee lake. I give up.

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In either of them

A little bit, not going to lie.
Just as bad desu. I am laughing watching current state Intel, but the posting is atrocious.


Performance impact seems to be minimal after the patches, but how much do you trust Intel?

Attached: oQAYLlMFcwhJneYA.jpg (1920x1080, 328K)

>that's what Judes actually try to make you believe

>but how much do you trust Intel?
At this point not at all.

>*tests and graphs provided by Intel

Attached: So close.jpg (1280x1225, 148K)

>no performance impacts on AMD, because no need for security patches to begin with

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>but how much do you trust Intel

Still faster than anything amd has, stop letting people control you.

Yes goy, everyone should upgrade to coskyfee lake+++++.


Join the #BETTERED side


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Benchmarks don't matter

Nice gimp.

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I've awaited you, Intbecile.

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2933MHz is Zen+'s minimal spec and 2600 is cheaper than 8400, you dumb fuck.

Lmao meanwhile my 2700x is comfy
Get fucked intel

Awww, To bad it can't get over 3200mhz without crashing. Who buys spec ram these days anyways? 8400 can run 4000+ ram easily.

gaygpu tested with shit ram, no wonder ryzen showed badly, lots of sites are intell shills and tested with slow ram, sometimes even with single-chanel

Zen+ easily does up to 3800MHz, IF a motherboard can handle it. It's NOT dependent on Zen, but on quality/reliability of a mobo.

GayGPU is a shitty source that was caught lying and shopping shit several times already in the recent past. They're зaшквapeны.

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Using AMD is in itself a performance impact.

>It's not amd shitty memory controller
>It's not shitty infinity glue tied to unicorn ram
>It's not about massive latency from context switch over ccx
>It's motherboard faults
>It's fault of developers who don't use amd certified compilers
>The culprit is of developers who can't parallelize clearly single thread processe

>mfw all of my home servers are ARM
>mfw my gaming PC is AMD
>mfw wake up to this news
>mfw the only thing I have running Intel is just a work computer from my employer
Once DigitalOcean or Linode starts offering ARM/AMD servers, I'm going to migrate my VPSes.

In other words faster don't matter

Unless you have huge stock holdings in AMD, can I ask why it matters to anyone? Some of you are as bad as "sports fans." My team of negroes put the ball though the hope more than the one from your city (whose players aren't even from that city), therefore I feel like I, personally won something.
It's all so tiresome....

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Intel no longer approved by NSA and Mossad

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Latency was already improved massively in Zen+, you Intbecile.
And RAM has nothing to do with inter-CCX/inter-core latency. Infinity Fabric benefits from fast RAM, but it's own latency improvements aren't based on faster RAM.

>starts offering ARM/AMD servers
Buckle up, as it's going to be one hell of a ride. Choo-choo, motherfuckers.

Will Microsoft port Windows to the A-series processors?

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Weren't they gonna release a 10k series around June?

yes zen+ fixed most of the CCX lag due to slow ram.... and lets say they didn't fix it zen2 will support 5000gHz ram

think its time to let that meme die

It wasn't even a meme at all any ever, just utter idiocy of buttmad Intbeciles.

Poor Intel - Jews jewing jews, should never have started that Haifa development. The ruse lasted 10 years.

Linux kernel patches for MDS are now available.


We're talking ANOTHER 10% slowdown on Intel CPUs.

>We're talking ANOTHER 10% slowdown on Intel CPUs.
>How this plays out when combined with the upcoming firmware updates from Intel is yet to be seen.
What's even the point of benchmarking without loading the updated microcode that was released a few days ago.

god damn, those comments
>Simultaneous Multithreading is the name of the technology
>Hyper Threading is just branding.
I guess, all caches, no matter the arch, they are the same, all RAMs, no matter the technology, are the same, all storage device, no matter the state(spinning or solid) are the same.
>deliberately compromise it with a backdoor (PSP)
heh, kids, now PSP is a CPU because I can't into accelerators
it's as if I am reading Jow Forums comments.

I5 2500k here. How fucked i am?


FX 8150 levels.

2 0 0 7

>intel provides info to bios vendors only
So, they literally tell the chinks how to use the exploits?

I heard you can buy bulldozers for cheap. Get em while you can.

More like 10000K, as in ten thousand Kelvin.

Can we get a retest with all the Intel security patches applied?

No, that's antisemitism.

>Was hoping to keep my i5 4690K a little bit longer to a Ryzen
>Yet ANOTHER fucking exploit is found and the performance takes a further hit
I'm going to assume more will be found making this.
Looks like I should just say fuck it and consider upgrading sooner than I thought.

I feel you, user. My brother built a pc with intel 8700K CPU and he is crying right now.

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>Was hoping to keep my i5 4690K a little bit longer to a Ryzen
>Yet ANOTHER fucking exploit is found and the performance takes a further hit
Run some benchmarks, update everything, run some benchmarks again. I'm pretty sure that there will be no difference.
Intel obviously fucked up, but believing AMDniggers that claim there's some insane 10%-40% performance hit is stupid. Everything mitigation does is just clears buffers every time the core changes the process (to the untrusted one).

>there are people on Jow Forums who bought intel even after news of spectre and meltdown broke

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Intel buyers are mentally ill.

I have an i7 but feel no loyalty toward Intel, this is a huge fuckup on their part and they deserve to lose business.

But who's to say this won't happen to AMD? That in 2025 we'll find out all the Zen 2s had some horrible backdoor no one knew about.

I don't even want to upgrade anymore.

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By 2025 we'll be on AMDs new architecture.

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Only if you (((update))) and you're on not-Windows 7.

>But who's to say this won't happen to AMD?
They actually care a tiny about security, they weren't affected by the meltdown shit either.

>Who's to say this won't happen to AMD?
They very structure of Zen's architecture (chiplets and multi-module instead of monolithic garbage, plus SEV and etc) automatically protects against at least 98.82% of shit that's been found out up to day and also against 80% of shit that's potentially can be found in the future. Meanwhile, Inturd is vulnerable to literally EVERYTHING (as in EVERY thing) and ALL of their CPoos are affected ALL THE WAY BACK TO FUCKING NEETBUUUUURRRRRRRRST! Just imagine applying "Spectre & Meltdown (((patches)))" ALONE (not counting this new recent shit) to a Bentium 4...WEEEEEEW, it's going to be slower than my 266MHz Klamath on which I've built my very first ever custom build completely from scratch by my own hands back in 1998. And, as other people already mentioned, yes - a 2600K will turn into a lowest tier Core 2 Duo with all the ((("""""patches"""""))) applied now, kek.

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Most of the attack vectors are intel's in-house "features".

I see AMD CPU bugs similar to this one as a real possibility. Yes, there's a lot more known bugs on Intel CPUs. Does that mean there aren't any on AMD? No. We can't know for sure one way or the other. Though it does seem like some of these Intel problems are due to short-cuts AMD didn't take.

Might as well just buy ryzen