I failed FizzBuzz at my last interview

I failed FizzBuzz at my last interview
what is wrong with me guys.

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Come on, it's just a simple for with ifs and elses, you can't fuck that up even under stress.

What was the question?

Given a CSV file, print fizz every time you reverse a binary tree, print buzz every time you find the local minima of a matrix, and print fizzbuzz every time you implement a Bloom filter.

Should run in O(-1) time, you have 15 minutes.

Depends how bad your stress is. Sometimes I get so nervous that I can not even stand up and am almost hyperventilating.

I forgot what the squaring operator did because I didnt expect the question about it at all. Stress does things to you man

that's it? that's piss easy bro

I once forgot what port SSH used by default on a test. Did not get the job.

print("fizz every time you reverse a binary tree")
print("buzz every time you find the local minima of a matrix")
print("fizzbuzz every time you implement a Bloom filter.")
done, is that supposed to be challenging?

I am seriously considering seeing a shrink btw. this shit is really holding me back.

The guy was staring at me the all time, fuck...

I ran that code and I didn't travel back in time, so it isn't O(-1). Don't call us, we will call you.

Doesn't run in O(-1) time.
Sorry, you can try again in 6 months, here are some books you can read to study for the interview.

do you have a degree? experience at all?

didn't want to work for a company that don't know what big O is, anyway

When does that happen? I've never really been that stressed.

I never had a job interview, but for example when I was presenting my master thesis I had to hold onto the table for the whole time because I felt like fainting.

>not knowing 10 different web frameworks and the newest trends in big O notations
Big yikies. You know we are a modern company, right? We need young people who dream in code.
We will call you, now please leave.

in retrospect, was it worthy?


I remember reading that one of the big questions in "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" is
>"At a traffic light, which light is at the top?"
Interview stress is a real thing. Which is why you need practice!

Of course, it _could_ be that your "technical skills are pretty sharp", as in pic related.

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You mean the degree as a whole or the stress during the presentation?
Degree itself was ok, I lived in Germany so at least I didn't pay much and employers here really want to see a degree.
The presentation itself was pretty bad, but after it was over I felt ok. But then on the other hand if I really fainted or completelly embarassed myself it would have been horrible, I don't even know what would have happened, it would probably count as a failed thesis and tons of work would have been wasted.

Once during a presentation training I really had to sit down during the presentation, but at least there were only a few people there and it was not graded.

Wow... just wow. Suicide is not a joke, baybay.
Bigots are not welcome here.

Ranjesh sirs, please needful the Eclipse to in the files, sirs. Telephonic me a call if any doubts have. :)

did you just assumed my gender?

Holy shit user, how can you fuck up in a fucking fizzbuzz?!

Is this really a thing in America? Whenever i see threads about how people can't do stupid shit like sorting alghoritms or fizzbuzz in an interview im always like how fuck up is that?

Even a third worlder like me can do it these stupid things.

lmao thats literally the easiest thing next to hello world.

Gj user

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What the fuck. Dude I am an English major and I could do this on my first day learning snakeshit.

>English major
uhhh, I want a large cola, double cheeseburger and some fries.

>t. fatty

Post body.

Sir? I just my order, please.

Stop looking at it like he's judging you. Try to get out of that mindset. Take it as an opportunity to show off your skills instead of being judged.

Now I understand why Americans think reversing a binary tree is insanely difficult.

This is an interview, of course he's judging the shit out of him.

>what is wrong
Stress management issue. You are scared little pussy.

The interviewer was playing "Queen - Under Pressure" in his Air pods

>that pic
I seriously can't believe this shit

No shit. I was only suggesting a way to channel that thought into a more positive one to help OP not feel so psyched out.

You should talk to a doctor and get some medicine for situations like this.

If it's your first job, or if you've been working a dummy job for a few years then the stress and such could easily make you fuck this up.

Try a few classic programming exercises when you get home and keep on applying user :^)

Without cheating: write a function that converts a timecode string and turns it into seconds. Can you honestly do this, OP?

Just so we are clear, all the text is verbatim from the article:

Verbatim. I added nothing.

Why would anyone ask this in an interview? Where the hell do you live?

Do people like that really graduate from college? Holy shit
I mean, I have the programming skills of a fucking boulder, but even I know how to use modulo and various ifs or a switch/case

I dont get it. I really dont. I dont even program and its been years since I did a 4 month course in uni. But cant you do that with modulo? Just put it into a loop and basic ifelse shit? Is the problem about making it efficient and pretty, not actually solving it?

I mean what?

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can you do it right now on the spot for Jow Forums?
i forgot how to create a 2d array once. my interviewer called me out on it and i knew it was finished then

Yes it's easy, the only way to fuck it up is a full blown panic attack.
Or you make a small error like you say x

int main()
char* fizz = "Fizz";
char* buzz = "Buzz";

int fb[2] = {3,5};
int i, n;
int* fp;
int* bp;
int* ip;
char *ptr;

fp = &fb[0];
bp = &fp[1];
ip = &i;

for(*ip = 1; *ip

Copy/pasters cannot program. Most universities (and Code-with-Carlos-Bootcamps) churn out copy/pasters.

But -1=-1 * 1 and you can drop the constants so it's actually O(1)

Nobody is retarded enough to fail a simple loop and modulo

You underestimate how idiotic the codemonkeys can be

Sirs, dropsing num O() pls doubt the needful.

>Nobody is retarded enough to fail a simple loop and modulo
99.5% of programming job applicants fail FizzBuzz.



It's because the qualified guys have jobs and only need to interview at a few companies. Retards interview at a ton of places because they never get hired.

>Retards interview at a ton of places
I agree with you.

>imposter prone state
Yeah it’s not imposter syndrome if you really are that dumb.

And with all those retards I still feel like I'm too bad to be able to program in the real world. I've only ever done assignments and exercises at school so I don't know how to do anything for real but since I had no problems with any logic and the professors were anal about good practice in the assignments, maybe the only shit I lacked were the many details you'd look up in documentation if you didn't remember.
Too bad I don't have a degree or any projects. I've tried to figure out what I could do so I'd have a portfolio but have absolutely no idea what I'd contribute to open source or what I could make in a project of my own.

thats clearly click baiting and bullshit.
>For example, I've personally interviewed graduates who can't answer "Write a loop that counts from 1 to 10" or "What's the number after F in hexadecimal
Hes blowing hot air out of his ass

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that picture is funny as fuck. Anyone could do that after 3 weeks of any programming language. What kind of role was he trying to get in that company? Secretary? Janitor?

Honestly dude, just follow a shitty full stack Node/Django tutorial. Name it something hip, and slap on your own color variant onto the front end. Nobody actually looks at your GitHub, it’s just meant to pad the resume.

On the offchance you don't know what modulo is, you could still have iterating variables keeping track of whether something is a multiple of 3 and/or 5.
It's truly pathetic if you cannot solve fizzbuzz.

Recognize me falcon!

That would be the only relevant thing in my resume though, except my own claims about what I know. Wouldn't they examine it if it's the only thing they can examine?

anxiety sucks. seek help/therapy

i mean, i dont have a programming degree, started as a frontend memescript dev, have never done a fizzbuzz-type technical interview... but isn't fizzbuzz just

if(num % 3 === 0 && num % 5 === 0) return 'fizzbuzz';

if(num % 3 === 0) return 'fizz')

if(num % 5 === return 'buzz')

return num

is there a catch? i didn't really think about it or read the assignment proper, but i imagine it's something like this?

i fucked up the syntax but yknow not really trying that hard

also, i kind of sympathize with that guy - i do NOT like math, at all. but i went to school, so i know what i need to know to program, even if i'm not able to do graphics programming. not knowing basic math, though? come on.

I've got no problem with people who don't like math. I just don't want them to be my coworkers.

do you work with stuff that requires math knowledge (like in my example, graphics programming)?
if you do, i 100% agree.
but for webpajeeting like i do? you really dont need to have advanced calculus knowledge to change the color of a link or to make an API in Node.

Jow Forums

So many of the people in my course (computer science 1st year) HATE math with a passion. I like it most of the time

If the company runs a fizzbuzz on you, it's a shit company and they don't know what they are doing.
Fizzbuzz is never a used case.

What's worse: jobs with HR departments that filter out people by the brand of their laptop or jobs with HR departments that filter out people by basic shit that won't be used/applied in the job?

O(-1) algorithms? Now that's something I'd like to read

>%3 && %5
>not %15

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I once had an interview where I was to find all the primes under a million. My solution was O(n)

Attached: 1557426549541.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)

right, and that's exactly what i meant by "didnt think a lot about it". my point being "if i even i can do it this fast without a lot of thinking, even if it comes out shit, how come there are people who straight up cant do it at all"

static StringBuilder fizzbuzz(final StringBuilder s, final int input) {
if(input >= 1) {
fizzbuzz(s.append(input).append(" ")
.append(((input % 3 == 0) ? "fizz" : ""))
.append(((input % 5 == 0) ? "buzz" : ""))
.append("\n"), input-1);
return s;
Get on my level


You’d be surprised. Sure, I mean know what you are doing so you can at least describe what parts you found challenging or try and identify an area where you could have done things differently and explain your choice. Most of the time they will just ask you to do a coding challenge, then a senior engineer will sit down with you and walk through it.

It's not autism, it's GAD

How did you do it?

Literally one for loop with a bunch of ifs. I felt really dumb

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I always found those questions stupid, it's basically "show us you know a solution to an ancient problem that you can google in 15 seconds".
I've written dozens sieve of Eratosthenes implementations in high school and I never applied that knowledge to any practical problem. Fibonacci sequence at least has the merit of showing you actually understand how recursion works.

I think with many problems you should at least be able to find the naive solution. Naive prime test and selection or bubble sort are pretty obvious I think.
For the fast algorithms it's pretty hard to come up with them on the spot, sometimes it took people years to come up with this, you will not do it in 30 minutes.
I will however just learn those algorithms I think, I really want to get a good job.

ive seen people solve it all sorts of wack ways, sometimes people are just not in the write mental state to do trivial stuff

>bp = &fp[1];
>we have decided not to proceed further with your application and wish you good luck in your job search

int a=5;
int b=3;
for (i=1,i

ah fuck i forgot to declare i so i didnt get the job either

Wouldn't it be fanciest to do both the fizz-if and the buzz-if and then if it it's divisible be 15 it doesn't print fizzbuzz but instead first it printed fizz and then buzz?

What's the point of using a and b rather than 3 and 5 in the ifs?

doesnt work that well imo, because 3 case and 5 case are both ifs not elifs, then you have an else for the number printing case but that is only relativ to the second if

>by the brand of their laptop

I seriously would reject you for this shit.