

Attached: E9BE4755-308C-4588-B7A9-EC54E7559481.jpg (600x711, 66K)

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i'd fuck that

>tfw no cute coding spinner gf

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respect wymyn

Stop posting bait threads about my wife.

ive seen taller scaffolds than that
neither impressive nor high enough to reach the moon

HA!! The joke's on you, cock gobbler!
She wrote useless nonsense.

bloat, you could do it with few pages of lisp

stupid women

>take humanity to the moon
Meanwhile in reality entire humanity is on earth.

what a misleading piece of feminist propaganda bullshit. sadly she didn't write all of that by herself.

Is it really code? Controlling a rocket is not easy, but this seems absurd. You could probably fit whole simulation of flight in this much code.
I doubt you could make ROM large enough to contain it at that time.

I wonder if this is as much of a "fact" as that black hole woman who "wrote" the simulation.

Protip: nobody has ever read those books.

> is it really code?
yes, Jow Forumsenius. it is.
>but this seems absurd
only because you don't know a fucking thing about computing technology of the 1960s. live and learn, computer illiterate.

It's just pages of assembly I guess, you can take a look at them yourself if you want.

It's a dumb fake bait caption, she obviously didn't write it by hand all by herself.

>female programmer
100k handwritten lines of picture related

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does this look like that Harry Potter fuck to anyone else?..

>picture related
she's not Indian

>take humanity to the moon

Leave it up to a womyn to print out COMPUTER code on paper. She could have just used a floppy disk or something

I was expecting a blue-haired anime girl or at least someone looking like Nenecchi. Wtf???

not sure if trollan or completely braindead

Don't let some misguided label written by a feminist discourage you from learning about all the good she actually did for the world of software engineering.

You have to go back

Fucking brainlet. Do you realize how much you can write in these books?
$ wc -l Comanche055/* Luminary099/* | tail -n 1
130517 total

Barely 130k lines. Even if we assume larger font(~15pt, 30 lines per page), it's just 4350 pages. Average bible has around 1,200 pages. It's nothing compared to the tower of paper on OP's pic.

> Hamilton in 1969, standing next to listings of the software she and her MIT team produced for the Apollo project.
> he's this fucking retarded he thinks everything was scanned and put onto github

they had a lot of indentation

>while(locCurrent !="moon")
>//point rocket at moon
was that so hard

>posts link to prove his point
>spergs out when pointed out the link doesn't support it

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USB disks and DVD's weren't even invented yet but she could have just saved it on a CDROM. She just printed it out to flex her female privilege.

>Has to stand there keeping the binders from falling over because she can't stack them correctly.
A sign of intelligence.

> "She eventually led a team credited with developing the software for Apollo and Skylab"
> being this illiterate
you need to go back:

>calls others illiterate
>can't even comprehend who he is talking to
>puts space after meme arrow

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what lang uses a bang and CamelCase to denote a property?

I'll be honest with you user I mainly just write [spoiler]VHDL[/spoiler]

My dad actually worked with her and told me a pretty interesting story about her.
She was assigned to my dad's team and every guy in the office was pissed, they didn't want to work with a woman (since they are known for being too emotional and logically inferior). So him and the guys came up with a plan to make her quit, they would give her busy work. She didn't want to do it since that's not what she was hired to do but my dad said "well toots, if you don't like it you can just leave".

She wanted to prove herself so she took the work and started doing it. A couple of days later she tells my dad that she's finished. My dad couldn't believe it and actually went to check. Lo and behold she did and there were no errors. One of the guys in the office said something like "Nice job honey". Grace said "I'm more than just a pair of gams".

My dad was furious but he couldn't say anything since the work was completed way before schedule. It would have taken two men a month to do that job and it took her only a couple of days. She was then assigned an actual programming task to do alone. A couple of days later great gam gracie (that's what the guys used to call her) came into my dads office and said she finished her assignment.

Attached: el_arquitecto.jpg (1000x1133, 232K)

My dad went to check on the work with a couple of other people. Reviewing her code and seeing if there were any flaws. They spent a week in the office without leaving just looking at the code and trying to understand it.
He said it was some of the most beautiful code he had ever seen in his life. My dad is a macho man but he said that he cried multiple times reviewing that code, He didn't even bat an eye when his parents passed away (that's just how good the code was).
After the review was finished he went to the office and turned in his badge. Saying that he didn't deserve to be in charge of such a smart and talented woman. The boss agreed and they immediately promoted her. No one could deny her superior skills and looks.

It was all kinda strange, looking back on it. But it is a fond memory, still.

did you even look at the code, you mongoloid? it's plain assembly, it can't be something you easily understand let alone find beauty in in

tldr your dad is a fag


>getting bated by obvious bate in 2010 plus 1 plus 8

do you do scada/hardware engineering?


how much money to fuck el arquitecto in the boipussi?

Just basic bitch FPGA prototyping. I don't even write the program, I get pseudocode, I translate it to hardware code.

I tried.

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Untitled.png a cute~!

You better try to neck yourself before I come to rape you until death, you disgusting attention whoring anime pedo scum

Cool. I did exit poll system in c and router stuff, is it worth going back into the field? How is the pay? Do you have any certs?


That's funny because my dad also worked with her and told me a pretty interesting story about her. She was assigned to my dad's team and every guy in the office was pissed, they didn't want to work with a woman (since they are known for being too emotional and logically inferior). So him and the guys came up with a plan to make her quit, they would give her busy work. She didn't want to do it since that's not what she was hired to do but my dad said "well toots, if you don't like it you can just leave". She wanted to prove herself so she took the work and started doing it. A couple of days later she tells my dad that she's finished. My dad couldn't believe it and actually went to check. Lo and behold she did and there were no errors. One of the guys in the office said something like "Nice job honey". Grace said "I'm more than just a pair of gams". My dad was furious but he couldn't say anything since the work was completed way before schedule. It would have taken two men a month to do that job and it took her only a couple of days. She was then assigned an actual programming task to do alone. A couple of days later great gam gracie (that's what the guys used to call her) came into my dads office and said she finished her assignment.

based and lolipilled

It's is funny how the left like to portray women as being so oppressed and literately kept in cages and only let out for their weekly gang rape and to birth a kid, but keep finding evidence that went to college and found job in science and industry. True it wasn't the norm but just get over it already.

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Daniel Radcliffe?

not a single non-mutt/chink holy crap

bot post detected

That's mean! Aoba is a fully grown adult woman.

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Why are there apollo-11 sources if moonlanding never happened? How do you explain this?

Is that Moaning Myrtle?

The CDROM was invented 13 years after that picture was taken

She looks a bit like Whiz Kalifa or whatever her name is. The ex porn star "sports reporter" with fugly fake tits.

For you

>writes five lines of 'haha' bullshit and thinks it makes a point
could you be autistic somewhere else

that's funny because my father also worked with her but in other department. she came in his office one day and blackmailed him to do her work, and he did it because he didn't want people to find out he was using apollo guidance computer to browse Jow Forums

have sex

based and redpilled

I think I read about this in a history book once, verbatim.

if she wrote it by hand how did she know it works


How many kb?

My dad worked with her too, not at Apollo though. After Apollo was finished she left to work for Nintendo, where my father (a young Japanese salary man) worked at the time. Despite being an adamant feminist, she apparently was extremely racist and would go on rants about how "the niggers stole her job" and how affirmative action was turning NASA into a "nigger feed lot" (her words).

She was supervising my dad and one day she called him into her office. He thought she was going to fire him. Instead she pulled out a small piece of nazi memorabilia and put it on the table. She had been given it by her close friend, Von Braun, who honored her ingenuity.

"See this? A nazi gave this to me, and I'm a Jew"

My father was too polite to interrupt.

"... what you're being told is wrong. The nazis didn't hate the Jews, not all of them anyways. The nazis were the last hope the world had. The CIA niggers beat them now, and now the CIA niggers can glow in the dark. They won"

My father stares at her with his squinty eyes, in disbelief.

"That's right, you heard me. And now the world is going to be transformed into a big 'ol nigger feed lot. Never feel guilty for the fake war crimes the cryptoJew glownigger empire blames on the axis, Japan did nothing wrong"

She hands him the nazi memorabilia and tells him to keep it safe, and that it was enchanted by level Himmler using ancient pagan books. It will protect him from glowing niggers.

Not even 10 seconds later did an earthquake erupt in Tokyo, causing Nintendo's HQ to crumble to pieces and fall into the ocean. My father found himself drowning, surrounded by rubble, descending deep into the Pacific Ocean.

He awoke later on the beach shore, the only survivor of the terrible disaster. He felt a cold piece of metal in his hand - it was the nazi memorabilia.

My father went on to become the CEO of Nintendo and produced games like Mario, Zelda, and other classics. He is still thankful to her today.

top kek


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Yeah well my dad works for Nintendo and said she invented Mario.

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>muh based code monkey calculator

Its all so tiresome

there just no fucking way you can get to the moon by climbing that puny pile of papers.

nicely done!

This but unironically