/pcbg/ - PC Building General

CPUs based on current prices
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming
>R3 2200G - Light 30-60fps gaming(dGPU optional). 2400G if you want a CPU which can last into a GPU upgrade
>i5 9600K/9400F - Good 60fps+ gaming & multithreaded use
>i9 9900k - Be aware that performance is down up to 9% since past benchmarks
>i7 9700K - Best value high-end CPU on a non-HEDT platform
>i9 7900X - HEDT

>Avoid AMD if doing serious high FPS gaming
>BE AWARE that Microsoft, Apple, and others recommend disabling hyperthreading on Intel CPUs. Be aware that Intel tried to bribe researchers to delay releasing the vulnerability by an extra 6 months so they could do another stock sell off and release you scam 10th gen CPUs with HT.

>NEVER use only a single stick
>8GB - very light use, and/or if you don't mind closing programs regularly
>16GB - standard amount. If you have to ask if you need more, you don't
>CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 2800MHz+ is ideal. Check "more" for true latency formula

Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>RX 570/580 - value.
>1660 - Slightly better perf for more demanding games on high/maxed 60fps+;
> 1660Ti / 1070 / Vega56 - higher framerates
1440p (WQHD)
>1070Ti / Vega - 60-120fps+ in most games on high/maxed
>2070 Overclocked or Radeon VII - Worth considering
>2080Ti - higher framerates
2160p (4k)
>Radeon VII - weaker than 2080ti
>RTX 2080Ti - good, but poor value.

>Consider a larger SSD (better GB/$) instead of small SSD & HDD
>M.2 is a form factor, NOT a performance standard
>Consider 75hz display minimum; 60hz are old models
>AIOs don't change the laws of thermodynamics



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any good 2600x deal out there?

i want to nakadashi nanami-chan

When are we going to know if it's worth waiting for the 3080?


if the RX 680 has less than 50% more frames on average than the 1070, then it's a instant wait for me

Go take your low effort shitpost back there

>tfw 1440p 144hz 27 VN

Attached: cheers-ihinutto-that-bro-41624861.png (500x523, 137K)

I'm the same user asking about if I should upgrade my vega64 because of hellblade performance (and worry about performance is newer games). I mentioned that I had stuttering in re2 remake. 1440p maxed out settings. It would randomly drop to like 30 or 40 fps for a second or two. I had the same issues in hellblade even when running on low. webm related. any ideas?

Attached: stutter.webm (1920x1080, 2.9M)

>intlel is ded
>amdumb is "wait for zen2"

nice times to build a pc

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>another shill OP

Attached: 1526088448773.png (640x616, 261K)

My idea to remove all the brands from the OP was best. But the shills on both sides thinks that just putting there names in the OP will lead to more sales.

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>>Avoid AMD if doing serious high FPS gaming
Avoid intel CPUs in literally every other task. Why is OP filled with all intel shit especially after YET ANOTHER major security vulnerability was uncovered that Intel attempted to pay hush money to downplay?

What is this joke of an OP?
Are you the literal paid pajeet intel shill?

Attached: girl-holding-nose.jpg (600x450, 61K)

>AMD cards only offer midrange performance and require their own power plant
>Nvidia cards with high performance are overpriced to hell and back thanks to performance monopoly and dedicated cores just for poopersampling and raytrashing, also Nvidia are as uncoorporative as ever

Intel shitters are working overtime, damage control and all that.

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But can it do G-Sync and 3D Vision?

>for games
i5 9400f, R5 2600X, or wait for 3rd gen Ryzen?

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Wait and see what Zen2 is like, there's only like 10 days. Zen+ should be going on sale more around then too.

Would buy a GTX 1670 if it existed. Don't wanna pay extra for useless sampling and tracing in the RTX 2070, and the 1660 Ti just isn't quite enough of an upgrade over my GTX 970. Twice the frames would be nice. Take note, Nvidia.

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at least Huang doesnt compromise your security while trying to sell you outdated tech
but again, "wait for Navi" and RTX refresh and price drop... 2 more months

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I put together my pc in early 2015, so I'm thinking it might be time to put some new pieces in it. I need some advice on my cpu and gpu though. I live in the benelux, if that matters.

gpu: R9 280 3gb. I paid around 150 or so euro for it back in the day. I'm not looking for anything more than 1080p gaming, so I'd probably be fine with another budget card, but I haven't kept up with what's on the market at all.
cpu: i5-4440. It honestly feels fine. Do I even need to upgrade this if 1080p gaming is about the most intensive thing I do?
I'm also gonna get an extra 8gb of ram to get to 16gb total, and a 500gb ssd to run alongside my current hdd. I'm looking to (ideally) spend a max of 400 euro.

Also, probably a stupid question, what's a way to pinpoint which part of my pc is making noise? I'm pretty sure one of the fans and/or the hdd is pretty noisy at idle, but I haven't checked which one exactly yet. I want to say it's the gpu fans, because it gets realy noticibly louder when I'm running a game.

Otherwise go full retard with the cheapest config, which is probably intel since you can pull it off with el cheapo mobo and ram and get the same gayman experience

2060 cost is about proportional to its performnace gains over 1660
also you've waited too long instead of selling your card on ebay and buying Pascal

>what's a way to pinpoint which part of my pc is making noise?
Try each component one at a time and see. If you suspect the HDD, move a big fat file from one place to another. If you think it's the GPU, run a benchmark or something.

why does amd have 0 matx boards that are good

Are bottleneck sites trustworthy? 2400G & 1070 pairing shows 15-20% bottleneck with minor FPS loss. Should I get 1060 6GB in that case, because I won't upgrade CPU and RAM (2x4GB at 2666MHz) until fall?

Is the site trying to sell you anything via referral links? Then no.


CPU will bottleneck any new card. There's some room for doing things in your budget, for example you could buy an i5-4690K from Ebay and a Radeon RX 590 and sell the 4440 for forty bucks afterwards, but I don't know whether this will run a risk of blowing up your motherboard chipset if overclocked, or blowing up your power supply.

Because OP is hiding the best option for most people:

Get a 2700 or 2600 and a used EVGA 1080ti for 450 with a couple years of warranty remaining. Built my 2700 1080ti 32GB RAM for sub $1k USD. If you do any video editing, 32GB RAM is worth it, and you will use it, plus you can get a decent 3200/C16 32GB kit for around 120 now if you look around, so there's no reason to be stingy about it.

What do you thing /PCBG/? Bout to pull the trigger on this

Attached: PCBG.png (1585x912, 189K)

I used pc-builds.com & gpucheck.com and both recommended to get at least 16GB of RAM to work well and better CPU, but all I want is to play Nier Automata and Sekiro 1080p/60fps without huge framedrops and stuttering.

>listened to the shills and got vega
you have only yourself to blame.

Any recommends about monitors which have high dpi?

What do you think about DELL P2415Q?

IEEE says the point of hard diminishing returns is 2 pixels/arcsec, with 1/arcsec being the point of soft diminishing returns. Buy accordingly.

Do you troll me?

>3.5'' drive
get a 1TB SSD instead
>RX 580
that card is worthless, go for the Vega 56
>R5 2600
2600x or bust
go for 3200mhz, not much of a price difference, don't forget to check it the mobo supports it though

No? They did testing on it since one would logically think the limit is at 1 pixel/arcsec but the point of hard diminishing terms in sensation of realness was found to be at 2 instead.

Is there some site where I can compare my computer stats, so I know that they work fine together?

Recommend me monitors, please. Which would you buy?

How far do you sit from your monitors?
Do you intend to watch any 4K UHD blu rays on it?
Do you do photography work or video work in the DCI-P3 colour space?

fuck off im broke

I think I sit not really far.

Then keep saving, faggot. Budget builds aren't worth it.

hope that mount is very sturdy and flexible

How bad of a bottleneck are we talking? I'm expecting 1080p at 60fps at most, so my requirements aren't exactly sky high.

I've been browsing ebay for cheap ram and gpu's, but I've never bought pc components second hand before and I'm a bit wary of doing so.

I want a very decent monitor for work as a programmer.

Sometimes I play FPS games.

if its only fps games you could look for 144 or 240hz 1080p monitors, affordable and very life like, plus its not hard to max them with a mid tier card

is she drinking tea or coffee?

I can buy it as a second monitor for FPS games tho, thanks

But I'h buy an IPS 4k monitor too

Do you have an actual useful response?

>2070OC or R7
>implying the 2070 competes
R7 shits on the 2070, fuck off.

Try the used market then

>1080p/60fps builds aren't worth it

>Vega 56
Why this over the 1660ti?

>4gb VRAM in 2019
you know what, go ahead and pull the trigger, it's tiresome dealing with idorts

wats better for gaems
2600x or 2700?
i can OC manually n shit

Yeah? 2600X + 580 does that fine? Especially for non-AAA games.

grab the 2600x, no advantages whatsoever in the 2700/x for gaming

I do, but not for people like you. You dug your own grave, who am I to undo your hard work.

Whatever, it's your money, not mine.

Grab the 2600, it's the exact same as the X once you overclock it

Unless you really really want the stock cooler that comes with the 2600X

im not him dude

>it's the exact same as the X once you overclock it
Oh please, stop being delusional. Most 2600 can't even hit 4.0.

>21 minutes of Dead by Daylight on Ultra 1440p
>Radeon VII
>pic related
Daily reminder that people on /pcbg/ shouldn't believe the intel hindu lies.

Attached: fFaclNz[1].png (474x675, 58K)

At 60cm from a screen, whats the optimal resolution/size combos for 24inch and 27inch?

Go home Jensen

>uses 5.5GB of VRAM
yep you are right, nobody should be scammed into beliving 6GB is not enough and that only vega is their option at 1440p let alone 1080p.

>doesn't include the gpu name

All New GPU Architecture in 7nm with "Navi"
So what did AMD mean by this?

Attached: AMD-Annual-Shareholder-Meeting-Navi-Ryzen-3000.jpg (1200x675, 103K)

AMD falling for the raytracing meme.

pic related

To be fair, dead by daylight probably isn't the most demanding of all games, but whatever you say chief.

Attached: uuSjrjb[1].png (640x672, 72K)

Is there a way to test if a PSU works without hooking it up to a pc?

This is 1H29M of browsing and watching netflix.

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They sell kits for it.

Putting EK waterblocks on two evga RTX gpus. Blue squares is where EK manual suggests putting thermal pads on the backplate. Top piece is the original plate.

It seems that evga puts pads where the capacitors are on the bottom of the board, while EK puts them where mosfets and such are on the top of the board.

Should I be concerned about this? The evga backplate has more than enough thermal pads, I could reuse them.

Attached: 20190516_162752.jpg (2448x3264, 2.1M)

>hotspot 95C
I can see why you tried to hide it. Even with an undervolt it still is hot.

I have this old guy, I've tested the power supply and it works. I'm trying to upgrade and keep the costs down so I'm wondering I can keep the power supply, the case and the DVD reader (not shown) the motherboard is a micro ATX ASRock B450M. Will I be able to fit that shit into this case?

Attached: IMG_20190516_163509.jpg (3369x2847, 2.96M)

>advising anyone to buy intel

Attached: boomersips.jpg (675x601, 106K)

It doesn't thermal throttle until 115* big dawg, it's not the same as edge temp, which was 73* max and 67* avg.

Gotta learn your stuff.

j-j-just disable HT bro who even cares if your i9 is now an i7 right?
This is definitely the last exploit, no way there will be any more now right?

Forgot to mention that the gpu and chassis fans were limited to 40% for silence as well.

lol my card stays at 61 while at 33% fan speed and being inaudible.
You have to undervolt, fuck around and its still audible and still hot.

are you trying to kill your gpu?

So 6* cooler.
>its still audible
You can't possibly know if it is or isn't.
>and still hot
Except it isn't.

It's time to stop posting, friend.

rate me build

the 1080 is placeholder for a used one @300 moneys

Attached: file.png (1660x805, 160K)

Asus 24.5" XG258Q TN 1920x1080 240Hz FreeSync 400cd/m2 16:9

So, is this monitor good?

>install included standoff screws for vesa mount for monitor
>manage to strip the socket threads using nothing but my fingers and weak, skinny, malnourished arms

Attached: 1527581100236.jpg (550x710, 69K)

I still have HT enabled on my 9900k and haven't noticed anything
This new meme is shit

EVGA is known for going overboard with thermal pads. Why not just use the original backplate?

AKA "It's fine so long as it just looks like a normal metal screw, right?"

True, but it's not my computer or parts. If it has itself some melty metal time and fizzles, I don't want them coming to me about it.

>So 6* cooler.
>You can't possibly know if it is or isn't.
I can easily look up youtube videos of people running the radeon 7 at the RPM that is shown in your little screenshot.

>It's time to stop posting, friend.

Then take a guitar pick and gently transplant the extra thermal pads onto the new backplate.

>easily look up
Ok, link me one that has it running at 1600rpm and show me how loud it is, I'll wait.

Attached: 517.jpg (248x233, 9K)

That all it is, Is a meme. I'm still getting full performance and benchmarks are still the same.

Attached: R20.jpg (1644x795, 376K)

>Guitar pick
I never thought of that. Thanks, user.

>Corsair CXM
>SeaSonic FOCUS
>Coolermaster MasterWatt
>BitFenix Formula
>Antec Neo ECO Classic NE550C
>Fractal Design Integra M
>Thermaltake Hamburg
>be quiet! Pure Power 11

tell me which are superior.

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