Best scripting language

python is good but what is better?
guile 3? javascript, ruby, go, perl?
lua for games?

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guile unironically

use guix

Attached: GNU-Guile-logo.svg.png (1200x646, 57K)

What kind of scripting?

>Embedded scripting
Guile, Lua if you must

>shell scripting
POSIX shell, Bash

>general glue
Python is everywhere.


what does scripting mean?

python is fucking retarded, the pythonic way of writing things is unreadable
using formatting as syntax is just stupid

i would rather use javascript than that joke of a language

I guess he means system scripts.
Depending on the job I use shell scripts or python for things bash is not capable of. Switching to golang

If you write something small to do a specific task for you, it's a script. Once it inevitably gets out of control, it becomes a program.

the latest javascript is pretty comfy

>>Scripting language
If you're running Windows it's a no brainer. If you're a windows sys admin and want to move up to dev ops then it's a the skill to learn

Scripting and programming are the same thing.

wrong again, idiot


he clearly means JIT or interpreted

What's the difference then?

Fuck off programming 101 student.

Turbo pascal



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Scripting is what you do, programming is for professionals such as myself.



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php7 is underappreciated in non-web stuff.

Are you legitimately retarded? In what world is go a scripting language?

Please elaborate user

JavaScript and/or typescript

And what do you do?


Don't use Ruby. You'll have to interact with the biggest faggots in the world if you mess with that.

Tcl/Tk is pretty nice.

Why would anyone ever use this piece of shit?
Made by a Bra*ilian no less

Decent speed, it allows parameter and return value type checking (which compensates for the weak typing), it has good arrays, bindings for many libraries, and many just generally useful functions.

> scripting language
what a fucking moron.

>If you write something small to do a specific task for you, it's a script. Once it inevitably gets out of control, it becomes a program

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I was seriously about to make the exact same thread. I don't like python or Perl.
Anyone tried Julia?

Unironically this.

Try writing fizzbuzz in PowerShell. The code is elegant, readable, and practical in a development environment. You will be converted instantly.

its for simple games

a = 10

def wtf():


>local variable ‘a’ referenced before assignment

mfw this language is that retarded

Scripting languages aren't compiled and are interpreted by the machine at run time. Usually used for small tasks or websites, not full programs.

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Make it global or pass it as argument you drooling troglodyte

Python is literally interpreted pseudo code

Yeah no shit you fucking moron, but by not using a keyword to declare your variables to make the language script kiddie friendly means you must then consider any variable in the scope of a fucking for loop a local variable by default. Name one other language that fucking does that.

>Python is everywhere.
So are roaches and rats.

Its small and efficient which makes it good for embedding in larger applications written in a static language like C or C++.

It’s no wonder that shitlets who act cocky in programming 101 “cuz muh python game” neck themselves when they see something like C++

Haskell is the most powerful programming and scripting language. Python is second.

Attached: haskell.png (400x400, 76K)

idk i program in ruby at work and its kinda comfy. its object oriented, fast, and feels bretty functional.

I really like node js. It's easy to write, faster than python, has a huge ecosystem, installing packages and libraries is dumb easy, and it can be used front end and back end.

No. It's absolutely dogshit slow but the point is you can call C from it so when something becomes a bottleneck, you can just write that part in C. So you have a C/C++ (or any other language really but these two are the most obvious choices for pairing with Lua) program that you extend with Lua but to make it faster you embed C in Lua as well.

>Python is second.
That would be PHP

> Haskell
> Most powerful
Come back when you can program in forth brainlet

can guile realistically compite against python?

Attached: guile.png (240x240, 15K)

Nope. Lisp is.
Haskell is still good though.

The language itself is objectively better.
Unfortunately, it can't compete when it comes to third party library availability, at least for now.

is it a better "general glue" than python?

for me, it's Java. Java is literally the most based language. for anything web related I will use Ruby. before you ask--yea, I am a proud cuck.

I wrote a Forth in Haskell, can you write a Haskell in Forth?

>I am a proud cuck

based cuck

he programs, obviously

not sure why you'd use julia if you aren't doing anything with mathematical computing

Julia is fine for general stuff if you are ok rolling a lot of it yourself. The JIT is fast, it has all of the concurrency and parallelism included, and the multiple-dispatch system is very powerful. It even has optional typing, which puts it a step above most dynamic languages.

If we're talking lisps then Clojure on Graal

JavaScript is literally more performant than Python. Python is so stupid slow it's fucking disgusting.

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but javascript is also javascript

I'll give you that, but Python is a meme language for babies and script kiddies.

Anything that can detect a misspellt variable at compile time. Anything with immutable, declared types. Anything statically compiled.

Why do you advocate for immutability in a script?

Btw Gluon, a script lang written in rust, matches your characteristics

Because that throwaway script from last week will always live beyond its expiration date and grow beyond 100 lines of code. Unless its original developers that are almost always a bunch of flaccid pussy faggots are forced to throw it away it won't be a "script" for much longer.

I know and there are much more. Languages like Python and Ruby only are around a prelengthened period of time because retards in the 90s fell for the dynamic meme and it will some additional decades to deal with the damage.

What is an example of a good script lang then?
