What will come after the smartphone?

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what is she doing? is it water or a cum?

The smartphone/cellphone hybrid that will be known as the smellphone.

>what is she doing? is it water or a cum?
Distilled water and medical-grade salts.
You use it to flush out your sinuses. It's called a "neti pot"

I used one when I had a sinus infection. It's fucking incredible.

Contacts that augment reality allowing a person to effectively "hallucinate" a holographic screen. They'll use it to push advertising and remote 5G surveilance under the guise of cuttting edge virtual reality

>t. never watched Six Feet Under

You could imagine a less autistic version of Google Glass being the next Thing.


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Basically Minority Report but with some corrupt AI predicting everything based on all the data they've been hoarding on everyone instead of psychics in a pool.

decentralized oracles

Funny you ask

learned something new today

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Brain implants

smart people pls.

>I used one when I had a sinus infection. It's fucking incredible.

Did the same recently. Don’t know if it helped any since my illness ran its usual course. But it was weirdly satisfying seeing all that mucus that came out.

We peaked, it's all downwards now

robotic sex waifus, with both 2D and 3DPD toggles

Forget smartphones i don't give a fuck, that shit plateau'd. I'm buying a netipot and cleaning my snot.

the apocalypse

Nothing, we already peaked, the moore's law is coming to an end, the 2 nm barrier is just around the corner, software is getting more and more bloated, quantum computers are just a pipedream, Jow Forums is dying, IQ is falling, pajeets dominate the industry, pic related.

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Smartcock, probably smart-ballsack

I upgraded to a neti on steroids.
Have deviated septum so the neti pot was pain in the ass to get flowing.

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this but unironically

Based and black pilled

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It just automatically censors all of your toxic masculinity unless it detects the presence of another mans fecal matter.

Buy one and use it when you get sick or just have bad allergies one day.
You can feel the water running into your nose, through your nasal cavities, and then out the other side.
If you don't use warm water, you can feel the coldness behind your eyes - it's the weirdest sensation.

Once you're used to it, though, you enjoy it.

Drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion.

