>Prolog, a fucking 1970s language
>automorphisms, set definability etc
I just wanted to learn to make videogames....
>programming exam tomorrow
>I just wanted to make videogames
Then why are you in school? You can learn this shit for free.
I thought you need advanced mathematics for videogames.... like MATRIX multiplication, first and SECOND function derivatives, AI intelligence.
>I just wanted to learn to make videogames....
Almost none of what you will learn in college outside of your first programming class and computer graphics will be particularly relevant to making video games.
lol, not really. Thats shit you need if you're making a engine, not the actual game it self.
Freidns I took a 25000 euro loan for this.... MAthematics is really important for videogames please do not make jokes.
you don't need school to learn any of the things you mentioned. good books will teach you that stuff at fraction of the time.
And even for engine dev none of the math you need is particularly advanced. Nothing you can't teach yourself.
Not really.
What do you learn in the school? Books haha. You have professionals to talk to aswell otherwise just the boring theory.... lol. Good parts please.
>MAthematics is really important for videogames
They are if you're making low level engine adjustments, but 90% of game deving is high level language scripting on a preexsisting engine. Really only sinior programmers do the low level shit. You can literally get in to game deving by just whipping up a few games in unity or UE4 and use that as your resume.
Haha yeah but I pai
you can use libraries for MATRIX multiplication (although isnt it like 9th grade math anyway?), video games dont/very rarely use calculus, neural network (real) AI is not anything like video game AI
just learn c/c++ or do free unity tutorials
Not him but matrix multiplication is not 9th grade math anywhere.
it was in highschool where i come from. but true, not 9th grade.
Granted we did learn that and gaussian elimination in 12th in a completely workaround way, they never named the formulae or the theory behind them.
There are many ways to get in to many jobs friend, and most all tech related jobs can be completely self tought and earned. Going to school for something tech related is only worth while if you're going in to something like Electrincal Enginering or Computer Science since those are levels of complexity and specialized knowledge that school is good for, but shit like networking, general programming (which OP's shit falls in to), general IT stuff (AD, etc) you really don't need schooling for.
t. A 30 something guy that runs a helpdesk with no degree beyond highschool, and work with many programmers that are the same way
>for a 1970s language
Fuck you, prolog is still relevant in fields like AI. You're too much of a brainlet to understand how it could be used. Also learning about unifiers is important
What's so special about computer science?? I use a computer for science and videogames (and PROFIT haha).
why is it that third world countries have high level of math education in pre-college schools? I noticed this trend in an international masters program that I have been teaching in for 4 years.
personal experience? tell me more user.
because people are not blinded by consumerism here. we are oldschool, learn your trade, love your trade, profit from your trade. not like the americans who are always looking for "life hacks" and "shortcuts" to interviews. plus, the USSR helped spread engineering-oriented job demand in the 2nd world.
Actual Computer Science is the science of how computing works. Its more about theory then implementation. Electrical Engineering is more about the implementation side of things, but they both have a lot of cross talk. Neither are necessarily about things like programming, thats often only learned as a means to a different ends (hence why Python ends up being so popular with CS dudes)
>plus, the USSR helped spread engineering-oriented job demand in the 2nd world.
based authentic gommunist poster.
>personal experience?
I've taken AI classes at a top tier research university
it is not about communism, people were more alive and energetic back then, willing to fight, willing to live, if only to spite westerners.
Shut up dumbass, if you dont know how to program well you will only make gay subpar games like undertale and other faggot ass trash.
Prolog is an amazing language. It's only fault is the halting problem. Brainlet.
Good luck in a field with horrible work/life balance.
not OP but I am studying first order logic and prolog, very interested in this language. can you give me some tips?
Guys can ANYONE here please explain predicate definability with auto morphisms? PLEASE?
U still here?
> C, a fucking 1970s language
what exactly is bad about this ?
ewww old man
>Advanced Mathematics
>Matrix multiplication
The odds are we're a similar age, so no.
Neither C nor Prolog are 'bad' languages by virtue of being old.
not advanced mathematics
you can also learn that shit on your own
this is bait.
>Going to school
You do realize that going to school basically teaches you to be the code-monkey for the person who actually has the idea, gets 98% of the profits, all while you scrape by trying to pay off your massive college debt on $20/hour right?
It's "C11" now.