what's wrong
worst namefig
Kill yourself
Hi Suebster
how is it going?
Its ok. My weekend pretty much consisted of sleeping and sometimes eating. How about you?
Are these tears real or fake?
spent the entire day working out out of boredom, i havent been feeling like reading lately
I tried reading Stirner recently but it Just seems like a meme. Maybe it gets better sooner. What workouts do you do?
its like you want to fall into a depression
i already told you, it has been weight lifting day
yep, i warned him too late
RIP slovenia
I found that Stirner rather tries to help with such emotions, like Nietzsche does. The difference being that Stirner can make a well structured argument.
sorry im too much of a dum dum to understand stirner. philosophy in general
But youre a big braines dum dum who's learning New languages c:
philosophy is much harder than studying languages
I wouldnt say so. Learning languages takes lots of effort and critical thinking. Philosophy just requires you to read some books and staring at your ceiling at a lot
you dont need to think to learn languages. this comes from a person that has been studying languages all his life
But I speak 4-5 languages (depending on if you count bosnian as just a dialect of croatian or not) and I can safely say that it requires a fair amount of effort to learn a New language
Much more effort requires learning philosophy since you do have to think
No you. You should try working out as well desu, it makes you feel less depressed