I began saving boxes in case anything had to go back... then I began to forget what I had and did not have...example, I have 3 fucking keyboards in there and yet I can only find the one I use and the cordless one.
This is the result of having making too many bitcoin shekels and spending them too quickly....and this doesn't even include the shit on other side of the room....
Here's my "Shit room," faggots
fuck it, it turned them uo side down..I have about 15 other pics, but the mod on tonight seems like a hard-on so who knows if he'd even let them stay..amazing the amount of shit I've accumulated in less than 2 years... and this is only about 1/2
Send me a monitor OP ill pay you
fucking australians
At least the mattress isn't fucking exposed.
> it;s not video games though, It's all various forms of tech shit. Not sure if it even makes a diff. Between all I spent, it's at least $7k US (not exaggerating) and could have gone on round the world cruise with a qt girl (if I had a gf). feels bad man..
SEVENTY (70) thous US. waste. kindle, oS, 4 PCS, 3 mac book pros, 6 monitors, and on and on and on...all from bitcoin monies...
nice fire hazard you got there, user.
nice gear in a shithole apt
you must get a ton of snatch user. Girl is about to get naked: "wait a sec, need to write you up for that violation, will be right back.."
Good Lord.... At least break the damn things down until ya need to actually fuckin use em again.
Making me wanna smack you
not an apt, shithole basement
guess not use in posting more, you all get the idea...
lets see your battlestation
Make a pile of cardboard boxes and jump into it and livestream it and install gentoo
>nice fire hazard you got there, user.
you make a good point about 15 ppl have told ne,,,if the fucker ever did burn down, fire insurance would pay me ZERO. This weekend need to do it.
and this is only HALF the badement,t he other sid eis all the Oculus, the desk, and all the working shit OUT of the boxes...
part of other side-- need to find a tidy girl who is into tech...
another part of the other end...
this is the 2080ti and the titan v , which was a total fucking waste of shekels, total stupidity...
lastly-- if you plan to piss away the money anyway, the Rift VR, Logitech wheel and pedals, and the euro trucer game is by far (imo) the best VR game....driving from the Alps to the Brittany coast in VR is amazing...
>this is the 2080ti and the titan v , which was a total fucking waste of shekels, total stupidity...
Sell one or both of them, or learn a hobby where you can use them, such as 3D or machine learning.
As for all the other shit, sell what you don't need and throw away the boxes of the shit you don't want to sell or are unable to sell. You'll get ~40-50% of the buying price in most cases. Use the money you get from selling the shit to go on a nice vacation, maybe see some ladies of the night.. If there is any money left, buy crypto with it.
Lastly, don't buy more shit. Let this be you lesson. Also, eat an apple and start working out.
>Also, eat an apple and start working out.
yeah, I'd addicted to working out and have been a gymfag for almost a decade, so that's not an issue, Only think i MIGHT get is the new $399 Rift, but other than that I'm done for 4 years at least.
Not sure how much I'll be able to get for Titan but will find out this weekend,
>yeah, I'd addicted to working out and have been a gymfag for almost a decade, so that's not an issue,
That's good, the only things that matter in life are your health, freedom, and liquid capital. Shit just weights you down. Most people who get their hands on too much money in a short period of time do just what you've been doing, they accumulate all kinds of shit and then they realize that they've made some stupid decisions. Now you've done it, you know it's pointless so get rid of it and move on.
Go on a vacation, I highly recommend it. Try Italy.
How do you accumulate all the bitcoin shekels since you can't mine them?
This is what happens when you give incels money
okay now fuck off
also seek help for legitimate hoarding
cute kitter gimme a monitor plz
do this and you re laughing. nice setup user.