post your listening tech
no bully
Some audio
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Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Damn, careful with that edge via my openwrt router + USB DAC using mpd
Ive been using them for years. Only problem is they break every 6 months or so but i just rebuy them. Dirt cheap and great B A S S
>no bully
Fuck off, kid
Here's me an me gear right now. I hope no one jelly.
straight off of fucking Jow Forumsaudiophiles
Everything I ever wanted in speakers.
eh, not bad
How do I realistically calculate voltage on speakers? I know that I should use peak voltmeter or a scope with such function. But I don't have that.
So if I know voltage gain of an amp, know dBu at 0 dB FS of my interface, and then will use a dBTP meter on a source PC can I achieve realistic value that way?
The short answer is no, get the appropriate equipment and your life will become a whole lot easier.
I took out the CD player because it died on me
Turntable on the top shelf is a Pioneer PL-400
Looking good
I need to dig up my cassette player
MDR-7506 with Sansa Clip
why the redundancy
when Onkyo was good
>shoes indoors
low volume win
Why do this.
too lazy to take a pic
2xhs5, hs8s, scarlett 2i4, and flac/mp3 stuff
love it
>So if I know voltage gain of an amp, know dBu at 0 dB FS of my interface, and then will use a dBTP meter on a source PC can I achieve realistic value that way
That should be reasonably close, give or take a dB from some filtering. You would need a little more info to figure out just how loud everything is and the endpoint.
But, what are we trying to do here?
Well, I'm just curious how high peaks are really are while I listen to music and don't have a peak-metering capable multimeter or a scope.
Unfortunately this won't determine current peaks, which are also of interest.
it's comfy.
Glorious Philips 541 MFB speakers.
Glorious low noise Luxman L-120A amp.
Decent Denon AH-MM400 headphones.
Life without a subwoofer is good. I need to get my sound treatment up in this room.
what/why those bricks under the speaker
Nice receiver
They're heavy and they're sitting on some really soft material, they stop the speakers coupling down to the desk. Since these tiny speakers go down to about 30 Hz, they work really hard even at low volume, so the desk "singing along" becomes a real issue.
Thanks, it's fully restored, and I've redesigned a part of the signal path to make it really, really low noise and distortion.
Isn't Jow Forums supposed to have nice things? What is this dumpster diving contest?
That's a picture of my basement when I got the new RF7-iii speakers user
Comparing Klipsch RF7-iii vs Klipsch CF-4
Why do you want to know volts at all?
Jow Forums is just as bad as /mu/ when it comes to audio except for a select few
>They're heavy and they're sitting on some really soft material, they stop the speakers coupling down to the desk. Since these tiny speakers go down to about 30 Hz, they work really hard even at low volume, so the desk "singing along" becomes a real issue
makes sense, would this also make a difference for speaker sitting on a wood floor?
The spectrum would be more of interest than the waveform peaks.
>really, really low noise and distortion.
How low would that be?
If you have a really rickety wooden floor, maybe. It's not usually a big issue with big speakers, though.
It's got less than 0,0054 % THD+N from 500 mW to 120 W output, with noise dominating only below 1 W. The unweighted noise floor is -84,5 dBV between 10 Hz and 30 kHz.
I don't have gear to measure fancy stuff like IMD with worthwhile accuracy, so I don't have figures for that stuff, but I'd wager it performs at least decent in most areas.
Nice Luxman. I've been looking for one of their amps for a while but they're thin on the ground. Maybe I'll just grab an R-117.
Yeah, they're rare as hen's teeth, probably due to being retardedly expensive new. I've been lucky to get my hands on both that L-120A and this C-120A/M-120A combo. Just missing the tuner and equalizer to have the whole set.
I'm not a huge fan of the later Lux gear, sadly. Mine are from the early Alpine days and it already shows, the even newer units are probably pretty generic-japanese-80's-hifi on the inside. Which isn't a bad thing in itself, but it kind of takes a bite out of the exclusivity.
Nice. The R-115 and 117 seem to have a good rep. The 117 is said to be underrated at 160wpc. Good sized transformer. No heat pipes to leak at least. The digital display is a minus. Lots of them from the era fade to nothing.
Nice things is relative.
Well I expected Jow Forums to hoard stuff like large Genelec/Neumann etc. Not what I see here.
there's many more options available to suit different tastes
- Fiio BTR3 + Fiio FH1 in the streets
- Sennheiser HD 519 + Fiio K1 + Edifier R1700BT in the sheets
anyone know if these are any good
>why do you have washing machines in your studio?
I have a pair of pretty old but good sony speakers hooked up to a car stereo that's powered by a 12v line from a PSU molex connector. I just purchased a chink $11 amp from ebay because the car stereo will drop the left channel occasionally randomly.
Kef LS50s, Schitt Vidar, Paradound P5 preamp
I love motorized volume controls so damn much
thats clever putting the car stereo to the psu
did you get the Vidar at a discount
>Not knowing the joy of experiencing ambient at a low level with massive speakers
Aren't M2 cost the same while being a superior speaker?
Makes me wanna get an old dell tower from Goodwill and install three car steroes, also from thrift, into it.
Yeah, the M2 costs the same but requiers a dsp with active crossover and 4channel amplification.
And I don't know if I would be able to buy them from my local store, and if I would get the same discount if I could.
Can you tell a difference between benchmark and other amplifiers easily (with not too bad amps, obviously)
nice what channels are you listening to?
Nice cable management. Show me the way.
Why do you ask
But yes, everything was used
Depends, haven't tried many amps in my setup, only a Rotel RB1582 and a Luxman integrated class A amplifier and I didn't have them all at the same time either. But I could tell the Rotel apart from the Benchmark and the Luxman, I feel that the Benchmark and Luxman sounded about the same but the Benchmark being A LOT quieter.
I saw no real point in looking at other amps, Benchmark should be the best and it integrates well with the dac.