What are you doing on your computer, user?

What are you doing on your computer, user?

Attached: whores.jpg (1077x876, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:


"Who here wants to learn programming?"

Geez, OP, now I'm fantasizing about actually doing that

The same as you OP, shitposting with non-tech related on Jow Forums.

boarding the coding train

Attached: coding_train.png (1594x798, 1.68M)

if u watched the social network, you'll know what i'm doing

Attached: i c u.png (910x1180, 637K)

>Watching movie with my thicc ex on her laptop
>Agonisingly slow Windows 10 bloat monster, even typing in Chrome's search bar is laggy
>Get my laptop out; Arch on SSD so fast that launching GNU IceCat with a single keybind breaks the sound barrier
>"Wtf is all this user?"
>Show her around my dwm+st+dmenu setup
>"Lol that's stupid, why's it so hard to use?"
And that was the first and last time a woman took interest in my setup

Attached: 1558037326257.jpg (1600x1064, 319K)

>"you know, my name's not user"
>she looks at me, confused
>"my name is... Jow Forums"
>start typing furiously
>TV explodes
>everyone screams scared
>the fridge transforms like a decepticon in a turret
>blows the fucking brains out of everyone
>put on hoodie and mask
>take one iphone from corpse
>look at camera
>"you are next, Cook"
>on the other side of screen Tim Cook loses control and start screeching of horror
>the next morning they found his corpse dead, he killed himself

Attached: serveimage(7).png (943x528, 520K)

based basedboy

Why aren't there any women of color in this pic?

waiting for got while browsing a technology forum and chatting with my friend on discord about the correlation between keycap colors and being a tranny. also listening to Perfection by john o callaghan featuring cathy burton
why are you all in my home?
i have been in complete touch deprivation for 8 years can you please give me a back massage ill pay you

Attached: __aa_12_girls_frontline_drawn_by_ihobus__sample-bc2ceaf80f9de03b764c6b97878165f0.jpg (850x720, 106K)

Kind of scared running my infogayment tablet at 100% right now. I was playing Disgaea 2 psp last night while listening to Mars Volta on Vanilla Music Player wearing my cargo shorts when, suddenly, I got a message saying the sd card wasn't being recognized and shortly after the tablet shut down. Happened a couple more times with other games and music. Must be the ram or the mobo going bad, disappointing as I bought it just last year, around August. It still seems to be stable shitposting or watching youtube but gayming was my goto activity to unwind./blog

>Why aren't there any women of color in this pic?
Because that is in Poland, there are only whites in the Poland as far as i know

Why yes, I just spent 6 hours organizing my porn collection. How about you?

That's nothing. There are 12 year old's more sophisticated than you out there.

Attached: 1546548546781.jpg (642x1200, 80K)

Browsing Jow Forums on Jow Forums.org.

I see you're still making gay threads, OP

Trying to find out what people think of C++.

>Is this the basic bitch convention?


>"Lol that's stupid, why's it so hard to use?"
I get that on occasion when I show customers why their 11 year old shit-tier trash pile HDD stuffed into the computer they smoke next to can't be recovered in the shop. Easy explanation: you can have a fast setup, you can have an easy setup, and you can have a setup that does more than just the absolute basics, but you can only pick two.

I'm arguing with strangers on the internet about which cartoon girl has the best lookin' titties. No, you're not in the running, how'd you get in my apartment anyway?

Not much, just checking some pc's health and writing a report on it sayin "theyre not sick but need more "fiber" in their diet, i dont wanna bore you with my work mumbo jumbo, so just give me a minute or 2, stacy and well grab a bite or drink talking about sometuing you do, wanna grab one of my weed brownie popcackes?

Maybe when they kick in you find interesting what i do and if not we can always have some more until it becomes interesting or i become a man in your league of reach.

>*Winks and tips fedora while slurping mountain dew with bot hands covered in chocolate brownie fudge snorting while laughin and wearing programmer socks*

I'm talking about overpriced consumer electronics with the guys you bullied back in highschool.

> you can have a fast setup, you can have an easy setup, and
You are stupid, stop installing them bloated windows versions.
Also on the 32bit version, even Windows 10 is faster on old pcs.