Whats your favorite programming language and why /v/?

Whats your favorite programming language and why /v/?

Attached: programming-languages.png (949x652, 277K)

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C because it is essential

rust because its the future

python because something is needed to script

Javascript because you can do everything with it

JavaScript because it's my first language and it's silky smooth I'm gonna fuck it's mother one day

nice bait

Java. It's comfy.

C# and Java

Yeah I can build everything in x86 assembly as well, doesnt make it a good language. JS is awful, I mean most people dont even know how their code is working internally and those fucking undefined everywhere

btw, my favorite language is haskell because its a proof of concept of a good language. C++ would go second because modern C++ doesnt have a lot of flaws because of their iso

Currently i'm learning Scala and liking it.
Actors are interesting stuff.

Prolog. Not the most efficient or practical, but it feels so natural to do things in.

based af

try that
nano test.py
print "fag"

ctrl + x
python test.py & PID=$! echo $PID

C and Python

C++ is growing on me



Everything besides C is slow and bloated garbage.

Procedural: c
OOP: C++ or CLOS.
Functional: clisp
Logic: Prolog
HDL: Verilog

Hard to pick between C++, JS and F#
You can literally do everything with the combination of these three.

same with C, even linus torvalds dont know how C standard works. JS and C are not pajeet-langs like python, they are actually complex. Easy to start hard to master

All programming languages but Assembly are niggerlicious


Based clisper.


TypeScript because it's the language I have the most experience, but made even better thanks to typing.
Kotlin, because it's actually nice to write and read, while having most of the features I expect from a language, including actual parallelism done in a piss easy way.
I want to say C# because it seems to have all those features too, but I don't know it enough. Wish objects weren't nullable by default though.

C# and Visual Basic

Yeah, but master js and a lot of employers will revere you as a god.

I used to love Python, but it's so shit for actual usage. C# for general use.

TypeScript if I'm making a front facing app.
Go if I'm making infastructure/webservers.
Finally if it doesn't need performance or a UI, Python is cozy.

I work for real world stuff so Java, JavaScript, TypeScript and Python is the way to "go"

C & C++

> Respect your elders, is good dev karma.

c and lua is nice


I don't use it often but I love R, mostly for playing around with. I think I like it because everyone else hates it.

C++. I can always use pretty much C, I can easilly combine it with ASM.
I like making things faster, I am decent at algorithms and math, but some people are better at that than I am, however taking their code and making it literally 100-1000 times faster gives me a boner.

Rust because I find it comfortable.

Julia. It's fast like C++ and it has native support for multidimensional arrays.

go ahead, hate on me, I'll code an awesome web app meanwhile you neckbeard losers with your C and nothing to show for unless you spend 14 years on a 2 screens app

i unironically like go

Javascript is useful, that doesn't mean I have to like it. JS has been ruined by how insanely complicated the tech stack has gotten. JS should be used to extend the functionality of the page beyond what you can do with a static HTML page but it routinely gets abused to the point where people block it because you're better off not leaving JS enabled most of the time.

This is pretty interesting, user. Thanks.

Attached: 1413777090510.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)


don't mind me, just coding my awesome web app in C++

>meme stack
Laugh on my face Jow Forums

Common business oriented language (COBOL) because I like to combine my business with my programming frequently.

most of my experience is with C and python, plus some bash

what would you guys recommend me to pick up? lisp seems interesting but I don't know much about it

somebody using the Wt framework in C++ could write a single-page app faster than you could, in all likelihood. just sayin'

whichever one lands me a good paying gig when I'm out of school.

It's been quite a productive language for me too.
The fact that it has a rock solid full featured standard library really helps.
That said there's a fair bit of boilerplate code required - error handling being the most notorious aspect of course.

Scala all the fucking way. Great language, but more importantly I can use any Java library in existence. Of which there are a gazillion.
The only problem is Scala Native is plodding along pretty slowly, and I want it like yesterday.
Until then, sticking with D for native stuff. I really miss Scala's "everything is an expression" and pattern matching, but I manage.



Why ? Because it's simply the best modern language.

Racket language and learning resources are a decent entry point for learning Scheme and later Lisp.
Scheme is Lisp without the really powerful stuff, introduces you to the base concepts of the language.
Most of the celebrated Lisp texts tend to err towards masturbation over pedagogy though; c.f. On Lisp, Let Over Lambda.

You may enjoy the experience of learning a functional language.
I'd recommend Haskell as it's the least forgiving, though I don't know if there are any good texts for it.
F# is my next suggestion, a great language and tied in with .NET


Holy fucking shit it is great. I have never developed so fast in my life before. I can basically make my own syntax entirely.

The only downside of Scala is you really need to know how to make clean and readable code, as you can total freedom to mold it into what you want to.

The ability to "add" new methods to existing classes is amazing, the ability to define new operators entirely, and override old ones, is great.

A kind of stupid example, but that the fact I can just define that "val2 = val1 within(0,100)" means "val2 = Math.max(0,Math.min(val1,100))" makes my code more readable and faster to write.

The 100x better native string support ($)

All the ways to handle lists.

Scala is just stupidly precise, and is everything Java should have been.

Attached: scala-spiral.png (304x492, 78K)

>CTRL+F "clojure"
>0 matches
What happened clojurebros...

This is my first time ever hearing about this language.

Who's hiring junior COBOL devs?

Fair point.

C#. A great, mature language and a great, mature ecosystem.
Cross Platform support is still a bit immature, though. Android and iOS support is great, though. It's incredible how much better C# is than swift for creating iOS apps. async / await is so much better than shitty callback hacks and proper typed containers are much better than the inherited-from-objective-c NSValue shitfuckery. Or the shitty selector-style callbacks, which STILL don't allow you to pass a callback, not even non-capturing ones.

go for tools, python for data diggin
sometimes c, but I am too slow to write it

swift was such a letdown

C# is kind of bloated, not?

I like Julia, S-tier milf

>even linus torvalds dont know how C standard works

The guy who designed it is a compiler guy, swift was his language he then moved on ...

python is simple to learn hard to master too, its hyperdynamicism kills if you are not careful

oldie but goldie: advanced python or understanding python

I don't understand why they even bothered to invent a new language and then chose to inherit all the API design flaws from Obj-C without fixing any of them or providing a wrapper.
I mean, they have a fucking compiler, for fuck's sake. They can generate arbitrary glue code. Absolutely niggerlicious.
The only thing swift really seems to do is force you to check for null. A lame language feature any language with generics can emulate with a an optional monad.

Not really. I mean, yes, it requires a .net runtime so it can't compete with systems programming languages performance-wise, but it's not attempting to.
The language does have many features, but the syntax was extremely well chosen so you could usually tell what it does even without knowing the syntax. They all help make it so your programs don't have to be bloated by allowing you to specify just the right kinds of things very elegantly. The only feature the language could have done without, in my opinion, is the C# even handlers. This could have easily been a library, which would be less confusing and more customizable (for example, with event handler priority etc.). You can tell the feature was invented specifically and only for WinForms.

c is comfy as fuck

Pill me on rust.

Easy and readable and the community is nice

I've been using Dart lately, and I think it might be my favorite right now. I might be in the minority, but I like JavaScript, and Dart has similar syntax, but with types and other really nice features (e.g. writing classes is completely painless). I haven't used TypeScript so idk how it compares to that.

Off topic but fyi 'clamp' is the standard name for what you're doing with your 'within' operator.

I always feared $MS, then I avoided anything out of Redmond and life was fine. Now I am in fear again, then so fucking serious to invade the open source 5is time, its just ugly. Nat Friedman smiles like he on some highend crack.

C#, but sadly all I've ever used at work is C++, Java and Python.

python cuz i can copy paste solutions for the most part
c++ if i want to f33l 1337

Thanks. I mostly made it that, since I also support the notation
q = x ≤ y ≤ z
Too limit q to be the value of y between x and z.
Some said it was hard to read, so I just made it super obvious using
q = y within(x,z)

C, because no other language is as efficient in learning programming in general. Most other languages are based on it and the way and stuff it is used for help you grasp a deeper understanding of programming and how the computer works.

C is for autistic elitists. Python is the only one worth using these days.


C - The entire guide book (K&R) is less than 300 pages, it is incredibly simple and my favorite language. For comparison I've seen ~intro~ to Java and C++ books that are over 1200 pages. Sure it is not as common today, but when working with embedded systems and operating systems it's essential

C++ - useful when I need to do something that's not an operating system or embedded system. Yes it has bloat, but just use what you need. You can write 90% of your code in pure C and just touch the C++ stuff when you need that extra layer of abstraction for efficiency.

Python - A great scripting language, used to automate things and helps me out with C (like quickly generating repetitive code, testing, or creating an interface on my computer to a microcontroller). Also statistics and data analysis in python is pretty nice

Processing - A strange and quirky language with plenty of flaws, but it let's you create incredible animations (2D and 3D) extremely fast. This language is a ton of fun and I've written things like a beautiful way to display data and a 3D simulation of a robot arm. It's semi-legit because NASA has used it to create animations

Bash - Great for working in Linux to automate things and make everything work the way you want it to

imagine being such a subhuman that you unironically enjoy coding in prolog

Saying C is simple is such a weasel concept. The rules you are bound to are simple, the resulting code is not. C as a platform is also extremely fragmented and compilers are free to do what they want and there is a lot of customization used in practice.

Everything besides assembly is slow and bloated garbage.

What I meant is the tools you have are very well defined and you can understand everything, so it's a great language to teach someone learning because they can really get a grasp on everything. Then for whatever project they work on next they can choose the best language suited for their needs and go from there.

Of course some code will be complex, but if this is the case you either need to refactor or move to a language with higher levels of abstraction. I only use C for embedded systems and OS design, for anything else there is almost always a better tool for the job.

I like CL but it's not a very good functional language

Scheme forces you to learn about data structures and functions.
Haskell forces you to think about that, and evaluation too.
Haskell starts out as a gigantic time sink with no hopeful use in sight but you can actually use it to do cool stuff after some time.

I'm always happy when there is something I can justifiably solve with awk. It is a fun little language.

I do project euler stuff in Racket and in terms of fun that comes in as a close second.

Data structures in Scheme suck. It does make for nicely structured programs though.

What I meant is that you have to make them yourself - and thus think about them.

RUST And Go Lang

Everything besides hexadecimal is slow and bloated garbage.

Visual Basic, Paskal, TurboC, Delphi

You should check this out:

Neither teaches pointers, the fundamental building block of every general computer.

PHP is great

Implentation details. You don't need them or need to know about them if you have purity.

All banks, financial Institutions, etc...

Pure C because it is simple, lightweight and extremely fast. The downside is that many things have to be done manually, but I'm used to.

Attached: .png (3558x5076, 1.22M)

Graph data structures would disagree with that.

it's a bit of meme though. People act like it's some secret money making machine. Junior COBOL mainframe jobs are scattered across the country with a lot in middle America making like $75k. A senior dev in a programming hotspot makes no more than just a vanilla programmer.