Every distro that matters defaults to the Gnome desktop

Every distro that matters defaults to the Gnome desktop.

In the eyes of the public, the foot is THE linux interface.

How does that make you feel?

Attached: Fedora-Linux.png (1366x768, 1.19M)

GNOME is the future

It doesn't make me feel anything. Good for them I guess? Its a significantly better DE than both windows and mac.

>Its a significantly better DE than both windows and mac

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>every distro that matters defaults to gnome
>this is why i3 is popular

indifferent since alternatives exist.


I love that. GNOME is great.

Makes me feel like Gnome is currently at the Windows 8 stage where they shoehorn oversized tablet menus into desktop computers. Nobody on a desktop fucking needs a launch menu where 24 icons take up most of the screen. My Windows 7 desktop fits 300 shortcuts and files.

If gnome was the only resort, I'd go back to windows.

Please stop saving every shitty file on your desktop, then only start removing them once you run out of space.
Your system has a search function for a reason.

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I use GNOME, so I don't really care.

>points out an obvious flaw
>some retard replies with "youre using it wrong"

Stop telling me how to use my computer. The desktop is a functional space, I want to put things on it. Do you never put anything on your physical desk either?

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GNOME doesn't prevent you from using a standard desktop (including icons). It just doesn't provide it.
Also GNOME's activities overview is quite comfy.

So why use Gnome if you're only gonna make it work like a different DE?

What if you really are using it wrong and they were right all the time?

I thought the point of Linux is that you customize it in any way you want. There's no "using it wrong".

>How does that make you feel?
Disappointed, mostly because it's just kinda unpleasant to use and lacks basic features.
In terms of user experience, it's a flat step down from the GNOME 2 desktop.
You could reasonably argue that it's one of the (many) factors keeping back Linux adoption on the desktop.

honestly, I'm amazed at all this shit that keeps getting pushed as "standard" on Linux desktops for some reason

>single-threaded javascript desktop that doesn't have filepicker thumbnails or in-browser video gpu playback is THE linux interface

it's the closest thing linux fags have to magnum opus that is macos de

Most DEs (if not all) allow you to disable desktop icons. I don't see the lack of desktop icons as a unique core concept of GNOME.

Nah, that's Unity. The best desktop Linux ever had.

i cry everytiem

Every PC defaults to a Windows operating-system yet you wouldn't say it's the best OS out there wouldn't you?

holy shit, this is horrifying

Feels great. Best de ever.

Attached: the_foot.jpg (427x640, 68K)

GNOME 3 was meant to be a departure from the desktop metaphor. So lacking desktop icons is very much a part of the core concept.

Like some sinister force is at work, ...

I like standardization and mainstream things as I fully recognize the value of scale, but why does it have to be so far from what I want?
I am too much of a wimp to go headless or even full terminal, but come on does everything need at least 3 layers of graphic additions that do nothing and somehow drop features I use?

Attached: the foot clan.jpg (500x800, 93K)

>GNOME 3 was meant to be a departure from the desktop metaphor.
I love how they now claim that GNOME3 never was meant to be a tablet oriented meme

it doesn't matter. The desktop metaphor was all ways a shitty baby boomer idea.

Guess I'm going against the intentions of GNOME's devs then.

I absolutely love the way it works and I think it's proposed way of working should be considered the industry standard - no icons on the desktop, no taskbars, no docks, no minimize button. Just switch to the next workspace if you need it, or bring it on top of what you have on the current workspace. Normal desktop view is for working and using the applications, the gnome shell thing that appears when you hit super is for launching programs and getting an expose-style overview of what's running to switch to them. It's simple, fast, less tedious, good looking and works comfy both for people who use the mouse the most and the ones who do everything with the keyboard. IMO it even reduces the need for multiple screens.
The problem is that it's obviously poorly written and has poor quality control. I used it once on Arch and it was a memory leaking nightmare. All in all KDE is a far better DE right now.

Makes me sad, since Gnome 3 is the only reason, why Linux year of Desktop is still not here.

>gnome 3
>the year of javascript desktop environment
I blame redhat and pajeet for this.

I'm kinda liking to use the foot. I used to hate it, but now I decided to use it and like it.
>I used it once on Arch and it was a memory leaking nightmare.
It was supposedly fixed on 3.30, I haven't noticed memory leaks on 3.32.
Also, I agree with most of what you said, but I still like the Unity-like dock Ubuntu gives me on the left. I turn it to auto-hide and it's pretty good.

I like both gnome and kde

Attached: 131174641772.png (265x190, 2K)

Me too.

i'm fine as long as i can install kde, who cares about others

I dislike both.

Is it just me or does everything in Gnome take one more step than it should? I literally can't wrap my head around how I'm supposed to use it correctly if I have tons of shit running.

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I do feel there should be options in the settings menu to have more icons on screen, smaller/denser, or even larger ones, for accessibility.

And they need to make folders easy, just click and drag applications onto each other to make folders, don't make me install third party utilities to do what should be an integrated function.

>caring about normies

Quality bait thread, bot.


>In the eyes of the public, the foot is THE linux interface.
No. In the eyes of the public, the terminal is THE linux interface.

multitasking is one of the main purposes of an OS, user

It's the evolution of the window manager, i like it.

Attached: 1399250059712.jpg (750x462, 34K)

The public barely knows that Linux exists and has no idea how it looks.

My distro defaults to FVWM

mirai zura

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Sunshine!! - 09 [1080p]00:13:020018.jpg (1920x1080, 383K)

>The desktop is a functional space, I want to put things on it. Do you never put anything on your physical desk either?
>actually following the desktop metaphor like some prehistoric creature from the 1980s
Do you use a spatial file manager, too?

>I don't like something that was made that way so I'm gonna sperg out in bug reports until they add the function they literally said they will never ship

don't reply, just tell him to use another DE if they don't like it. The design of gnome is perfect for me.
Best multitasking window manager, it is stress free.
Also toddlers who complain about desktop icons just never used a terminal so don't bother, normal users have tried bare window managers already and only complain about gnome being a resource hog. Which is why I don't currently use it, gnome 3.22 starts using more memory with time (debian, and probably gentoo's 3.24)

Looks like an apple clone so i dont like it

They claim that dynamic workplaces and the overview are best for multitasking but it's actually like you said. It adds another pointless step.
Honestly they should have went back to the drawing board as soon as they realized that they didn't come up with something better than a traditional taskbar.
It only took Microsoft two years to realize that they fucked up with Win8. GNOME has been working on a flawed concept for almost a decade.

It's a good reason for people to stay away from Linux.

Don't care because I'm not the public

>Also toddlers who complain about desktop icons just never used a terminal so don't bother
Oh, fuck off.

you must really like scarificing freedom for convinience then

Doesn't really touch me. I use i3 and it's comfy, If someone uses something else, so be it.