Code artisan

>code artisan
>programming ninja

Attached: 1497823150392.png (1204x1204, 1.41M)

>web architect

>technology evangelist



>anime website


>frog website

Attached: 1557757475378.gif (307x298, 1.48M)

"You're that ninja"

>software engineer


>grand poobah of disruptive innovation

Attached: 1545965612801.jpg (210x240, 17K)

>data analyst

>shitposting guru

>coduler combobultor

>UNATCO Agent with Master Computer Skill

Easily the cringiest of them all is

Attached: poo.png (633x706, 73K)

what the actual fuck

Attached: big think.webm (420x420, 1.08M)

Quora is a magical place.

Attached: 1542666663755.png (590x430, 28K)

>Easily the cringiest of them all is
Java Guru

>rockstar developer




>UNATCO Agent with Master Electronics and Master Computer skills

>the one
>computer whizz

Pls user...stob...

Attached: nerdberd.png (1127x685, 37K)


This made me want to fucking strangle you.
You might even say...
Like a python.

No ragrets.

I really like these

>devops container scientist

I prefer it when people refer to me as a wizard-level hacker

Attached: Laughing Man.gif (239x216, 230K)

Attached: codebitch.png (1440x2112, 2.25M)

>data pagan
>cyber vegan

>Ruby and Rails not Ruby on Rails
>Code Witch but it has a penis
>Notorious SJW

Attached: 1551601715792.jpg (600x560, 68K)

>iMac and macbook

Notorious iToddler

Attached: 1558205201193-g.gif (540x540, 279K)

>1337 h4x0r


>weapon of durgasoft


"cyber-security malware rapist"


"nefarious code bumbandit"

Read that last one as nefarious code bumbaclot, and I like my version better

Anything ending with 'analyst' really

What the fuck is wrong with people

> data whisperer

it's bumboklat

but bumbaklat

t. worked briefly for a white california dude who pretended to be a south american shaman

>fortran jedi

>tarrot analysist
>palm reading engineer
>code cultural inclusivity engineer

iToddlers BTFO!

>bash barbarian
>C+= Cunt
>python punter
>pussy hat pythonista resistance member!


Attached: rubbi.jpg (1600x1200, 260K)

>filesystem fetishist
>php oh god oh why please someone kill me soon

Maybe you should try getting a job.


>FPGA shaman
>script druid
>wizard wizard

>passionate and love for the craft

>open source advocate and technologist

so in other words: "I speak and whine about things I don't understand but you have to take me seriously. Also, respect my pronouns!"

>live in USA
>be married and with kids


Script shaman*
You need some alliteration to spice thingsup.

>code conjurer

>penetration tester