>AI & ML

Attached: 1527211143203.png (456x429, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>IBM keyboard
>Audio-Technica ATH-M50

Attached: 27bc.jpg (400x400, 30K)


Attached: image.jpg (1800x1079, 604K)



Attached: 1464092723840.png (1024x576, 715K)

>Adobe products

Attached: 1557917860920.webm (960x540, 2.32M)


>MS Office
>Foobar 2000

Attached: snoy.jpg (631x482, 39K)

I tried to do this face but I can't. It almost feels like I'm unhinging my jaw when I do it and my eyes hurt if I try to do the weird crazy angle from below they all do.

Attached: 7nTnr.png (600x569, 187K)

what's the source for the James' YouNiverse and that other video?
I know the Mii S o y video

Someone please explain this fucking thread.

Fuck you

Buzzwords thread?

The James video (taken down) was a reaction to the Infinity War trailer
here's the Eric Butts Rise of Skywalker reaction

I have never seen a man with more estrogen than this far this year


I watched some unboxing video he did with his wife and she looks like she gets tired of shit shit. She definitely fucks other dudes. She's kinda cute in a plain Jane kinda way. Tfw not one of their bulls


Yup. Definitely has a bull

Attached: Screenshot_20190520-180211_Instagram.jpg (1440x2960, 641K)

Its weird. After spending so much time on Jow Forums anytime I see a white couple I can instantly realize that they have a bull. This race is screwed, it's so full of soi. The best examples left of the white race are people like me but I've specifically chosen the volcel life (for many reasons)
We are screwed

youtube comments are pretty bar

Attached: .png (620x1126, 135K)

im tired of these mean posts

Bull doesn't mean it's a nigger. Could be any man with an gram of test in his body

>computer science

Go back to

>Bull doesn't mean it's a nigger
Nah, it can be a spic too.
>short but well-endowed

> ">slack"
you don't belong anywhere near this board.

Attached: gohan retard.jpg (480x360, 18K)


based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled