What have been the greatest technological advances that the United States has generated for themselves in the last ten...

What have been the greatest technological advances that the United States has generated for themselves in the last ten years?

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Door Dash

nothing, usa is shit

Nothing, now who's that great looking Asian?

Candy Crush ?

Just non-cave rescue related Elon Musk things.

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The best innovators are overlooked. More importantly, the financiers profit the more than the innovators.

not sure if its innovation but its darwininsm for sure


the only developed country that somehow manages to have its life expectancy to decline

Gloryhole ?

idk but michael a. woodley thinks that general intelligence has been decreasing in the west since the 1850s for genetic reasons, and to test this hypothesis he looked at macro innovation rates (usually defined as huge, world-changing inventions like the steam engine, as opposed to micro innovations such as going from taxis to ubers) per 1 billion people and it's decreased from something like 8 per billion persons to 4 per billion, which if you think about it is absolutely nuts considering the advantages that technology like the internet should have conferred in making cooperation easier. he also looked at reaction time and showed that our reaction times have decreased since the 1800s despite our nominal IQ score going up which is further evidence of actual genetic, general intelligence decreasing. the explanation for IQ scores going up (flynn effect) but general intelligence going down is that people are simply getting better at gaming IQ tests - take raven's progressive matrices for example. people are getting better at coming up with methods to more easily solve matrices, e.g. through process of elimination, whereas people used to just directly observe the pattern and answer to the best of their ability. so the test's ability to measure actual intelligence has decreased. this is anecdotal but i personally experienced this. i scored 118 on a RPM which isn't an amazing score but it's pretty good. but i did "game" the system so to speak in that i think i developed systems to help me solve each problem. i score significantly lower on verbal tests that are harder to game (on the spot anyway).