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Use the fucking flash nigger
how are you supposed to stealthily take upskirt pics in darkly lit areas with the flash on?
>Dark alley after midnight in HK
Truly sounds like a great place to spend your evening.
Yikes is reddit-tier / El Reg - tier
Stop it. Its childish and shitty
what a load of shit you can clearly see a light source at the edge of the image on the huawei, this guy just changed the EV post the exif data you fucking chink.
And this one looks underexposed as well since they have the same lighting, yet the p30 looks like it had a nice big flash as you can see the iphone even underexposed has a lot less noise.
fuck yourself and your chink ass OP
i'm not an apple fan i could care less about them, but you sound like the fucking niggers who tried to tell me LG G6 has a better camera than my shitsung S5.
Fucking bullshit
> Being this much of a faggot
>light source in picture
>shitting in the street
That's crazy it looks like it might even be better than human vision
so now that they've proven that larger sensors are better for low light
when will they be putting large sensors into phones? I'd be fine with m43 and a huge bump in my phone.
Sorry fag boy your buying american whether you like it or not
>""designed"" in commiefornia
Wow, a true american product
it's over
applel is bankrupt and finished
>using Yikes
big oof
>using oof
big yikes
so this is the reason Trump banned Huawei
Hope so
It is, i own the non pro version, i often use the camera to look for screws under my desk.
does it have/lack some sort of near infrared filter?
Kek, all those downvotes from iToddlers
Uses two yellow sensors instead of a green sensor.
>people still shilling chinkshit even after Trump absolutely BTFO'd them and they will never be competitive again
Samshit is no better
Huawei is the greatest
Sorry I live in an actual free country.
Girls don't have penisses
Where else could you go to suck dicks to be able to afford an iPhone?
>Taken in Hong Kong
>shilling chinkshit
How do you lose so many screws?
Man's got a screw loose, dont bully him
you're the guy posting fake news to test the limits of retardation right?
sup dude
>light source
>I know nothing about photography what so ever
We are on fucking Jow Forums, what are you going to use that camera for? Taking pictures of your "battlestations" you fucking hack?
damn I guess I just had to get spoilered before the dvd and bluray rips got on torrents :(