Telegram X or Telegram?
Telegram X or Telegram?
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Telegram FLOSS on F-Droid.
Unless Telegram X is e2e encrypted by default, neither.
This but the way it is forced to use notifications/push service is cancer
Could you explain to someone who doesn't use Telegram?
You mean the way it actually works reliably without draining all yoir battery, unlike Riot?
None of them, because they use homemade encryption, i.e. shit encryption.
This permanently lives in your notifications.
Thank you man
yes it is not cracked and widely popular
X is faster and uses less battery on my device.
See Apparently this is required if you want to avoid (((Google Services))) on Android 8 or newer
At least I can permanently hide that notification on my Samsung phone
It drains the shit out of my battery
Right now their icons look reversed btw.
why cant telegram show me notifications unless i run it when whatsapp can?
It does if you have Google Play Services installed or keep the permanent notification of the FOSS version and disable the Battery optimization shit of Android 8+
X, but i really fucking wish they fixed the quick share menu. it's been years now, hasn't it?
>It drains the shit out of my battery
muh 3% battery after 24 hours...
I have GPS installed and battery optimization disabled (and the keep-alive service enabled for that matter), but I don't know about FOSS
Signal. Or Wire.
More like 10-15% before I disabled all Telegram notifications. It was better before I """""upgraded""""" to Android 9 with aids UI
What difference?
did they release their crypto algo yet? how can 3rd party clients exist and support e2ee if they keep the algorithm to themselves?
The problem wasn't that it was nonfree or unreleased but that it's homebrew piece of shit.
>This permanently lives in your notifications.
You know you can hide it?
Yes they did
>The problem wasn't that it was nonfree or unreleased but that it's homebrew piece of shit.
This is a myth. MTProto 2.0, the new protocol introduced in 2017, fixed those issues. And it was fully audited btw
Why did you do that? Starting with 8 everything that doesn't use Firebase Cloud for pushes is fucked.
ICQ is the future