/esg/ Earspeaker, Inferior /hpg/ Headphone General

How to request purchase advice:
Post "Which Stax is for this Budget?"

Jow Forums approved headphones:

Attached: 029385028734295.jpg (1200x800, 329K)

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/61srehjyaltd7w0/Stax SR-009S.pdf?dl=0
dropbox.com/s/dm0m6u3s3b4zqzl/Sennheiser HD600.pdf?dl=0

nostax incels will never sniff my feet.

Attached: stax chads only.jpg (1240x1753, 407K)

1st for SUMMIT FI

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Have some infographics

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Attached: xyqmHig.jpg (1734x1080, 493K)

According to this picture, Stax is not comfortable, but I found them quite comfortable - good weight distribution, easy fit/seal

Because it was made by a nostax baby listening on his plebdrop cans

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Have Stax

Attached: hailstax.gif (500x341, 437K)

Buy stax

Attached: Ngoc-Trinh.jpg (590x849, 90K)

You wanna pay for em asshole??

Which are the T2/T3 headphones in terms of price/quality wise? Im looking for some good headphones now that I'm already have my T3 IEMs.


You do realize T2/3 sound like entry level garbage?

inb4 nostax incel meltdown

delete this trash

AKG K612 if you are European. It's not even close with anything else.

They don't tho.

Do you guys have this high-pitched ringing in your ears after listening to music for extended periods of time?

ignorance is bliss

what bookshelf speakers can i buy for $110?
nothing audiophile grade, just something good-looking to sit on my desk for anime and podcasts

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Build one yourself.

Searching for an ANC headphone just for flights. No audiophile, just decent sound and decent/great ANC. < 100$

Good job OP, well done.

I need a cheap under-50$ pair of bluetooth earbuds, any recommendations? I can't walk about wihtout disconnecting the cord on my earbuds.

I am going to get a new headphone, I used to have JVC HA S600 and really liked the sound and comfort. but I am still not sure which ones to get.
-DT770 second hand
-Takstar Pro 82
-Sony MDR v6 (or MDR 7506)

I am going to use them at home with my laptop, outside with my mp3 player, or with my phone. Isolation, comfort, good sound are important to me. Also, they need to withstand getting wet in the rain when I use them. Detachable cable would be nice but not exactly a must.

Anyone have any advice?

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I want something wireless with great sound and great microphone for voip

Too outdated, most of these are terrible value for a price these days.

shp9500 and pair of iems.


turn the music down. With open backs you should be able to hear yourself doing finger snaps in front of your face easily. That's about 70db. If you can just barely not hear your finger snaps its 80db. Get a topping D50 so all the detail is still there at low volume, and set the D50 to -30 db.

Redpill on STAX for newbies: STAX is an old Jap company with outdated tech that was considered high end back in the 1960s and 1970s but sounds like ass by today's standards, so they went nearly bankrupt.

They were purchased by a Chinese company for just a million dollars who decided to market STAX to the audiophool "more expensive is better" demographic who buys those crappy $3000 vinyl players, they shill heavily on HeadFi and here on /hpg/. They also leveraged STAX's prior Japanese identity to market it to weebs, using Youtubers like Zeos.

>In December 2011, Chinese loudspeaker manufacturer Edifier announced the acquisition of 100% equity in Stax

Oratory has measured the highest end STAX, the SR-009S.

dropbox.com/s/61srehjyaltd7w0/Stax SR-009S.pdf?dl=0

dropbox.com/s/dm0m6u3s3b4zqzl/Sennheiser HD600.pdf?dl=0

It's worse than the HD600. HD600 scored 92 and SR-009S scored 76.

Recently Rtings rated STAX across various dimension, it's worse in terms of sound than mid-priced offerings from Hifiman and Audeze, and only got a 7.7 rating.


In a separate study:

>The very highest end STAX ($4000 SR-009) was rated lower in blind tests than a $200 K701


Download the PDF of the study at: mega.nz/#F!3MFm1DrD!4GlU_vNtEeF148kZcQ05wA

To add insult to overpriced injury, they have shitty plastic build quality that you would expect on cheap chinkshit headphones:


Oratory (respected sound engineer) on the build:


Even best Stax headphones sound objectively worse than mid-fi. This is why they don't demo them in store, they rely on the internet to create a sense of mystique around STAX and shill it as the endgame because its expensive, Asian, rare and obscure. In reality its no bass sounding garbage, Made in China snakeoil for the audiophool.

Attached: STAX chink.jpg (600x508, 108K)

>STAX is an old Jap company
Stopped reading

What? Are you gonna say its chink ? Because you'de be right.

Its now a Chinese company. Enjoy your plastic chinkshit.

Attached: stax chinkshit.jpg (600x400, 37K)

yea stax are very comfy. their drawbacks are the price, the overall fragility, the fact that you can't use standard amps, and the fact that they aren't portable or isolating in any way. people who try to attack stax on things like not sounding great or not being comfortable oust themselves as not knowing much about them.


New Thread

New Thread

So you convinced me, own Stax or take up a new hobby?

what hobby

spread misinformation?

Red pill me on cables. Thinking about buying a high end cable sometime soon but most people who shill them are kinda sketchy and say graphs aren't useful.

I had those grados and upgraded to Zeos favorited SHP9500. The difference in quality is astounding. I now will not recommend the Grados to anyone for any reason.

This is neglecting to mention the extremely long, permanent cord on the mdrv6 as a negative. It's the only reason to not get those headphones.

I need cushion replacements for both my Bose noise canceling 35s and Sony MDRV6.
Is it best to just pay out for the official ones, or are cheaper replacements fine? My concern is that if they split in the first place, then I'm just spending 30 dollars each for them to split again after another year and a half.

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shit thread

I want Stax but can’t afford Stax.

what do????

1st for my wife Miku!

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See if you can get brainwavs cushions for the mdrv6. Have no alternatives for the Bose in my head.

youre lookin for /iem/, not /esg/

Oh shit I'm sorry.

Sorry for what?

who/what is to blame for what /hpg/ has become and when did it start?

all of us

What’s listening to, user?

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what about em


up your budget $20 and get the micca rb42


If ve nmonk are so good why do they need arebsuperior? checkmate atheist

What utilize ye on stax user

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so i'm trying to get into /mu/core
amidoingitrite anons

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opinions on sony wh-1000xm3?

they're ok. if u want them, get them.

Post your setup

Buy Bose.

This but Stax