Talk to friend majoring in cs

>talk to friend majoring in cs
>he doesn't know what an ide is
>never heard of vim or emacs
>does all his cpp homework in notepad++
>ask him to fizzbuzz, hes never heard of it
>explain it to him
>spends 2 minutes making this
using namespace std;
int main(){
for(int i = 1; i < 101;i++){
if(i%15 == 0){

Attached: 1551135964616.png (1278x720, 765K)

Maybe he’s majoring in it because he wants to learn it you dumb faggot

He's above average for a CS major. Tell him we approve.

>talk to friend majoring in theoretical mathematics

dumb animeposter

Attached: anzu candy.png (600x800, 641K)

>OP is too retarded to format his code on Jow Forums

This except
Why do people bother with OOP in this day and age?

using namespace std;
int main(){
for(int i = 1; i < 101;i++){
if(i%15 == 0){

Attached: 1554491836121.png (1600x1079, 342K)

>he thinks computer science is still theoretical mathematics and not a code monkey degree

>he doesn't know what an ide is
Good. IDEs are shit.

there's absolutely nothing wrong with this. 2 minutes is perfectly acceptable if you'd never heard of fizzbuzz to make sure there wasn't a tricky gap in the logic.

After I saw his fizzbuzz I realized he's pretty based, doesn't even need an ide, he tried VS but the bloat rapes his pc

First time I tried doing fizzbuzz, it was my first day learning C and it took me 6 hours to make it work right.

>bitch about how his friend is bad at computers
>can't even post code on 4chinnel

Attached: 1355294588234.png (147x160, 36K)

I don't get it. What are we supposed to be angry about? That code seems perfectly fine.


int main()
int i;
int j;
for (i = 0; i

This the fizzbuzz thread?

main = putStr (unlines (take 106 items))
items = zipWith max nats tags
nats = map show [0..]
tags = tag "fizz" 2
/++ tag "buzz" 4
/++ tag "jazz" 6
tag t n = cycle (t : replicate n "")
(/++) = zipWith (++)

It is outside the US. I was shocked when I heard of someone doing CS at some state uni in Midwest USA and they learned java and not coding theory.

Who said you're supposed to be angry? My ignorant friend is based

that looks like it works wth is wrong with it

So what's the fucking point of this thread?

To brag about how cool my friend is and trigger some Jow Forumstards, obviously.

Attached: 1407053003384.jpg (601x583, 141K)

>he doesn't know what an ide is
he's better off that way for now
>never heard of vim or emacs
see above
>does all his cpp homework in notepad++
a bit dated, but nothing wrong with that
>ask him to fizzbuzz, hes never heard of it
>explain it to him
>spends 2 minutes making this
for never having heard of it and taking 2 minutes to make a pretty good solution, he'll do fine in cs. the fact that he went with 15 instead of 3 && 5 automatically puts him above most cs majors.

Brag about how he could do FizzBuzz? That's like bragging about being able to tie your own shoes.


int main(){
char const* fb[]={"%i\n","Fizz\n","Buzz\n","FizzBuzz\n"};
for(int i=0;i!=101;++i){

introductory cs students are usually told not to use IDE's for a good reason, it abstracts away a lot of what is going on under the hood with compile time errors and such.

Ew, why does he use wangblows?



int main()
char s[10];

for (int i = 1; i