*chews your cords*
*chews your cords*
Other urls found in this thread:
Train your puppy. I've had 3 since becoming an adult, and I've never had one chew a cord.
*throws off roof*
*leaves you in the side of the road*
Nothing personnel
*puts you in a bag and beats with a stick*
> chews your code
Is that a golden gitreaver?
What sort of stupid nigger can't even train their dog not to chew on shit it's not supposed to?
*chews your dog*
My dog only chewed on a cord once, when he was about 13, and of course it was somebody else's laptop adapter. eBay saved my ass.
*dog chews dong's dong*
*kicks the puppy*
where the fuck did this dog even come from? i have cats cats master race
based and chinkpilled
>show it the chewed cord
>beat it with the chewed cord
learn to discipline your beasts you dumb faggot
*chews your cats*
*chews your cords*
So, I'm not the only one who thought dogs eat cats the same way cats eat mice when I was a child, right?
>buying office chair in the first place
you deserve it
t. plastic beach chair master race
chinks must leave.
>Be me
>Never have problems with dog chewing cable
>buy x
>x comes with cable
>cable for the x device gets loose
>end peels off
>buy another x device cable
stop buying chink shit gear
Well, it's not actually "eating" like you eat pasta or burger. Cats just strangle mice and than play with their dead bodies. Dogs can bite cats to death but will not eat them like they eat insects or your dirty socks.
That's why you have to play with them you dummy.
what do you mean pets are living beings and I need to give them attention?
all gear is chink gear. Where do you think it all gets made?
My pup always used to curl up near my cords but never once chewed them. It did make me nervous though. Pic related.
>Apply shovel dog update
so cute
My dog was big on trying to chew cords as a puppy. One night I heard a loud squeak from the living room. Went to check and found he'd chewed over the christmas lights cord, the type you plug straight in the wall without any adapter. He's old doge now and has never touched a cord since that one.
So that's my tip when it comes to dogs chewing cords. Just let them.
God damnit I laughed at that harder than I should have.
your pet dog will die in your lifetime
how does that make you feel user?
At least it won't die alone in agony like some disgusting attention whoring anime pedo scum.
if doggo lived happy with me I like thinking doggo will die happy.
Happy to have spent whatever time I get with him. Go spread your misery elsewhere faggot.
*annihilates your keyboard*
Joke's on you, I'm 87 years old.
Everything dies fag. You're gonna die too.
a cute girl will never blush while talking to you
how does that make you feel user?
my dog chewed through a wire many years ago. I didn't realize she was doing it until I heard her suddenly yelp in pain and run off.
suffice to say she never chewed a wire again after that lol
Why would I leave cords lying around outside?
yeah one of my dogs (kinda not mine but exists in the same household, my actual doggo is a sweetheart) had to be let in cuz it was storming a lot and he was scared and i took away all the things for him to chew on since he was trying to chew on ink pens and shit and i didn't have any actual chew toys since my actual doggo isn't really that playful, but 5 mins later he proceeded to chew up my ethernet cable and i'm finally getting a new one tomorrow but i'm still irked about it cuz now i gotta go under the house again to route that bitch, fuck you benny
can you post a pic of you pettin him pls he's such a lil sweetheart
Why are you acting like a middle aged woman?
what do you do with your cords?
Route electricity.
*chews your beach gear weave*
Rate my cable chewer
couldn't have bought something less faggy?
My dog is more manly than your shit homo dad
cute nice sploot
puppy's that are teething will chew on anything. it's more important to keep them away from cords or anything dangerous that can shock them if they get a hold of them. and to monitor your pup and make sure they have a safe teething alternative like a chew toy.
*cuts balls off*
Just hit them every time they try to chew something. It's called negative reinforcement and works wonders.
i love dogs now suck my dick hoe
Oh, you're just a sissy American. Makes sense now.
aight then, later chink
Ouch, I cut myself on that edge bro
>Gets zapped by glorious 230v
>If lives through it, never does it again.
It's like the "stove is hot" kind of thing that everyone has to go through when growing up.
It's worked for thousands of years, newfag.
someone post that shovel german shpherd
oof and yikes pilled
Get married and have kids and you'll find you no longer need an annoying reddit furbaby to fill the gaping hole in yourself. I loved my dog when I was single but not long after my first kid was born I dropped that mutt off at a shelter and felt nothing but relief that I no longer had pet care bullshit on my schedule.
pet him for me, user, and say uncle Sam loves him
That's gonna be a yikes from me, duderino. Your heart must be pretty small to do that to a pupper.
Just teach your kids how to take care of the dog and make it part of their chores. It helps them understand responsibility and keeps shit like that off your back.
What do you except from an Amerimutt?
why do Americlaps kiss their dogs >n the mouth?
You feel that way because your shitting furball is the only outlet for your instinctual desire to nurture young.
I was clearly joking, you fools.
They're Germans.
Not this guy, but owning a dog is really not an overly burdensome responsibility if you trained it properly. I've got a massive great Pyrenees but I barely need to pay attention to it because it just roams around my property and kills coyotes. I think people should definitely get rid of aggressive breeds like niggerpits if they're considering having a child though.
Plebbitors take such predictable bait, they just can't help themselves.
Not everyone lives on an acreage and can let a dog roam freely.
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
my dad did this once to our dog, who we got at the pound
he drove about 7 miles away
dog came back 3 days later
Of course! This can only mean one thing. Dogs gain power from electrical outlets.
>I've got a massive great Pyrenees but I barely need to pay attention to it because it just roams around my property and kills coyotes.
You're a non-degen dog owner because you use it as a tool as originally intended. Unlike the rest of the numales in this thread your dog has utility beyond being an offspring substitute.
Then that person probably shouldn't own a dog in the first place. But that's a separate issue, I don't see how owning a dog would impede your ability to raise a child, and your argument that you are somehow less able to care for your child if you have to also put out food and water in a bowl periodically is weak. If anything, dogs can be used as a tool to teach your kid valuable lessons like empathy (clearly your father failed here) and mortality when it dies. I'm prob replying to bait tho
you're a literal nigger for doing that to your dog
No it's called positive punishment
Just but the rawhide chew bones/toys, it's good for them.
>being a breeder
>can you post a picture of yourself on Jow Forums
No, but here's another one of the dog chillin in a stream on a warm day last month.
Cats are more prone to do stupid shit.
let me guess. you let that thing inside your house afterwards?
people care about animals more than each other. fuck this gay earth
i want to be knotted but also don't want to have to take care of a dog or get v& trying to meet what do
Sound like you got some anger issues there buddy.
>descend from an unbroken chain of survival and procreation dating back a billion+ years
>end it just to buy yourself a little extra time feasting saccharine fruit of post-industrial modernity
I don't know how you can live with such a shallow and material outlook on life and not go on a hot date with a sturdy length of rope.
if God exists in this world he will have to ask for my forgiveness.
Cats are for faggots
What did you do? Your dad is mean
this is Jow Forums... odds are VERY good the person you're replying to is dealing with crippling depression and will commit suicide LONG before the end of that dogs life expectancy comes.
>buying a dog before having a kid
>having a dog without a stay at home wife who takes care of it
>letting your dog inside the house
look at this pseudo philosopher faggot. you think raising some whiny bag of shit makes you better than me somehow? I bet you sniff your own farts too cuck
Top-notch splat form Don't let the felines get to you
Enjoy your life while it lasts. Marriage is hell, that I don't recommend going through.
poofter dog