THREAD #3 2019.05.22 (late dinner edition)

Trustworthy brands (no CHICOM or ISRAELI spying):
1. AMD
2. Gigabyte
3. MSI
4. Asus
5. Acer
6. AOC
7. BenQ
8. Nvidia
9. Realtek
10. Asus




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say NO to ISRAELI MOSSAD backed threads on Jow Forums - Technology.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


>中華民國 Republic of China
This is the Republic of China General, welcome. Discuss TAIWAN manufacturing or go away pig jew.


add MSi and Gigabyte to OP next time

Attached: 1558483833849.png (918x492, 44K)

You mean the OP photo? OK, I will do that thank you.

clueless underage idiot

Wrong China you imbecil.

Image or just list them, up to you. They are both Taiwanese and anti-commie

The fuck is up with taiwan? Is (((greater china))) always stealing credit from taiwanese like indians and kikes like to do with everyone else?

Taiwan is where the Nationalist KMT government went exile, they are the rightful claimants to both China and Mongolia. Too bad the ISRAELI traitors in US recognized the fake communist rebels as the real government in 1972.

>Trustworthy brands


Taiwan - free democratic country which chinks don't recognize as a sovereign nation.
Mainland chinks - literally soulless communists
Hong Kong gets a honorable mention for being a state within a state but it's shady as fuck. Good for business though.

I use BENQ as my monitor
I use ASUS as my motherboard
I use AMD as my gfx card and cpu.
I use REALTEK as my sound.

>benq monitor
>gook cellphone
>gook keyboard
>zowie/benq mouse
>nvidia gpu

Attached: rvvxl4pstue21.jpg (480x345, 35K)

Taiwan is rightful Nippon clay.

Taiwan is Chinese (KMT), Japanese can take korea though.

>implying they want the dog eaters

Korea eat cats not dogs, I know I went there once

>Taiwan - free democratic country
Taiwan was a 1949 immigrant dictatorship that committed culturcide over the Han Taiwanese after the Chinese civil war.

Fuck KMT and everyone that moved to the island in 1949. Shame they'll get elected into power again, now the greens have approved gay marriage (70% Taiwan is against it) and other shit like that

We do eat dog though.

thank the kikes for that.

>committed culturcide over the Han Taiwanese
I do not understand. Taiwan Min Nan is 70% of the population. We are just doing the best we can temporarily. Project National Glory is on hold, haven't cancelled

>official whql tested drivers destroy graphics cards
>scam and cheat with drivers and anti-consumer schemes
>lie and fake info about graphics cards like gtx 970

>now the greens have approved gay marriage (70% Taiwan is against it) and other shit like that
哈哈哈哈 Looks like they revealed there true allegiance to ISRAEL-MOSSAD and COMMUNIST IDEALS.

They are trustworthy when comparing to CHICOM companies (huawei eg)

nice divide and conquer chink


Divide and conquer??? How?

Amd american,Nvidia american.
American stockexchange, American HQ, founded in America, AMERICAN BACKDOORS.CEO LIVE IN AMERICA.

Green and DPP are communist puppets, they are there to subvert Taiwan. KMT pulled China from brink and destruction, but Israel backed bandit Mao stopped Chiangs vision.


Attached: murican af.png (272x608, 76K)

>I do not understand
Invaders showed their trule colours by forming a dictatoriship and destroying local indigenous culture. In that regard, there's no difference between them and the CCP

not to mention jensen is a fucking founder and face of the company, not some appointed cuck

Prove Min Nan culture is gone.

Also Chiang Kai-Shek's son (KMT) brought democracy to Taiwan, ungrateful DPP pig.

Taiwan belongs to China, and China belongs to the Soviet Union.


God is communist.

God isn't human either so we both agree OK?

Taiwan only turned "democratic" because the Westerners would "drop it". I don't get how anyone who is not a descendant of the invaders or a deluded foreigner can defend KMT or anything the invaders did in Taiwan

God doesn't exist

Yes. But Marx is human, and his word is the word of God.
The conception of God exists, that is enough - as Marx will guide you through the rest.

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KMT did nothing but purge MAINLAND COMMUNIST TRAITORS. KMT brought DEMOCRACY to TAIWAN while COMMUNISTS brought TYRANNY to CHINA. I know that you are a ASHKENAZI

>Marx is human
But he is a communist so he cant be human.

freedom for
Inner Mongolia;

Your beloved KMT was funded and supported by the Russians.

Literally everyone helped KMT fight against Japanese. Even Nazis but they betrayed in 1940.
>Inner Mongolia
At least they are Mongolian

Communists transcend humanity as the next stage in our evolution.
Do not be afraid of the inevitable change, child.

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Coolermaster is also from Taiwan.

Except Stalin preferred KMT until the very last moments, when it was clear Mao would win since Western allies were weak willed faggots to intervene.
Hmmm, I wonder why the commie godfather himself loved the KMT so much.

You are either a white American or a seething American descendant of waishengren scum that is obsessed with communists

>Western allies were weak willed faggots to intervene.
Western allies only intervened when it was favoured for COMMUNISTS. They are FUNDED by MOSSAD

Taiwan should just balance its Min'nan, Hakka, and "Foreign province" population by copying policies from Belgium and Switzerland and Singapore, instead of trying to find and force commonalities between them

>he KMT sought to retake Manchuria and launched an offensive campaign against the Communists, however the Jewish elites in the US organised a ceasefire between the KMT and CCP, a move that would doom the Nationalists and solidify Communist Jewry into the Chinese power structure. The ceasefire allowed the Communists in Manchuria to regroup and prepare themselves for the KMT invasion. The worn-out KMT were immediately pushed back, and the Communists in Shaanxi (who had been hiding in the mountains for the majority of the Sino-Japanese War) united with Manchuria.

Huh so I guess western allies were more commie faggots than stalin himself then?

>The Soviets handed over control of Manchuria to local Communist forces.

I have no more time for arguements. Tomorrow is a busy day and I want to wake up and post tomorrow mornings thread. Please keep the thread hot thank you.

>Jewish elites
>Communist Jewry
so an American?

They only handed it over when it was clear KMT was done for. Soviets had more favourable terms with the amount of military control they would have in manchuria with KMT in power rather than Mao.
Just face it your KMT were foreign cock suckers, and they sucked commie dick the hardest.

>Shame they'll get elected into power again, now the greens have approved gay marriage (70% Taiwan is against it) and other shit like that
Referendum question:
Do you agree to the protection of the rights of same-sex couples in co-habitation on a permanent basis in ways other than changing of the Civil Code?
For: 61.12%
Against: 38.88%

Why this gay shit have to be everywhere. Cant these people fuck themselves in private.

He's obviously reading this right now and completely seething. He supports dictators and is an anti-semite, no surprises there.

Just because Intel is dirty doesn't make AMD clean. The entire architecture is suspect af.

This is civil partnership, not gay marriage. Chinese are homophobic in general, second only to Koreans in East Asia (a lot of evangelical Christians there)

It's not evangelicals. They have different perception of Male beauty (very Femboy by western standards) and they just don't conflate it with immediately it meaning that they are gay and only gay. Pisses them off when foreigners especially westerners come in and tell them "no that's gay, you just haven't realized" bullshit.
Kind of how it used to be alright to be bro'ish with your Male friends but since the whole goddamn sexuality revolution any hint of that is immediately taken as serious sexuality thing rather than lighthearted playfulness.

MTR Corps, Hong Kong Airport Authority would like to tell you something
From what I see at Taiwan and Hong Kong, the groups that are most fiercely oppose gay marriage are always Christianity groups. Specifically in Hong Kong, there might be a number of people who don't like homosexuality but barely any of them other than those Christianity group come out and make a fuss about it.
And I don't think it would be right to say
>since the whole goddamn sexuality revolution any hint of that is immediately taken as serious sexuality thing rather than lighthearted playfulness.
In fact this "playfulness" thing only started after sexuality revolution. In traditional Chinese society you can see many recorded instance of people into man, but they are just seen as some sort of kinky fetish instead of saying it is sinful or something like "it would destroy families".
After Chinese people contacted the western concept of homosexual, they started trying to understand the concept, and most people who aren't homosexual doesn't really do, and that's how this "playful" thing started.

For american brownie point ofc.


My Chinese Girlfriend hates Taiwan. She says it sould be part of China. I don't dare to tell her that I like Taiwan way more than Communist mainland China.

If they didn't want it, why did they try to get it?

based and redpilled

Does this actually repel chinks?

>Taiwan - free democratic country
Spotted a chink shill

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Is lenovo acceptable and pro-China?

Only KMT, those people who run to Taiwan after PRC establish, want mainland China back

It depends on where you paste this text and how the Chinese users read it. Clear text communication will be affected. If the user was using HTTPS or even some sort of VPN tunnel then it will not.

He was talking about Korea.

It wouldn't repel a Taiwanese obviously. Pisses off commuchinks though, pic related

Attached: dab.png (1673x740, 151K)

Pretty hard to tell consider that Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese people all eat dogs

He replied to a comment, saying that Japan can have Korea. What is hard to tell about this?